Chapter 15

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I saw myself in a room with lots of screens, I was looking at something on the screens and I saw a pained expression on my face.

Then I was able to see what was on the screen, those girls again but this time only two of them were on the screen. And I recognised the third one – Amelia was sitting next to me looking at the screens as well.

I saw Frankie with another girl I didn't recognise running through a maze, identical to the one we have. They were running towards the path of a griever, I kept pleading them to turn around and go back but they kept going forwards. They turned a corner and ran into the griever. The other girl got stung straight away and I could hear the scream of Frankie.

Frankie got the other girl in her arms and started running back to the way they came from. They arrived in a large, open space but it was blurred so I couldn't see exactly where they were. Frankie had tripped and sprained her ankle whereas the other girl was hyperventilating on the ground.

Lots of other girls came rushing towards them and after a while they all made way for three girls, one of which was Maria. She was carrying a medical kit and injected the girl with some sort of liquid, I guessed I was grief serum because that's the only thing that can save you from a griever sting.

Then the scene changed to Amelia sitting on a bed with wires coming out of her head, she looked like she was in pain. All of a sudden she stopped moving and it looked like she was dead, I tried to scream but of course I couldn't because I wasn't actually there. It was just a nightmare – or was it another memory? It had to be a memory, it all seemed so familiar, and I was having some serious déjà vu.

Then everything went black I could hear the faint words of someone and I tried to open my eyes but it felt like they were being held down by a ton of bricks. The scene changed but this time I knew it wasn't a memory but a nightmare.

Me, Newt, Minho, Alby, Winston, Frypan, Zart, Gally, Amelia, Frankie, Maria and a few other Gladers were in some sort of forest but it wasn't the deadheads. We were all on some sort of podium and there were seconds counting down from 60. I immediately recognised it as the arena Katniss was in.

The gong sounded and everyone started running towards the cornucopia. That's when the bloodbath began, almost all of us were dead. Then I saw Minho kill Newt, I tried to scream but nothing came out.

Now it was only me and Minho left, he walked over to me with an insane look on his face. He got his sword out which was coated with Newt's blood and plunged it into my chest.

I woke up startled, I was sweating and panting. Newt was at my side and when he saw I was awake he engulfed me in a hug. We sat there for what seemed like forever when he spoke.

"What happened, L?"

I explained to him all about my memory and then about my nightmare, which was exactly like the book he got me. He wiped away my tears and kissed me, saying everything was alright.

Today was my last day of Keeper training and I was going to be a Brick-Nick, it was like a builder but they just repaired stuff.

I chucked on a loose top with some shorts. I put hair into a smart bun and was about to walk out of the door when Newt took my wrist and pulled me towards him.

"You have nothing to worry about, I will keep you safe no matter what." He told me.

I just smiled and then I felt his lips on mine. We were like this for a few seconds when the door burst open. Unfortunately we couldn't pull away quick enough and Minho was standing there with a smirk on his face.

Great, just great.

I begged Minho not to tell anyone, surprisingly he agreed and ran straight towards the maze doors and ran out into the maze.

"Well that's sorted." Newt said.

We walked down to breakfast, ate and talked until it was time to do our job.

Being a Brick-Nick was pretty much the same as being a builder so I didn't mind it because I was strong enough to do all of the tasks.

Dinner that night was pie and mash. We were all sitting down enjoying ourselves when Minho got up on the table and got the attention of the whole Glade.

"She-bean and shanks can I have your attention please." He called out, I was curious to what he was going to say.

He pulled Newt up onto the table as well and said,

"I would like to congratulate my best friend here." There was a long pause until he spoke again.

"He and the she-bean have been making out and are in fact going out." He said with a smirk on his face.

What a slinthead

Newt went bright red while everyone was wolf whistling and looking at me. I was pretty sure that I went redder than Newt.

I had had enough of everyone by now so I marched onto the table and everyone shut up.

"The truth is me and Newt are going out, I like him and he likes me." I said but immediately regretted it.

I couldn't take it back now so I went and kissed Newt, he was surprised at first but kissed me back. When we pulled away we could hear everyone cheering but everyone shut up as soon as Alby stood up with a scowl on his face.

I was in for it now, I was sure.

"You with me now." Alby said while pointing at me.

I reluctantly followed him to the side of the room, no one was talking hoping to listen the conversation.

"You mess Newt about and I'll throw you off the cliff myself." He said.

I let out a sigh of relief that I wasn't going to be punished.

When we went back to our room a few people congratulated us and I just thanked them.

That night I went to sleep in Newt's arms and had a sleep without any nightmares or memories.

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