Ch.4: By the Pool

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-Haru's House-46 Days till Prefecturals-
Makoto was in the living room, seeming exhausted from just shouting at Haru about them being 'late'.
Late for what? Y/N continuesly questioned in her mind.
Meanwhile, Haru and Y/N were in the kitchen, with Haru cooking something on what he told Y/N was a 'skillet', and Y/N watching with her chin on the counter.
"Hurry up Haru! You're not even dressed yet!" Makoto frantically stated, suddenly reappearing in the kitchen, before staring at the food that Haru was putting on two plates in shock.
"It's not my fault, I'm cooking for two now." Haru simply stated, patting Y/N's head after handing her one of the plates.
Haru then took off the apron he had been wearing, revealing the swimsuit that the water loving male had been wearing.
Y/N sat on the counter, eyeing the food questionably as Haru went to get dressed, leaving his own plate of food on the counter beside Y/N.
"He...didn't cook mackerel?" Makoto questioned himself in a mumble, as Y/N began to happily gobble down the eggs that Haru had cooked.

___Quick Time Skip___
Y/N trailed behind Makoto and Haru like a lost puppy.
The (H/C) looked around their surroundings in awe, as well as catching small fragments of the males' conversation.
"...Needs to..."
Y/N instantly perked up at the familiar word.
Quickly running around the two males, Y/N stood right in front of them, causing them both to stop and look at the (H/C), who's (E/C) orbs sparkled.
'Scol? Is that were we are going???'
The two boys looked at the paper, causing Haru to stare at Makoto with a 'I told you so' look.
"She can't even spell school or where right." He bluntly stated, causing a small depressing aura to surround Y/N.
"Fine, we'll have to see if we can get her enrolled." Makoto sighed.
Y/N's depressed aura suddenly shifted back to a sparkly one as she stared at the two in awe.
'I be going to scool???'
"Hai." Makoto and Haru both nodded.
Y/N beamed and began to jump up and down excitedly, causing Makoto to stare at her amused, and Haru's expression to soften a bit.

-Iwatobi Highschool-Pool-
Throughout the whole day Y/N had been told by Makoto to stay by the pool, seeing as it'd be weird for an unknown girl to trail around when not enrolled, not wearing the uniform, and not talking.
To put it short, she'd be 'troublesome', as Haru bluntly stated.
Of course, Haru and Makoto came during lunch, though Haru did more swimming than eating.
But throughout the whole day, Y/N was staring at the pool with a fearful look in her eyes.
"N/N-chan!" A familiar cheerful voice shouted, and an unknown force suddenly tackled the female.
"What are you doing here, Y/N-San?" Rei asked, walking up from where Nagisa had appeared.
Y/N flipped open her journal, having an answer already prepared as Makoto had said there'd be a probability that the others would be at the pool before him and Haru.
'I'm going to be enrolled here, so I decided to check out the school before I attended.' She had written, and finally spelling school correctly after Makoto helped her during lunch.
"Oh." Rei blinked, as he had just remembered the female didn't speak as soon as he finished reading.
"But what are you doing at the pool?" The megane then questioned.
"Oh, I know!" Nagisa shouted, causing both Y/N and Rei to stare at him.
"N/N-chan came to join the swim team!"
At that moment Y/N had realized that the two were wearing swimsuits, and as if on cue, Makoto and Haru walked out, also in swimsuits.
Then Y/N fainted.

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