Based on Imagination

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No I wouldnt be singing tonight
I might drown from the words that never left my lips
And this song doesnt help
Everything is gone
She walked away from me
And this song
Slow tempo and a pompous chorus
The words and sounds collide
Our story might as well as be this song
We are stuck holding both ends of the rope choking us
We were both holding what could stop killing us
And I wanted to stay
I want you by my side
I need you
But you are hurting because of this rope choking us
And no matter how much I want to run after you
We collided into one end
Everything was crumbling down
Tears are falling
No words nor sounds
We were at the end
And I saw a different ending for you
But that doesnt include me
Every step
You took
Farther from me
One step two steps
Four people away
I dont want to hurt you anymore
But I felt my own self
The rain decided its the best time to fall
Concealing the pain dripping down my eyes

I remember the day
And what you said
How it felt and how you said it
"Just tell me you want me to stay, you know I would. Just tell me this isnt what you want and I can pretend this never happened. You know Ill choose you but I need you to say it"
I couldnt say it
I couldnt ask you to love me and just hurt yourself.
I loved you too much and wanted nothing but the best love you can have
I watched your back
And you never looked at my way again

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