Chapter 8

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Through the whole night I watched my mother cry herself to sleep. It was like being inside a time loop, going back to square one. I haven't asked her about what happened and who hurt her though, I was afraid that it would make her feel worse, talking about it.

I look at the sleeping form of my mom, her body lay relaxed on the mattress, hair disheveled and although her eyes were closed, trail of dried tears are visible.
I was sitting at the side of her bed, making sure she sleeps well and that she feels secure.

Looking at the clock on her nightstand it read 9:00 am.  I finally managed to get mom to sleep around 3:00 a.m. 

After making sure nothing could disturb her slumber ,I quickly got off the bed and went straight to my room. A hundred thoughts came rushing in my head , why and who would hurt my mom, pacing back and forth with just my underwear and a loose shirt, my hand under my chin.

Who would do it.. 

I can't think of no one. Maybe when she wakes up I might know who or what happened that I'm not aware of, causing her to feel the way she did last night.


After a few minutes of thinking about what happened that caused my mother to be the way she was, I came out of her room and went straight to the kitchen.

I figured that she hasn't eaten anything since last night.
I decided to make 8breakfast and bring it to her.

Grabbing a spatula and some ingredients, like eggs and butter.

In the middle of my cooking , I got a call from Lea and answered it right away.

" Hey,  who was thay guy you were with last night you never called me you know..  Spill"

I rolled my eyes,  not even a good morning.
A sigh came out of my lips as I remembered the events last night,  not only did I not told her about what happened at the bar also with ma.

" I'm sorry Le it slipped my mind but something came up..  It's ma.. " I said with worry in my voice.

"What happened, now tell me" Lea urged.

"When I came home last night and went to check up on her , she was crying in her room Le ,just like 5 years ago"

"Did you asked her what happened? "

"I just let her cry,  I don't want her talking bout it and making it worst"

"Well, what are we gonna do about it? You better ask her what's going on, I know how worried you can get when you ma is involve"

"I'll know about it,  I'll fix it. " I told Le.

"Ask her when she's awake and see you later okay? " she responded with worry as well laced in her voice.

She know I would do anything for my ma. Seeing that she's the only family I have left.

After a beep the line got disconnected and I continued cooking breakfast for my mom. I know that she hadn't eaten anything from last night and I intend to talk to her of what happened.
I don't wanna lose her again.


As I finish up cooking us our food, I took what I've made and went straight right up to mom's  room.  Hopefully she'd shed some light into my worried and troubled mind. 


Opening the door to my mother's room, I was met with silence,  just as I left it.

Maybe she's still asleep

I put the food I prepared on the side of her bed and went to her a little closer.  I kneeled in front of her as I whispered to wake her up.

"Ma??  It's time for breakfast,  you haven't eaten yet" I softly spoke.

She grunted and opened her eyes.
I look at her and smile which she sadly returned.

"Come ma,  I prepared breakfast,  your favorite " I reached out my hand to touch her face.

When she nodded,  I moved to where the food was and took a chair with me. Ma sat up and moved her covers aside.

I pushed her plate forward and I urged her to eat, glad that she took a spoon and fork ,slowly eating the food I cooked for her.

We ate in silence and every now and then I would look at mom to make sure she's not moping around .

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