Chapter 15

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After an hour and a half of going through my clothes in my closet I look at the mirror inside my room.

“Now that’s a dress.” Lea commented, looking proud of herself.

Why do I suddenly feel like a successful experiment?

Lea, so dramatically wipe the invisible sweat on her forehead and ran a hand through her hair. She sighed loudly, sounding tired as she stands up and stretched.

She stepped close to me and held my shoulders while she said
“Let me tell you girl, dolling you up was all the work-out I need.”
“I deserve a reward for this.” She continues as she painfully tries to shed tears.

“It’s not plastic surgery girl, but thanks for dolling me up” I rolled my eyes at her dramatics.

I shoved her and she sat on my bed once more as I began to clean up the mess in my room, some of my clothes are on my bed and my vanity table is full of Lea’s make up instead of my laptop and medicine.

“I think I’ll have Rosa’s famous sweet bread and pancakes.” She jumped off my bed and ran straight outside.

I blow a stray hair off my face as my hands are full and arranged all of my scattered clothes back into my closet where they belong.

I look at the mirror one more time, caressing the fabric of my dress, this is my dress on my college graduation.

A bitter laugh escaped my lips, how ironic, that when I first wore this 2 years ago, I was full of dread and stress. Looking back, it was a miracle I was able to juggle the company and college.
Shaking those memories off my head, I took a huge breath and walk towards the my rooms door.

When I found Lea in the kitchen, she was munching Rosa’s sweet bread while listening to Rosa and Ma’s conversation, her back against me and the two ladies under deep conversation.

A great idea came to me.

“BAAAAAH!!!!!” I shouted at the top of my lungs as I launch myself and grab Lea’s waist.

Her body shot up as she jumped so high I was afraid her butt’s going to land on the chair she’s sitting on painfully.

”Motherf***er!!!” Lea’s face contorted with pain and shock as her body slammed into the chair.
I actually winced as the sound of her bottom hit the wooden chair.
“That hurt like hell! You bitch!!” she shouted as she tried to massage her back.


I turn my attention to Ma and Rosa as they too were victims to my prank.

“I couldn’t help it Ma.. it was too tempting” I smiled sheepishly.

My mother shook her head in disapproval but I didn’t miss the small smile on her lips as Rosa tried to calm herself, laughing at Lea though.

“That really hurt like damn” Lea continue to massage her hips as she drank her glass of milk.
“You are a devil in disguise”

“Language Lea dear” Ma scolded as her and Rosa continue their talk.

“Such a cry baby, it was just a little scare, payback for all the times you did that to me.” I offered my hand which she took.

“Yeah, Yeah.. I’m still better at it”

“Whatever keeps you asleep at night” I said in a taunting voice.

“It’s already 8, don’t you want dinner first?” Lea asked as we begin to walk outside.

“I already ate, I’ll drive”

Taking the keys from Lea’s hands, we made our way to the garage.

“Thank God, I can’t feel my hips” she whined.

“Baby.. “ I smiled as I unlocked the door with the car keys remote.

We hopped inside and drove our way to the bar, I asked Lea for directions though.

“I can’t believe you don’t know your way here” I hear Lea as the bar came into view.

“Yeah cause I come here all the time.. right..”

“You were here with me..” she insisted.

“That was one time Lea, and how long has it been almost two months, by the way you also dragged me here, besides we’re already here, shut your trap”

“Fine…” she grumbled as she opened the door after I found a good place for us to park the car. Then I saw the same alley again. I shudder at the memory of it. Note to self, don’t go there answering phone calls.

“Let’s go Abe” Lea called out.
“What are you spacing out about?” she asked.

Right, she doesn’t know what happened. I’m not planning on telling her either.

Lea grabbed my hand and once again drag me inside the bar.
Once we’re inside, I would say little to none has changed.  As I felt a tug on my hand, I look straight towards where I know Lea would go.

“Hey!!!” Lea called out to the bartender.

