Chapter 24

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I woke up with a crick in my neck. It was stupid floor of the slammer, it was so uncomfortable and it couldn't have helped that I was tossing and turning all night.

Teresa and I were still in recovery mode so we got the day off (except for looking over the maps) but we had to start work tomorrow. We were both sitting in the Medhut talking about anything and everything. I read some more of Teresa's writings and showed her my book collection. We gossiped a lot and I remembered that most girls liked to gossip – I guess we were just like them.

After we had talked about everything there was to talk about I started reading The Chronicles of Narnia and Teresa went back to writing another story. The story was so intriguing, my favourite character had to be Edmund. I got so lost in the story that I didn't notice that Teresa had stopped writing and started acting really weird.

"I need to tell you something." She blurted out. It took me by surprise but I was polite and put my book down.

"Sure," I said to her. She started playing with her fingers, I noticed that it was something she did when she was nervous. She mumbled something but I couldn't hear it so I told her to speak louder.

"I can speak to Thomas in my head." She said a bit more loudly. I was shocked, it should be impossible but in the Glade anything is possible. I always knew something was going on with the two of them but I never knew what. I could tell she was telling the truth because of the look in her eye.

"I believe you." I told her.

"You do? I didn't think you would, I just trusted you, and you're my best friend here." She said. I chuckled and told her that she was my best friend.

"Now you have to tell me a secret." She said. I was caught off guard and had to think of a secret I had never told anyone.

"I like singing." I blurted out before could stop myself. She raised her eyebrows at this and urged me to carry on.

"I always remember song lyrics at important times. I write them down and hum them when no one is around. But I don't know if I can actually sing." I told her. She had a glint in her eye that told me that she was thankful that I shared such a deep secret with her.

"You can't tell anyone." She said.

"I won't if you won't." I told her.



"Now you have to sing me a song, to see if your good at singing or not." She said.

I was about to object when I heard a crash from the room next to us. Me and Teresa both looked at each other and ran to the room.

It was Alby's room that the noise had come from and as soon as I opened the door Alby was up and going insane. I tried to calm him down but nothing was working. I told Teresa to go get Clint and Newt. A few minutes later she came in with Clint, Newt and Gally – no one asked for him.

Me and Teresa were ushered out of the room, we had to go outside. We wondered around the Glade and we were by the wall of names, Teresa carved out her name and we carried on with our walk.

We were by the maze doors when Minho and Thomas came out panting and stuttering. After they caught their breath we asked them what was wrong.

"We think we've found the way out." Said Thomas excitedly. I was in shock and I didn't know what to say.

"Is it true?" I turned to ask Minho for clarification. He nodded his head and I zoned out thinking about what this could mean for us.

I was snapped out of my trance when Newt came walking over. The two boys explained to him what they found. They knew that the cliff was the way out – thanks to Thomas having a memory but there's a code we need to find. I think it's in the maps but hopefully tonight I'll be able to find something. Another problem is that the cliff is home to the grievers, it's going to be a battle trying to get out of here.

Newt was shocked by this information but it seemed like something else was on his mind.

"Tommy, Alby wants to speak to you, won't say two words to me but wants to speak to you – great." Newt said.

"Why does he want to speak to Tom?" Teresa asked.

"I don't know but he wants to speak to Lara too." Newt replied.

We walked to the Medhut while Minho went to go and draw the maps for today.

When we entered the room Alby was a complete mess. It didn't look safe to approach him but Thomas being Thomas went up to Alby and asked if he was ok. In return he got a cold glare and a grunt.

"You wanted to see us?" I asked cautiously.

"Newt go." Alby demanded.

"But –" Newt started.

"Just go." Alby interrupted.

"After all I've done." Newt muttered while leaving the room.

We were standing there for a few minutes in an awkward silence until Alby started to explain what he saw during the changing. I was shocked, no one had ever tried to explain what they saw during the changing. He had seen Thomas and me, that three people now who have seen us during the changing. He said that the world as we thought it would be isn't real and is scorched. I didn't believe this, I had memories of me in a classroom and it didn't look like a scorched land to me. And he mentioned something about the flare. When he said the word flare something popped in my brain, everything in the Glade seemed familiar and that word brought it all together. I was having serious déjà vu. But I couldn't collect any memories on the word.

Alby had just said about keeping the maps safe but couldn't go on anymore as he got hold of a picture frame and whacked Thomas over the head with it, he fell to the ground unconscious with blood coming out of the wound.

"NEWT!" I shouted.

But as I did this, Alby got me by the throat and propped me up against the wall – he started to cut my oxygen supply off. I was finding it hard to breathe and I was getting dizzy. Black spots were starting to cloud my vision when Alby was knocked off of me by Clint and Newt. I hadn't realised that Clint and Jeff had come in but I was thankful they did.

Alby was restrained on the bed and with guilty eyes he begged for forgiveness and I gave it to him. Bruises were already starting to form on my neck, but as long as I didn't touch it I should be fine.

That night Teresa and I were studying the maps forever but we found nothing. We had to stop when it got dark and it was time for bed.

I hadn't realised how tired I was until I got in my hammock and fell asleep immediately.

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