Chapter 16

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Today I got up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Today was the day I would find out which job I would get. The gathering was after breakfast, I was really nervous. This would be the job I could have for the rest of my life.

I looked around the room to find Newt and his hammock wasn't there, I expected there to be no Newt but where was his hammock.

I ignored the thought and got changed. I threw on a casual, peach lace dress and slipped on some peach flats to match. I put my hair in a side fishtail plait, I didn't even know I could do one.

I went down to breakfast, I couldn't see Newt or Alby but then I spotted them in the corner. I was about to go over to them but I noticed they were deep in conversation and it looked like they were arguing – I didn't want to get involved with that.

Instead I got a bowl of cereal and an apple and walked over to the table Minho was sitting at.

"Why aren't you in the maze?" I asked him as I sat down.

"It's a gathering today Greenie, all of the Keepers have to be there." He replied.

All of a sudden you could hear the shout of Newt. He was shouting at Alby, that took some guts, even I wouldn't shout at Alby.

Newt came storming over here with Alby hot on his heels.

"What's wrong?" I asked Newt.

"That slinthead said we can't sleep in the same room anymore." He replied glumly.

"WHAT!" I shouted.

"Sorry Greenie but there's no changing my mind." Alby shouted, I just glared at him.

"That's not fair," I whined in a stupid voice.

"Don't push it." Alby said sternly.

I was about to say something else but Minho whispered in my ear, shutting me up.

"You don't want to go there."

The rest of breakfast we sat there in silence, it was quite an awkward silence.

We were walking towards the homestead for the gathering, my heart was beating out of my chest. I was so worried. I didn't think it was possible by my heart rate increased when an arm found its way around my waist. Then I realised it was only Newt, I hit his arm playfully because he had frightened me.

"Don't worry about it, you'll get the job you want I know it. And I'll find another way for us to be together." He whispered into my ear before we entered the homestead.

The gathering had begun and Alby was blabbering on about some klunk I couldn't care less about. I listened when he mentioned for the Keepers who want me to put their hands up. My hands were sweating especially when no one put their hands up for a while.

I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding when all of the Keepers – except Minho put their hands up.

I knew why Minho didn't put his hand up, and to be honest I didn't want to be a runner – I didn't want to be anywhere near the maze.

I was about to choose the Med-Jacks when Gally spoke up.

"Clint why do you have your hand up? The previous gatherings you said you didn't need any more Med-Jacks. You hardly get anyone in so it's just a waste, Lara could be doing something useful."

All I felt was anger towards Gally, he had to have done it on purpose. Any chance of me actually choosing to be a builder had gone down to 0.

I felt my fist clench but I calmed down when I felt Newt touch my shoulder to calm me down. I felt tears well up in my eyes but I held them down, knowing crying wasn't going to get me anywhere.

"Clint you can reconsider your decision if you want." Alby said.

I watched with fear as Clint put his hand down, but then he hesitated and put his hand back up. I let out a stupid noise that was so embarrassing but I didn't care. I smiled at Clint and mouthed a thank you to him.

"I choose to be a Med-Jack" I said with a huge grin on my face.

"That settles it then." Alby said as he dismissed everyone.

Gally came up to me and apologised, Gally of all people apologised. I was surprised.

"Look Greenie, I'm sorry. It would have been nice to have you as a builder, you're strong."

He started walking away when I shouted to him. "Thanks, and I'll try to help you out whenever I can." He smiled and walked away.

The rest of the day I was a Med-Jack. I learnt most of the stuff I had learnt at training but I perfected all of my skills and techniques.

That night I was reading some more of my book, I don't know how long I was up but I managed to get halfway through the book. Rue was pointing to Katniss about the tracker-jackers. I wanted to read on but my book was snatched away by Newt.

"Hey what was that for?" I exclaimed.

"You can't read too much, I still have the page so don't worry." He replied.

I let out a sigh of relief, I didn't know what I would do if I couldn't find the page I was on, it had already happened twice and I had a panic attack both times.

I was on the edge of the deadheads and it was nearly dark so I knew it was time for bed. I was about to go to the room but I was pulled back by Newt.

"What," I asked.

"Sleep out here with me – in the deadheads, Alby can't tell us off then because everyone can see us." He replied, I smiled and nodded.

We sat under a tree, I could see the sky. It was so pretty, pitch black. But something was missing, I noticed it to be the stars and the moon. Why wasn't there any stars, or a moon?

I was about to ask Newt but I found him asleep and snoring. I giggled slightly and decided to ask him in the morning. I snuggled up to Newt and fell asleep in his arms.

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