Ch.14: Prefecturals (Prt.2)

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Y/N was sitting on one of the many benches in one of the hallways, she had her knees pulled up to her chest and was looking at the bare wall in front of her with an almost dazed look.
"Ano..." Hearing an unknown voice, the (H/C) blinked and looked in the direction of where the voice had come from.
There was a male, about the height of Nagisa, with silver colored hair and blue eyes. He wore the Samezuka jacket, which caused Y/N to instantly want to hide in her own Iwatobi jacket, which she would have if she hadn't noticed his overly nervous and shy aura.
"H-Have you seen a red haired guy?" The male nervously asked.
Y/N shook her head in reply. She was glad she hadn't been stumbled upon by anyone up to this point.
"O-oh, t-thank you." The male stuttered out nervously. He then looked in the two directions the halls led to, which caused her to feel slight pity for the male.
She got up from the bench and tapped his shoulder, which caused him to jump.
Y/N smiled and opened her mouth, before remembering her predicament and pulled out the minature notepad she had changed her larger journal out for, and she wrote: 'I can help you look for him'.
The gray haired male looked relieved, but also hesitant. "I-I don't want to be a burden." He stuttered out.
'It's no problem' Y/N wrote, before assuring him with a smile.
The male hesitantly nodded. "I'm Niitori, from Samezuka." He hesitantly introduced himself.
'I am Y/N, from Iwatobi.' She showed him what she wrote.
"Are you a mute, Y/N-san?" Niitori shyly asked as the two began walking down the hallway.
'A selective mute. I'm sorry if it's weird.' She wrote, looking a bit shy as he read.
"No, it's ok! It's not like you chose to be like that!" Niitori assured, looking flustered after he stuttered out his response.
Y/N smiled at him happily, and then the two continued their search for the bipedal shark.

___Quick Time Skip___
"Matsuoka-Senpai!" Niitori shouted out in relief as he rushed up to the red haired male, who was sitting on a bench with a smug look on his face. Y/N drifted behind Niitori. "You did it! You qualified for the final!" Niitori cheered. "And you beat Nanase-San!" The gray haired male exclaimed, causing Y/N to stop and stand still.
"Yeah, well, you go kick some butt too." Rin told Niitori like the encouraging Senpai he is. [A/N: -_-]
"Hai! Oh, I'd like you to meet-" Niitori began, before turning back to where Y/N once was, but it seemed she had disappeared. "Where'd she go?" He murmured.
"Where'd who go?" Rin questioned his kouhai in confusion.
"I'll introduce you two when I find her!" Niitori insisted, before dashing off to find the human-turned-mermaid. Wondering why she had suddenly left.

~Y/N's POV~
How could I have been so stupid to have trusted him! It must be a Samezuka thing to try and beat Haru!
As I came back to where I had left the others, I was surprised to see them all shouting at Makoto.
"Swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, Makoto!"
My eyes widened as I ran to the railing, just in time to see Makoto making a turn in the water.
"Go, go, Makoto!" I cheered as loudly as I could, which was frustrating since I wasn't able to be as loud as I wanted and my throat began to grow sore. If possible, the only ones who could hear me were the others on the team.
I frowned as I saw Makoto had also gotten second place, but I couldn't help but to smile when he waved towards us with a large grin.

___Quick Time Skip___
Nagisa had been just as close as Haru and Makoto, while Rei had lagged behind because his goggles had slid off. And now it was my turn, swimming Butterfly Stroke in the women's division.
I breathed heavily as I stood on the diving board, staring at the water through my (F/C) lenses.
As soon as I heard the whistle I dove into the water, feeling instantly relaxed and at home as I swam the pretty challenging stroke.
"L/N-San had set a new tournament record!" I heard the announcement as soon as my hand hit against the wall.
Panting, I glanced at the scoreboard and beamed when I saw I had beat the other swimmers by twelve seconds.

