Chapter 5

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Ive already figured out the plot and everything with this story..  And the only thing left is to actually write it..

That aside..  It's summer here and I had just tasted my first "balot" .. I know,  I'm a Filipino but I've only tasted Balot now, seeing as I am nineteen at the moment..

I think i'm  allergic with it..


We walked for about a couple of minutes in silence as we entered the bar and I try to find my way to Lea.
Still shaky from the incident a few  minutes ago.

"Lea" I called out to her with a shaky breath.

She was talking to the bartender, the same one, awhile ago.
She looked at me, a look of relief washed over her

"Abe.. Where have you been... I thought you'd only take a minute?" she asked with worry.

I looked around, trying to find an excuse then I remembered the guy.
I turned around and pull him to my side.

"I met someone" I said as I look up to him and smiled.  Thankful that he followed me. Or did he?? I'm just thankful.

He arched his eyebrow sending me a look that questioned my actions.

I grinned and motioned him to go along.
He looked like he got the point and smiled.

"Ahhh yes, I'm Henri,  Hi.. Nice to meet you" he said, shoving a hand to her.

She smiled brightly and gave me a knowing look. I just rolled my eyes. Of course.

"Hi.. Name's Lea.. " she stated as she look at me, we had a silent conversation..

You are spilling the beans later

Okay okay.. Just don't scare him

I'll try..

Lea grinned, showing her teeth and I rolled my eyes.

Oh god.. What is she thinking?

"Lea .. What time is it?? " I asked her through my nose, trying my best to give her a hint to stop whatever she's thinking.

" Ahhh " she breathed then looked down her watch to see what time it is.
"It's almost 8 my dear friend" she answered with an evil grin and a fake cowboy accent.

I want to slap my face right there.

I heard Henri laughed from my side due to my silly friends actions and the sound of it was so contagious that I found myself laughing as well.

" You two are Kyu oot " Lea stated making Henri and I stop,  honestly I don't know why we're still laughing.

" I'm sorry his laugh was just.. " I said with now only giggles, I glanced at Lea then back to Henri that was just smiling now.

"I can see that " Lea continued her creepy grinning, as she continues to look at us and she flipped her hair.

Oh no.. Not good

" So buddy what do you want from my best friend..  Only good intentions are accepted here ....  You hurt her, I cut the only thing that makes you a man" Lea rambled as she slowly stood up from the bar stool she was sitting on and pointed her finger at Henri's direction, her face all so serious.
She moves forward taking slow and dangerous steps,  towards Henri and I, more towards Henri though.

I wanted to laugh. I glanced to my side and took a peek at Henri's face, he has his mouth hanging open as he look back and forth, at me then at Lea, which was priceless.

" And I'm very much available as a chaperone, I want to be included with everything and food too " she pointed out putting her hands in her hips.

" Ahhhh" is all that me and Henri could say.

" What? " Lea asked waving her hands up in the air then eventually crossing them on her chest, her face back to its seriousness .

" We just met Lea and I don't think we'll actually go to the point of dating."  I said while putting a hand over Henri's shoulder, making him calm..  Sure Lea's fun and all but she can be scary if she needs to be.

Henri look at her with a smile on his face.

" It's okay.. Abe and I met on a rather comprising situation really " he replied looking at me.

" What?? " Lea asked her head tilting to the side, eyebrows shot up..  She slowly walks to me.
" What's he talking about? " she lowered her head to me.

" Look Lea,  I need to be home...  Mom is probably worried" I told her,changing the topic and  stomping my feet like a child.

Lea sighed, closing her eyes. She looked around us, her hands still on her hips.

Then she grab my hand and drag me elsewhere. Like in reflex, I too drag Henri along with us.

" Just this once baby girl..  Live a little" she said as she finally stops, in the middle of the dance floor no less.
" What am I supposed to do here? " I asked her as I let go of Henri.  I look up to him and dusted off the imaginary dirt on his shirt..

I'm sorry
I silently apologize,  after the incident awhile ago..  I wanted Henri around..  For safety purposes.

" No worries.. I'm not really having a great night..  And this is interesting" he said, shrugging his shoulders with a smile on his face.

" Tell me about it " I rolled my eyes and playfully smacked his arm.
" Thanks alot" I told him again and stared at his face for a few seconds,  just admiring him.

" I'm glad to have helped" he said still with his dashing smile,  looking down at me.

We stayed looking at each other for awhile then we heard a fake cough coming from behind me.
We snapped out of our little trance  and looked at Lea, her grin so creepy while her arms rest on her chest.

" Dance floor..  For dancing..  Not ogling with sparkles on your eyes..  Drooling over each other " she said,  amusement clear in her voice as the lights and sounds in the bar danced along with the music.

It's surprising we can still hear each other talk.

We looked at her and glanced to each other.  Henri smiled and I felt heat crept up to my face as I look away from him and to Lea, whom was now grinning immensely while shaking her head and gestured us the dancefloor,  ever so dramatically.

" I need to go home" I told her sternly.
I was about to go to her when she started walking away from me but hands held my shoulders, spinning me around.

I was crashed into someone's chest, and by someone I mean Henri.
I look up to him with confusion then he said.

" Just one dance,  can't I get a reward from saving a damsel in distress? " he asked while putting his hands on my waist holding me close to him as he slowly swayed us back and forth along with the melody of the song.

" Relax..  " he whispered down my ear,  his breath fanning over my earlobe  as I slowly let go of my nerves and close my eyes.

****** no proof reading.. I just typed and bam!!! Update.. Hehehe sorry again for the errors..

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