Chapter 22

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I had only been in the maze for a few minutes and I was already going crazy. It wasn't helping that Thomas and Minho were arguing nonstop. They were giving me a headache so I closed my eyes hoping the headache would go away.

I then heard a groan to my left, I opened one eye and saw Alby. I rushed over to him and checked his injuries. He had been stung by a griever and he had a sever wound on his head that was bleeding badly.

"SHUT UP!" I shouted to the two boys who were still arguing.

"What?" Minho said.

"Why is there a wound on Alby's head?" I asked him.

"I did what I had to do." Minho shrugged.

"Well done genius, now it won't stop bleeding." I said. Minho and Thomas' eyes widened in alarm and they came rushing over to where Alby and I were.

The bleeding still wouldn't stop and it looked like the griever sting was getting worse.

"What happens if they don't get the grief serum in time?" Thomas asked.

"We don't know, they probably die." I replied.

"Well we're all gonna die so it doesn't matter." Minho said.

I shoved Minho and scolded him like he was a child. "Don't think like that."

After what seemed like 20 minutes Minho got out his water from his runner pack. His face lit up when he was putting his water back. He got out a box and opened it; there was a bandage, a needle and thread. I snatched it out of his hand and immediately started to stitch Alby's head wound.

While doing it I said to Minho "We've been here for 20 minutes and now you find medical equipment."

"We've only been here 10 minutes." Thomas said.

Oh. I don't really have a good concept of time, I rely on the doors for the time.

Soon I had stitched Alby's wound up so it wasn't bleeding anymore. I was packing the supplies into the box when I heard a low moaning and metallic click. I recognised the sound as a griever. We all looked at each other and Minho yelled at us to follow him.

I was on Minho's heels when I heard Thomas shout to us about Alby. We couldn't leave him there for dead but we can't risk our lives to try and save his, for all we know he could die before the morning comes.

We ran back to Thomas and Alby.

"I have a plan," Thomas said.

We began to follow Thomas, I chuckled to myself because it was weird how Minho was being bossed around by a Greenie.

We rounded a corner and Thomas stopped, he began to test how strong the ivy was and they looked pretty strong.

The boys began to use the ivy to heave Alby up onto the maze wall, hoping the grievers wouldn't notice him.

The maze shifted every night and one of the doors around the corner began to open up and Minho's expression changed every quickly.

"Oh no. We gotta go." He said.

Thomas started to protest but suddenly Minho dropped the ivy and started to run off.

"Sorry Greenie, Lara come with me. Newt would kill me if I left you here. I sent an apologetic smile to Thomas and followed Minho.

I could see a 'T' junction up ahead.

"I'll go right and you go left Lara. Run like your life depends on it, because it does." Minho shouted at me before turning right.

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