Chapter 7

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Opening the front doors of our house I silently turned the lights on.

Our house is a simple two storey building, which you'd never expect that someone who owns and runs a multi million shipping line company would have for a house. It has four bedrooms, each with bathrooms, mine, mom's, the maid's and the guest room. My parents wanted it this way, and it will stay this way, and besides it keeps my life private, no one would think I live here.

The biggest part of the house was the kitchen, with all the necessary tools and equipments for mom to go and get busy because cooking helped her get over fathers death.

For three years she isolated herself from the world. She stayed in the confinements of this house, shutting everything that goes around outside of our humble home.. Our family. I couldn't blame her. Even after I found it unfair that she would act as so, she wasn't the only one who lost someone important, I was still here, even if at an early age I was given so much for my young mind to take, I didn't get to live a normal teenage life and go to a normal college and experience normal things, that at an early age she made me feel completely alone, I could never blame her. Because as much as I love dad, he was her first love, her Romeo, her world.

Never did I lost hope that mom would come around, and when I brought a new oven and toaster to the house, replacing the old and broken one, she gave me the first genuine smile after a very long time of fake smiles. That's when it all started, after that afternoon, I bought a bunch of cook books and all the kitchen ware I can get a hold of. Then ever so slowly mom broke out from her grief , finally she started opening up, she started smiling again, talking, even singing.

That's why when we were invited in a charity ball, even if I don't go out socially. Me and Lea forced her to come. I left her to socialize only looking after her once in a while. That's when and where she met Roland, at first mom thought it was nothing but Roland was stubborn he invited her out, and for almost three to four months their relationship grew deeper, and I got myself busier and busier, I would only get to talk to her during the night. She'd tell me about her day and vice versa. That was how our relationship go. Simple yet firm.

As I step inside of our house I look up to check the time, it showed 11:15. Silently and slowly I move my way through the halls and clicked the lights on. I maneuvered myself through our living room with ease and walk straight to stairs that led to my room upstairs.

Then, halfway through landing my foot on the first step, my stomach growled. I let out a chuckle, amused with myself. I forgot that I didn't ate.

Changing my course from the stairs I made my way to the kitchen just across the dining.

As I stand in front of the metal doors of the fridge I thought about telling mom of the events tonight except the whole drunk guy but seeing as its almost 11:30
I fought against the idea. I look at the contents of the fridge and noticed a box of pizza
I took the box of pizza, close the metal doors and head to my room.

Eating a piece of cold pizza I made my way up to my room, humming the song that me and Henri danced to.

Once I was at the top of the stairs I look to the right side of the hall, the first room would be my mom's and just across it was mine. I walk to my room and opened the door with my left hand. My room is as simple as our house with a queen size bed, beside it a table and lampshade. My mom doesn't want me bringing my work with me and shut it with my foot.


I had just finished showering and I now have a full stomach but I couldn't sleep.
I was restless under my bed sheets, turning around like I have an itch or something. I can't take Henri out of head.. 

I need to talk to ma. I need this out of my head.

With this in my head, I sat up on my bed, took off the covers and quickly stood up.

I opened the door to my mother's room. I wanted to surprise her
But what I saw surprised me instead.

In the room that seemed to be empty, with it's dimmed light.
At the corner of the bed was a curled up figure of my mom.

Not wearing her usual smiling face that use to greet me.

But the broken woman I saw a long time ago when my father died.

"Ma", my voice croak at the sight before my eyes as I feel my heart literally break.

She look up to me, suddenly aware of my presence. She gestured me to give her a hug.

As I slowly come near her and envelope myself with her warmth, a thought came to me.

'Who ever put my mom through this pain will pay'

I held her in a tight embrace, rocking her like a child, whispering soothing words.

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