Chapter 5

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Suddenly I'm not in the Glade but it looks like I'm at school. I looked about a year younger like 13 or 14 as I didn't know exactly how old I was. But I've seen roughly what I look like (through one of Frypan's spoons) and I can see myself sitting down, looking bored. This must be a memory, I think.

Three men come in and start talking to the teacher and I'm called and questioned by my teacher. A lot of the conversation is blurred out. All I know is that the teacher asked me about some other people and I point them out.

One of them is a girl with light brown hair that goes down to her shoulders. She looked really pretty with her hair bouncing up and down as she walked over to me and the teacher, although she did have a curious look on her face. The teacher flashed her a smile so I could tell that the teacher liked her and I could see why. She was a few inches taller than me but it wasn't much. She seemed really nice and I hoped that nothing happened to her. Then her name came to me – Maria, it suited her but I felt like it wasn't her name as it didn't feel right when I said it.

Next was a girl with dark brown hair, her hair was in two French braids that went down to her shoulders. She was smiling even as she was called over, this girl always had a smile on her face and it seemed to bring a smile to everyone else's face. I already knew that I liked this girl – how could you not. Her eyes were a dark brown that shone in the light, it was unreal but they really reflected her personality. Then a look flashed across her face as she walked past a few girls, it was brief and I had almost missed it but it was still there. I knew that something must have happened and I should have known that nobody is that happy all the time. That's when I started to remember her name – Frankie, it seemed so familiar but I couldn't remember anything else about her.

We are then all taken out of the room and after what feels like forever me and the other two girls others come bursting in excited. It brought a smile to my face to know that I was once really happy.

Then it time skipped and I was crying really badly and so were Frankie and Maria. We were in the same classroom with same people but the atmosphere wasn't happy like it was last time. Not only were the three girls crying but it looked like everyone else in the class was as well.

Then I heard the sentence "They're going into the maze and will have no memories of their past, but it's all for the greater cause."

I started to feel weak, how could I go from so happy to being sent into the maze? And how could it be for the greater good that teenagers we being sent into a maze full of monsters and had no memory of the past?

Then my past self being shouting and lashing out at the men. Saying that it was all her fault, then I realised it was my fault and then the whispering of a girl caught my attention. She was saying how it was my fault and it should only be me suffering. My past self didn't notice this and I'm glad because she would have gone mad at anything and everything.

One of the men brought a gun to the nearest person to him and people started screaming. I hadn't caught why he brought a gun to the girls head but another girl stepped out and volunteered to go into the maze as well, so the man brought the gun down. My past self looked distraught and I knew that she felt it was all of her fault. That made it four of them that we going into the maze, that were people that I actually knew.

The fourth girl was an averaged height girl with hair that was such a dark shade of brown that it looked black. It was in a side plait with some strips of hair curled and dangling to the side. She had glasses that suited her, they were big but not too big. She was really pretty and by the looks of it she was really smart. You noticed that a few envied her and didn't care that she was going but most were upset. When she got to the girls she hugged them. This showed that she really cared and was genuinely nice. Her name was Amelia.

It time skipped again to where my past self was watching the other three girls in water screaming for me to help but I couldn't and I didn't. They were losing air and I still wasn't doing anything I could see the look of guilt across my face and then I saw more men with weird guns aimed at me. That's why I wasn't doing anything, something would happen to me.

All of a sudden I was dragged to a tub and locked in, water started to fill the container and what happened to my friends was happening to me. I started screaming and then there was no more oxygen. I could see the pain in my eyes and then I started to feel the pain my past self was feeling.

I fell back and heard voices in my head:

"It's all your fault."

"Why would you do this to us?"

"And then you watched us suffer."

I started to scream and kept screaming.

I was shaken awake by Newt, I was still screaming but he, Minho and Alby were telling me that it was ok and it was just a dream – but it wasn't.

I stopped screaming and started to hyperventilate. Then I started to say repeatedly:

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault." And it was, three innocent girls are going to be sent into the maze with no memories because of me. At least I can hope that I'm not going to be the only girl here; its starting to become uncomfortable being the only girl here.

In the end I had calmed down and the three boys asked what was wrong. I explained my dream to them from beginning to end, never missing a detail. But after I explained the dream my head started to hurt – really badly, and the dream was starting to fade away. I burst into tears again and Newt put his arms around me, and I started to cry into his shirt.

After a few minutes I got myself together, I couldn't show that I was weak, after all I had only been here a day.

"Sorry about your shirt." I apologised to Newt as his shirt was now wet with my tears.

"Shhh it's ok as long as you're alright." Newt replied.

Alby looked like he was going to burst into flames, he looked so angry. But he kept it together when he saw me looking and he started to speak.

"Newt, call a gathering for tomorrow after lunch. I didn't think we'd need one just because she was the only girl but after she has had a memory we need to be worried. The first girl and she has a memory, somethings not right here." Alby said.

When he said it, it made me nervous and I'm glad that I didn't tell them about the song I remembered because I would be in serious trouble.

They all got up to leave but I was afraid I was going to have another nightmare and I needed some company.

"Newt." I said just before he left.

"Yes love?" I had to force back the blush that was threatening to appear as Newt replied with a nickname for me.

"Can you can please, I'm afraid that I'm going to have another nightmare?"

"Of course love." Newt answered.

Newt went and got his hammock from outside and put it next to mine. I thanked him and I drifted off into peaceful sleep without anymore nightmares......

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