Chapter 11

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I was dreaming of what it would be like out of the maze, everyone was genuinely happy and we didn't have to worry about monsters in a maze. But then a familiar voice interrupted my dream and I was starting to wake up.

"Newt, where are you shank, you're........ Woah!" The voice said.

"Well, I've been shucked and gone to heaven." There was the voice again.

I sat up still half asleep and felt a hand around me, then it all came back when Newt's hammock broke and he had to share with me. And then I saw Minho standing at the door with an amused expression on his face.

I nudged Newt and told him to get up. He sat up and saw Minho, his expression was priceless. Newt's face was pale and embarrassed. Newt got up out of the hammock and starting walking over to Minho who had a stupid smirk on his face. They started whispering but I could still hear them.

"Listen Minho, you know how we're best friends can we keep this between ourselves, please." Newt asked.

Then Minho took off running out of the homestead, I could hear him shouting but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Newt chased after him even though he wasn't wearing a shirt. Instead of following them I decided to get changed hoping that Newt would sort it out. Nothing had happened and I didn't like Newt like that...... did I?

Today I was going to be a Cook so I decided to put on a loose jumpsuit, navy with white polka-dots. I then put my hair into two French plaits. I found a white bow and put it into the side of my hair.

I then walked out of the homestead and walked towards the kitchen for breakfast, I was dreading it but hopefully Newt managed to keep Minho quiet.

All my hope disappeared when I walked into the Kitchens, everyone was staring, some wolf whistled and most started whispering to each other. I went a deep shade of red but I was hungry so I went to the line to wait for my bacon sandwich. Apparently Frypan does the best bacon so I'm looking forward to it.

I got my breakfast and went to go and sit down, I noticed everyone at my usual table including Newt, I took a deep breath and walked over.

I was about to sit in between Minho and Gally but Minho moved over so I was next to Newt. I sent Minho a sarcastic smile and sat down. The whole room was silent except for the occasional whispering of one of the Gladers. The bacon sandwich was really good, it was by far the best meal I have tasted from Frypan.

For a few minutes the silence in the room was so awkward when one the builders spoke up.

"It's so unfair, how comes Newt gets the only girl in the Glade." I just glared at him when he said that.

"Well, what did Minho tell you, I would love to hear what he said?" I replied. But before the boy could speak again Minho butted in and spoke.

"You and Newt were sharing a hammock, he was shirtless and you were wearing his shirt."

I rolled my eyes and replied stating the truth.

"Well, if you had stayed and listened to what actually happened then you would have heard the truth. So Newt was being a moron and laughing about the prank he played on me yesterday when his hammock broke but it was too late for anyone to fix it. I didn't think he deserved to sleep on the floor so I suggested that he sleep in the hammock with me, but it was just a friendly gesture."

Then Newt spoke up, "And I always sleep shirtless. Lara's pyjamas were dirty so I offered her one of my shirts. Next time get your facts straight." Then he got up and walked out of the kitchens.

The rest of the day no one said anything else to me about it, probably because they saw that they got the wrong end of the stick.

I was working in the kitchens and I loved it, cooking was so fun. I never thought that Frypan could be so bossy, but I guess he just wants everything to be perfect. When lunch came the cooks weren't allowed to have lunch at the start because they had to serve everyone else but once everyone else had their food we were allowed to eat.

When I was making dinner – Lasagne, Alby came in saying that we were going to have a gathering after dinner that included the whole Glade. That was strange, why would there be a gathering that included the whole Glade?

Dinner was really nice and probably the best dinner I've had in the Glade. Probably because I made it.

Everyone was sitting on the grass outside when Alby started talking.

"So I think that everyone is aware of the incident that happened this morning."

Oh, so this is what it's about. I didn't do anything wrong so I shouldn't be called out or anything. A few nodded and everyone started murmuring but Alby soon silenced them.

"Rumours were spread that weren't true. I would like everyone to personally say sorry at one point because we need to have an order and nothing should be distracting you and nothing should be spread, hurting others. However what did happen was against the rules so both will be punished. Tonight they will both be spending the night in the slammer, separate slammers." Alby continued.

This was so unfair, I didn't even do anything. I huffed, got up and started walking to the homestead. I got changed into my pyjamas which the Sloppers had washed and trudged back outside. Alby was still talking to everyone when I came out but as soon as he saw me, he dismissed everyone. Most came up to me straight away and said sorry and I just replied with a thanks.

Some baggers showed me to the prison which only had a chair that didn't stand up properly. They left and guarded the slammer from the outside.

That night it was so cold and I had nothing to cover me. Eventually I fell asleep and had an uncomfortable and cold night.

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