“Well hello there Lea, long time no see?” he said as we’ve meet with his pearly white teeth as he smiled.

“The usual please”

“Right” he nodded, but he still looked at Lea, or something behind Lea.

It wasn’t until Lea turn her head to me that I realize I was gawking there like a pigeon.

“Ohhh I’m sorry, I won’t be drinking, I’m the DUFF in this friendship so I’m always the designated driver.” I laughed awkwardly.

“That’s not what happened the last time” a voice came from behind me.

“There you are Henri my boy” Lea suddenly perked up and stepped forward leaving me in between the two of them.

I remember him, how can I forget the guy who save me from my alley fiasco. He still looked very handsome, more so tonight..
I remember that odd feeling when I danced with him, and then I felt my face heating up I look down to cover my cheeks as I try to simmer down the blush. Thank goodness its dark here.

But what’s he doing here? He must be a regular here.

“So you came” he said while his eyes trained to me.

“Yeah, Lea here dragged me, again” I emphasized in again.

“Thank you Lea, I have to admit, it’s hard to track you down” he gestured me to sit down at a seat just a little further away from Lea.

When I look back, I see Lea tipping the glass of her ordered drink at me as she nod and wink.
That devil, she set me up.

“I’m sorry” I hear him.
He probably noticed me looking at Lea with a murdering look.

“It’s just that after that night you didn’t really come back here, not that I blame you” he smiled as he again gestured me to sit down, he then followed suit, sitting down just next to me.

“Lea came here the next day after you two were here and I asked her about you, she told me you were busy” he continued.

“Ohhh yeah, this past month has been hectic, but you asked for me?” I tilt my head sideways.
“Yes, remember that guy from the alley” he asked.
“If you’re not comfortable talking about it, its fine, just wanted you to know he’s been dealt with” he called unto the bartender and nodded.

“Did you mention anything to my crazy friend.”
Great if Lea knows then Ma knows, then Jericho knows, I’m surprise Jericho doesn’t know or he hasn’t said he did.

“Thanks” the bartender handed him a glass of what looks like soda, but I don’t know anything about that.

“No probs boss” the bartender responded.

“Nope, I just told her I wanted to see you, of course I did that issue aside.” He cleared his throat and finished off the remains of what’s left in his glass.

“I want to make sure my guests won’t regret coming here.”

“You own this place?” surprised, I once again look around the place.

“This is one of my bars around the state.”

“Here I thought you just like to party here.”

He laughed and stood up.

“You want a tour of the place?”.

“A tour?” I laughed.
“I don’t think you need a tour when it comes to bars.”

“You’re right, just wanted to get out of here.” he chuckled as he held up his hand for me to take.

“I thought you want to attend to your many guests.”
The place looks very alive with the lights and music along with the sea of people just dancing in the middle of the dance floor and some chatting amongst themselves while drinking, in the safety of their booths

“Everything’s covered by the security and my assistant will just contact me if something happens” he said.

Persuasion is one key point in being a good business man, although he doesn’t really need much of it.
I took his hand and he guided me out of apparently, his bar.

“Well my friend be alright in there?” I asked as we stepped outside and was met by the night air.

“Don’t worry, I promise I’ll bring you back afterwards.”

“Where are we going? You’re not gonna kidnap me and kill me right?” I asked.

“Honestly, I just wanted to go get some dinner, I’m starving, there’s a small restaurant just a few blocks from here, you don’t mind walking right?” he said as we walk side by side.

“I don’t mind, but I’m afraid it’s a little chilly for what I’m wearing right now.” I wrap my arms around my shoulders as much as I could.

“Here you can have this.”
As cliché as it is, it felt nice to be in that moment, where a guy gives you his jacket as you become wrapped around the smell of his cologne and a hint of his warmth.

“Don’t worry, once we’re there I’ll treat you to on of the best sandwiches and shawarma in town.”

“Oh, Henri.. it’s been a long time since you last visited us.”
We were greeted by a woman in her mid-40’s and base on the clothes and the small notepad she’s carrying, she should be a waitress here.

