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Be my morning sun ray shade
Be my new york ball drop kiss
Be my favorite coffee made
Be that train I missed
Be that shirt I stained
Be the smile on my lips
Be the reason I forgot why I came
Be my spontaneous trips
Be that moment I know things will never be the same
Be the reason I forget the way the clock ticks
Be the itch I can't scratch
Be one of my regrets
Be that one sock with the missing match
Be the alarm clock I forgot to set
Be the stars that I adore every clear night sky
Be the water puddle I accidentally step on
Be the fill on that missing line
Be the breeze during dawn
Be mine, be mine
Be everything good I love
Be every bad I encounter.
Be the setting sun
Be the ocean
Through all the waves and distortion
Will you be my ocean?
With some days too somber
Ill be in a daze, don't wonder
Im too caught up with you

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