Chapter 1

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I wake up with a jolt, gasping for breath. I try and control my breathing, but that's when I realise - I can't remember anything. I start to panic but tell myself that I need to keep calm.

I look at where I am. There's not a lot of light, apart from a flashing red light, which reminds me of danger. I'm in a big metal box that's moving upwards; creating a horrible sound thats causing me a really bad headache. There are boxes everywhere - some filled with weapons and some filled with clothes.

I couldn't keep calm anymore so I start scream, hoping someone will hear me.

"HELP!" But after a few minutes of screaming I realise it's no use.

I go back to the fact that I can't remember anything. Who are my parents? Where am I? How did I get here? Why can't I remember anything? All of these questions floating around in my head. I keep trying but I can't remember anything useful like my name or my parents. But it's weird because I can remember necessary things like animals and ways to survive.

I don't know what to do so I go through one of the boxes and pull out a nice sized dagger. I sit down in the middle of the box and start examining the dagger - it's sharp and I could defend myself with it. That's when I hear a whimpering sound.


 I call out but there's no reply, I'm wondering if I'm going mad. The whimpering gets louder and that's when I decide it's real and I'm not going mad. I start moving towards the sound when I see a small figure, I get even closer to it. When suddenly the figure barks really loudly, startling me I tumble back hitting my head in the corner of the box. I can feel something trickle down my face - my guess is sweat or blood. I look at the little dog that's coward down in the opposite corner and gently move over to it. I recognise the breed immediately, a corgi. The dog looks so sad so I cautiously pick it up in my arms. It hesitates before snuggling into me. I look at the dog and come up with a name for the dog. I choose the first word that comes to mind - ditto.

"I'm gonna call you Ditto."

Ditto immediately perked up at this and starts jumping up and down like crazy. I can't help but laugh. 

After about half an hour in the metal box it finally comes to a halt. And a blinding light pierces through the box, making everything in the box visible. I make sure that Ditto is beside me and I clutch my weapon ready to attack. That's when I hear murmured voices like:

"Where is the shank?"

"He must be hiding."

"Those shuck creators better have sent up a strong one, we need more builders.

 What's with the weird words?  I thought.

Then a voice with authority spoke, shutting everybody up.

"Everybody slim it! Newt go get the shank."

The guy I assume was Newt, jumped in the box. I looked at him, short blonde hair that was messed up, sweat dripping down his face, and he had chocolate brown eyes. Quite attractive. Wait... What! I can't think like this, these people kidnapped me and now I think one is attractive. No I can't think like this.

When he saw me, he let out a gasp. Then the voices started again. And the same voice with authority shouted.

"Newt what is it?"

Newt started stuttering, 


"Spit it out Newt," The voice said

"It's a girl."

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