Chapter 22

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I'd like to apologise for the loooooooongggg wait, my work required a lot of attention and I just didn't get the time to update anything.. I'm so sorry..

"Right, but I do need to tell you something" Henri started, as he guides us to where our seats are.
"I didn't expect them to come to the firm while I was there" he whispered among the group as we arrived at our table and settled ourselves in our chosen seats," Although I did tell them that I was meeting someone else and we wouldn't be able to fit in the tables here" he continued to tell us almost whispering.
"What are you talking about again?" Lea absentmindedly asks what was on my mind probably J's as well. "Why are you rambling?" She continued.

Henry's gaze focused on me, smiling like he was caught with committing a petty crime as he scratched the back of his head.
"Right, well...." He looked at the table just across ours and smiled. "Is that?" Lea asked as she made the most sour face she could muster and I have ever seen her made and then I realized who it was, it was Elizabeth or as Lea calls her "Awful Betty" she was with a couple of ladies. Lea reached out for my hand and gripped it so tight that I know she's currently calling out to any deity she could think of.
J looked at the both of us as the arrangement is the guys are sitting across us. "Let's just order our food first, you were hungry right?"
"She better not come here or I'm gonna be not so happy" she grumbles and lets me go. With an awkward smile Henry said "I don't know why and I'm not actually sure if she followed me here or something"
"Do you have like a something, something, or what?" Lea said as J and I ordered our food and I wouldn't lie and say I'm not eavesdropping a little bit.
Henry strongly said no and we went on talking about the food. As we finished ordering and is waiting patiently for our food. I asked Henry if there are any updates he can give me.
"I only know about the video and that we have identification for one of the suspects, I talked to the police just this morning and they aren't certain if there are any other motives other than robbery, that is until they find the identified driver of the other car, How's James by the way and your mom?"
"They're both recovering" as I said that our food was given to us and Lea being Lea started eating right away. She must've been really hungry then, we were half way through our lunch and idly taking when we hear someone call our to Henry, we looked at the owner of the voice as she slowly approach us, her companions leaving the restaurant first.
"Please, no" Lea mumbles as she stands right at the side of our table, her red dress accentuating her slender body and her very strong perfume covering both or my nostrils.
" Here I was, almost fully enjoying my meal" I heard Lea said while she not so subtlety throws her chopsticks, her plate clinking. ( I don't know what to call the plate noise.. I'm so sorry)

"I was wondering why it smelled funny here, must be your cheap perfume cousin" Betty, I mean Elizabeth sneered, while covering her nose with her hand. Hearing this, Lea laughed "Really? I was wondering where you're getting all that money to buy that pungent, smelling like rotten strawberry perfume, how's business doing with Uncle cousin, still hanging there?" As she said that Elizabeth's face turned ashen one second and then angry the next. "What are you implying?" Betty replied. 
"We both know what I'm talking about" Lea urged, playing with her chopsticks, this is not a very ideal lunch and interaction and right as Betty was about to answer, "I don't think this is where you should be talking about that girls, if you've forgotten we are in a restaurant and walls have ears" J stated. "Yes, that's true and we are eating right now, if there is anything else we haven't discussed yet Miss Elizabeth that is business related, I'd rather talk to your father if you don't mind" Henry followed up with a little more emphasis on the word, "Business related".
And with that statement, I looked at Henry with the intention to ask him about it but I wasn't in the position to do so.
While Lea looked away from Elizabeth with the latter leaving our table as Henry finished, I breath in a sigh.
"Excuse me for asking this, I know it's none of my business but.. how are you related to Elizabeth and her dad?" After paying and getting out of the restaurant, we then outside, J suggested that we take a short walk to get air but I'm certain that it for Lea to   calm down.
We were all outside and walking towards the parking lot, Lea and J walking ahead of us when Henry stopped and I followed him.
"Just business, it's mostly with my parents, I think it's about this issue and they have with their company, I'm not sure about the details" he answered.
"Then why would they come to you?" My face reflecting the confusion that I feel.
"My mom already rejected the idea, I think they hope to change my parents minds through me"

"Don't trust them Henry, just don't, even my father doesn't trust that father and daughter duo, I'd love to give you more details but that would also ruin my family's reputation and my dad worried so.. just don't trust them" I didn't even notice Lea.


So.. I read the comments and I'm really sorry for those who are confused, the story that I'm thinking about is pretty long( I'm planning on shortening it, and it hasn't really build up much yet, trust me it'll all make sense soon, I hope hahaha I'm very bad with this and got discouraged a lot) I'm very sorry

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