Chapter 4

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Okay... I've noticed that in only 5 in the afternoon I've written that it's dark.. Hahaha what the.. I'm sorry.. It's six already..
Finally figured out the plot into this thing..
And hopefully, that would mean earlier updates.. Depends on my schedule though.. But I'll try my very best.. *fingers crossed *


I had to fight the urge to hold my breath as his breath fans on my face, smelling like beer and something I have a hard time describing, it's just bad... Bad breath. The light that my phone shone gave me a slight peek of the man standing in front of me, not that he looks like a man in the moment.

He has a balding, round head, with blonde hair on either side of it, his facial hair unshaven. He has tattoos running down on one of his biceps and a bulging beer belly. He wears a tight sleeveless leather jacket with a white shirt underneath, smirk on his face...

A not so handsome smirk.

He reminds me of those bikers you see on television.

"Hi? " I let go a shaky breath as I smile nervously at him.

"What's a pretty little thing doing here? " he spat. Pungent odor and saliva coming out of his mouth. Clearly this man is drunk, twenty four seven. I wonder when was the last time he's sober.

"Ohh just answering some call, best be on my way" I answered silently begging that he'd let me be.

When he did not respond I stepped forward. Only to be blocked by the man.

"Now... Now.. I didn't even get a name" he said, slightly tilting his head to the side.

"My friend is waiting for me in the bar" I retorted through gritted teeth. My voice slightly a pitch higher. My nervousness replaced with deep irritation.

"I like my women with manners" he said as he took a step forward and I, on the other hand did the opposite.

"Hmmmm" he hummed reaching out to touch my face with his filthy hands. Just as his fingers were about to touch my face, I stomped on his foot hard and took a run for it.

"Bitch" he seethe, limping he grabbed a fistful of my hair and yank me. His face still showed pain.

"I thought I made it clear that I like my women with manners, and you Missy does not have manners" he yanked my hair again, this time harder.

I was about to scream when...

"I think it's obvious that she's not your woman" I voice called out that got me and the man's attention.

I thank the heavens someone was there, I tilt my head and tried to look at the newly arrived man.

"Help!! " I said with urgency as I held the arms of the man holding me, trying to get free.

"Shut it" the man holding me pull my hair again. My eyes stung as tears starting forming between my eyes.

It hurts!

"I say let her go" he boomed and all of a sudden the drunken man hit the floor with a thud. I stood there dumbstruck, I didnt notice him coming up to us.
I took a breath and massaged my now disheveled hair, mouth agape.

"You okay? " I felt a tap on my shoulder and I look at the man who saved me.

"Thank you so much" I sighed in relief.
"If you weren't here a minute later I have no idea what would have happened" I continued.

"Anything to help a beauty such as yourself" he smiled but the dark alley only gave a small detail of what he looks like.

He's wearing a suit though. I bet he's good looking.

I laughed at what he said.

"I bet you can't even see me right now" I dropped my phone when the drunken man yanked my hair awhile ago.

"What were you doing here anyways" he asked pulling out his sleek phone from his pocket, which reminds me to look for my own.

"I was answering a call, the music in the bar was too loud and it was an important call, seeing as its my personal phone" I answered as I bend down taking my phone from the ground. Checking it for any damage.

"Ohh.. You came from the bar? " he gestured the bar Lea dragged me into, not that far. His phone right above his ear.

"Hello? ,... Yes I'd like you to come to *********.. There's a drunken man here, he tried harassing a woman... Yes, No she's okay.. Okay.. Thank you.. " he muttered, hands on his hips. Now that in near the lamp post, with its light I am able to look at him clearly.

He does look handsome and neat. ( As you've noticed.. I'm bad with describing people, just look at James Reid and you get the picture)

He ended the call, putting his phone in his pocket. He looked at me and smiled.

"Are you alright? " he asked again, coming near me.
"That was the police.. They'll come here and ask you questions regarding what happened.

"Can I just skip that, my friend is waiting for me at the bar and I bet she's worried... I don't want her to start panic... You don't want to see that. Let's just act as if nothing happened. " I chuckled and touched my arm.

"Okay.. I'll come with you then.. Since that's where I'm headed as well" He bobbed his head.
" After you" we started walking with him just behind me.

"Thank you again" I smiled sweetly at him. Looking back over my shoulder.

He just smiled, he's hands tucked under his pockets.

I bet Lea's gonna flip when I tell her what happened here.


Hahaha I'm sorry again with all the confusion with the time and all..

Spare my errors love you

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