Chapter 21

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I woke up refreshed and ready to give Thomas the tour. I chucked on some shorts and a black top, today it was quite chilly so I put on patterned cardigan. I did a French braid in my hair and walked down breakfast.

When I got down, Chuck was talking to Thomas about some random stuff. Thomas looked frustrated and was buzzing to ask questions.

For the rest of breakfast all I heard was the plans for Chuck's next prank and it was going to be on Gally – good luck with that.

Before I could start the tour I noticed Alby with a runner pack on. I walked over to where him, Newt and Minho were standing. I was greeted with a hug from Newt and a wave from the other two. I had Chuck and Thomas behind me waiting for the tour so I needed to be quick.

"Why are you going out into the maze?" I asked Alby.

"Maze?" I heard Thomas asked behind me. I mentally face palmed, this kid asks a lot of questions.

"I'll explain later." I explained to him and I looked back to Alby expecting an answer to my previous question.

"Minho found a dead griever yesterday, we're going to check it out." He replied.

Wow, this could be a clue that everything was going to change. I had a smile on my face but then I dawned on me – it could be a change for the worse.

I hadn't noticed that Thomas had started walking towards the maze until Chuck shouted. I started sprinting towards Thomas but I knew that I wouldn't make to him in time.

Out of nowhere Gally came and tackled Thomas to the ground and they both ended up tumbling to the ground.

A crowd had now formed around us all. Alby was trying to calm the Greenie down but he wasn't listening.

"TELL ME WHY YOU WON'T LET ME LEAVE, WHY YOU WON'T TELL ME ANYTHING AND WHY DO I REMEMBER HER!" Thomas shouted while pointing his index finger at me.

Newt put his arms around me protectively but I pushed him away and started to walk towards Thomas.

"You recognise me too?" I asked in barely a whisper but everyone must have heard it because I heard a few gasps.

Alby started to walk towards us with a scowl on his face, we were in deep trouble.

"You recognised him and you didn't think to tell me Lara?" Alby demanded.

"I didn't know for sure." I said. Alby just blanked me and turned to Thomas.

"What do you think you were doing? We're going to explain to you what this place is all about if you would give us a chance instead of running out into the maze." Alby said.

"Sorry," Thomas mumbled in reply.

"OFF YOU GO, BACK TO YOUR JOBS, NOTHING TO SEE HERE!" Alby shouted to everyone and the crowd disbursed.

We started to walk away but Alby stopped us.

"Not you two, you're going to tell us what you remember."

I explained that I didn't know much just that I recognised Thomas. But Thomas said that he had a memory where a girl was in a room with wires coming out of her head and ears. She was unconscious then I was being dragged down a hall screaming at the top of my lungs. I remembered this and asked Thomas to describe the girl, he described exactly what Amelia looked like.

"Amelia," I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that L?" Newt asked me while putting his arm around my shoulders.

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