The restaurant Henri brought me has a feel of home into it, with its simple and cozy décor and tables and chairs line up in rows as the counter is up ahead.
Just like any other simple restaurant out there.
From the bat, I could smell the beautiful aroma of herbs and I’m betting money that this restaurant probably has a secret recipe or something.

“Hey, Bea.. yeah it has been awhile, I miss this place.” Henri took a huge breath and I look up to him and smiled as we went straight to one of the wooden tables.

We sat down and Bea was right up our table.

“So, would it still be the usual for you Henri?” she asked as she flips her notepad and takes her pin that’s up between her temple and ear.

“You know it.” Henri smiled and winked at her.

“And you dear?” she then turned to me.

“What would you like to recommend? This guy here told me that you can one heck of a shawarma.”

(To those who doesn’t recognize what a shawarma is, it’s like a taco.. but with no avocado, or at least that’s how I see it)

“I see, believe he forgot to mention a few things but sure thing doll.”

She taps her pen into her notepad and the proceeded to where I believe where the kitchen is.
I leaned back.

This place feels lovelier and lovelier every second.

“So, how do you find the place?” Henri asked, genuinely interested in my opinion.

“I love it, it feels cozy and it even smells great, reminds me of my place”. I told him.

“Good, cause you’re going to love the food even more”

“I have to tell you though, I’ve already eaten, so I might not eat that much, but I’m pretty sure if the food is as good as you claim it to be then I’ll be sold.” I laughed as I take off the jacket and handed it to him.
“Here, it’s warm here, I won’t be needing it”

“Keep it, you’ll be needing it when we go back.” He said, gently pushing the jacket to me.


After 10 minutes of waiting, steaming hot food came to us in trays, as Bea handed our plates to us the whole aroma of the dish hit me in the face and my mouth watered.

Don’t get me wrong Rosa cooks a mighty feast, but Pa used to cook for us back then and it always felt like this.

“Here try this.” I look at Henri and the dish his giving me.

“A bun?” I asked, I saw one of these in some Chinese restaurant.
“This place has everything.” I was excited for food for once.

“Yeah, take a bite.” He placed the plate in front of me and there it is, a fluffy, steaming white bun.

“Let’s dig in.”

Four dishes, three buns, one of which we shared, two cups of coffee and an almost 3 hours of talk and laughter later, we see ourselves out of the restaurant.

“I can’t believe we lost track of time.” I look at my phone to see that it’s already 12:05 in the morning.
I pulled Henri’s jacket closer as we step outside, the evening air proving to be colder than when we came in.

“Well, after the warm macaroni soup I forgot what time it is.” He confessed.

“I hope Lea won’t kill me.” A soft and sarcastic laugh escaped my lips.

“Don’t worry, she’ll kill me first before you.” He turns to me as we walk our way through the sidewalk, the town street lights guiding us.

I’m shocked, after tonight my view on Henri changed, if anything I would think Henri is a totally different person as to when I first saw him.
I always thought he was a very serious man with how we first met.

A smile appeared on my lips as I look forward.

(I’m actually imagining the whole thing but I can’t make it too long.)

“How did you get to be friends with Lea, don’t get me wrong, last time I saw you too you weren’t really the all buddy-buddy”?
I cocked an eyebrow at him.
“Are you talking dirt behind my back?” I joked.

He raised his hand as if he was caught red handed, shaking his head.

“Not like that.”
“I’ve always notice her in my bar almost every other night, two nights after I met you, I saw her again although you weren’t with her, seeing as she was your friend and I needed to talk to you, I approached her and ask a few things, I even got her number.” He explained.
“I really want to get to know you, perhaps be friends?”

“I see, about the incident in you bar, doesn’t really bother me anymore, especially that its all cleared up and its only an isolated case, thank you for that.” I paused for a moment as we crossed an intersection.

(I really need to work on the pace of this story, seems a bit too slow for me)
And also..  Sorry about it being so.. Boring hahaha

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