Chapter 3

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So here's  the thing...  My favorite love team just got together..  Likeofficially, real life, totaly true and I mean true true..  And in like high nutty freeeaaaakkkk..  Ive been dreaming about this forever..  So I am just so happy..  That's all..

***** let's begin

I would never thought that my best friend's idea of going out is practically dragging me out of my office and into some sophisticated club with a high end bar. I can't believe she knows a place like this.  Three years of friendship.

"Lea! Where are we going?  Lea?! " I hissed, but realizing with the music on she probably did not hear me so I let her drag me instead.

I look around the place, turning my head as I look up the ceiling like an ignorant newbie that I am.

The whole place is dim with colorful lights, like laser beams.. Green, red and blue and there is a twirling silver ball in the center of the ceiling just above the mass of dancing crowd. A disco ball, figures...

"Here we are" Lea exclaimed earning my attention, I looked at her as she sat down on a stool.

She patted the stool next to her with her hands, gesturing me to sit. I look down and slowly, sat on it.

" Bartender !" Lea called out and the guy up front holding a what seems to be a stainless glass thingy, wiping it with a clean towel turned to us and smiled.

I look around the place, there isn't that much people around, most of are men and women just chatting away with their drinks in their hands.

"Yes?  What can I get you, beautiful ladies? "The guy asks while giving us a dimpled smile,  he is actually cute.

"I'll have my usual" my friend answered , smiling sweetly, which the bartender returned.

When the bartender turned his back on us,  probably preparing LEA'S  unknown drink. I look at my friend.

"I thought you'd take me to a diner or something..  Its freaking six o'clock  Lea and you dragged me into a freaking bar, when I could be home and be with ma" I hissed while smiling.

"Psssh... That's your daily routine..  I mean don't you get bored and tired with doing the same thing over and over again..  Come on... Your mom probably went to a date again with her boyfriend or something" she wave her hand at me.

I was about to say something when the bartender returned with Lea's drink.. Which,  I really don't know what to call.

She took the bottle from his hands and dawned on it..  After a huge gulp or two she smiled at him and nod, then he left..  Probably attending to the other costumers.

This place is not so crowded though.

I look at Lea again as she finish her drink. As soon as she's finished I opened my mouth to retort on her previous sentence as she held her finger interrupting me and burf..

Freaking lady burfing in a public place.. 

I looked at her and laughed..  Oh my..
"I may have the same boring routine..  But at least I have manners" I grinned and look at her as she called the bartender again, ordering the same drink. 
"Besides, my mom does not date all night..  And she deserves all the happiness she's getting now,  after almost five years..  Its a good thing she's going about and dating" I smiled remembering my mother's enthusiasm on dating again..  She's dating a businessman she met on a charity ball we went to a couple of months back,  after all the encouraging..  She finally let loose. Seeing her happy again, made me smile.

"Even if you don't like the guy? " Lea's voice rung out and I looked at her,  my smile fading.

" I don't need to like the guy,  as long as he doesn't hurt her.. She's happy,  for once, genuinely happy"

Suddenly there was an awkward silence as I lower my head.

I heard a soft cough,  coming from the bartender.
The guy smiled and looked at me. 

"I've noticed that you haven't ordered yet ma'am" he asked.

Clearly trying to break the ice. 

"Ohhh I'm sorry,  I didn't come here to drink and all..  This girl here just dragged me" I answered, pointing a finger on the now laughing Lea.

"Cause she can't  get a life" she moans and lays her head on the bar table, looking bored.

I rolled my eyes at her..

"I know how to get I life Le, I'm just too busy with important stuff" I answered,  lowering my voice.

The bartender chuckles as I turned the chair around,  embarrassed..

Just as I was about to face them again my phone buzzed to life.
I took it out of my pocket and look at my bestfriend who,  suddenly, sprung to life from her limping posture a while ago and squints her eyes to me.

I hold up one finger to her,  signaling her that I would be back in a minute.

She huffed but nod otherwise. I mouthed her a thank you then went outside.

I went to the nearest alley not so far from the club but enough for the music to deminish from my senses. The alley was dark,  but seeing as its quite I choose to stay there.

I look down at my phone curious as to whose calling.
"Jericho " the screen flashed.

I quickly answered the phone. Switching to CEO mode.

"Yes,  jericho ?"

"Good evening miss.  I have bad news but..  Not so bad... The Singaporeans are giving us a hard time"

"What do you mean? " I asked,  this is not what I thought.

"They're  demanding something from you"  Jericho  responded

" What?? What the hell for" I can't help but feel frustrated..

"They want you, to expand your business with, not only in this field but they want some reassurance that you can be flexible enough to handle other fields on business but don't worry they're not rushing you"

"Okay,..  Listen maybe I'll have a talk to you tomorrow..  All this is giving me a headache..  And I don't need it now..  Okay? " I stuttered.

"Got that..  Don't stress it okay..  I might have a solution to this"

"We'll  talk about it tomorrow..  Please"

"Of course miss,goodbye"

"Thank you,  goodbye" I muttered ending the call. Then letting out a breath.

I begin walk back to the bars direction. I was contemplating on going home immediately when a pair of legs came to my line of vision.

"Well hello there" a drunken voice stated.

I looked up,  but seeing as its dark and only a lamp post giving me light,  it's hard to figure who it is.

I grabbed my phone and turned its screen. Letting it's light assist me on actually putting along with that gruesome voice.

And when I did saw a face..  I shivered in disgust.


No proof reading..

And im sorry.. I updated late, like super late.. I was busy with college.. Hehe.. Dont hate me if you see any mistakes.. i'm a ammature

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