~Normal POV~
"You all did great!" Miss Amakata encouraged the five swimmers as the day came close to an end and everyone began to go home.
"I sucked..." Rei murmured.
"You shouldn't say that." Y/N instantly denied, grabbing the megane's forearm and looking up at him assuringly.
"You had your personal best." Gou added.
"You might have qualified if your goggles hadn't slipped off." Nagisa decided to put his own two cents into the conversation.
"In any case, everyone performed well. That's excellent." Miss Amakata insisted with a closed eyed smile.
"That's a sense of accomplishment, right?" Nagisa questioned with a smile. "And we get to go to Regionals to watch N/N-chan!" He exclaimed.
"Yeah, let's start preparing for the next tournament." Makoto said.
"Oh? Where's Nanase-kun?" Miss Amakata suddenly asked.
The others looked around curiously.
"It looks like he left without us." Nagisa said.
"What? Really?!" Miss Amakata asked in shock.
"Yeah, he wasn't feeling well." Makoto explained with a sad smile.
"Oh...I guess that can't be helped then." Miss Amakata sighed, before turning to Gou. "Matsuoka-San, can you take it from here?" She asked.
"Yes." Gou nodded.
"Then I'll be leaving now." Miss Amakata said, giving her farewells, before getting into the pink car she owned and driving away.
"It's been awhile since I've got my blood pumping. Nice job, see ya!" Coach Sasabe, who had come to watch, waved to the group before driving away as well in his pizza cart.
"He came here on that? Is his work gonna be ok with that?" Nagisa questioned curiously.
"Hey Kou-chan?" Y/N whispered to the red head who seemed to be daydreaming. "Have you told them about tomorrow?" Shs asked.
"Tomorrow?" Rei, who Y/N still had a hold on, overhead, and now the three males were looking at the two girls in confusion.
Gou looked surprised, before getting embarrassed. "I'm sorry!" She apologized. "I signed up for the medley relay in secret after N/N-chan told me you guys might want to do it!"
"What?!" The three asked, while the two females bowed in their apology.
"So if we win the relay..." Nagisa began.
"We can go to regionals!" Rei exclaimed excitedly.
"That's crazy, this is too sudden." Makoto tried to negotiate. "We didn't practice at all for the relay."
"Why didn't you say something sooner?" Nagisa questioned the two.
"Because it sounded like Haruka-Senpai didn't want to be in a relay." Gou shyly answered.
"Let's do it." Rei said, surprising the others. "This is our final chance! We haven't practiced for the relay, but it's still worth a shot!"
Y/N beamed as Makoto and Nagisa nodded in agreement.

-Nanase House-Night-
The group ran up to the house a little after nightfall, reasonably out of breath.
"No luck, he's not home yet." Makoto said, getting to the door first. "Do you have your keys?" He asked Y/N, who looked at him in confusion.
"Keys?" She questioned.
"He still hasn't given you keys? Never mind, we'll go around back!" Makoto exclaimed, expertly going towards the back of the house.
"Is this really ok?!" Rei, seeming to be the only one aware that this was breaking and entering, asked.
As soon as the group got inside, they began checking the house.
"He's not in the bath!" Y/N and Gou announced.
"You shouldn't be running around someone's house when they're not around." Rei sighed as everyone ran by him.
The megane then caught sight of a trophy and picture. He walked up to the shelf and held the picture of a younger Makoto, Haru, Rin, and Nagisa. "We should wait for him to return." He announced.
Nagisa noticed the picture Rei was holding and frowned. "Will Haru-chan agree to swim in the relay?" He wondered aloud.
Y/N frowned and glanced at Makoto, who looked just as worried as she felt for the blue eyed swimmer. She hesitantly walked up to his side and hugged him, like he had done to her the night before when she had told him and Haru about her time left as a human. "Everything will be fine." She repeated what he had told her earlier that morning.
Makoto glanced at her surprised, before hesitantly nodding.

___Quick Time Skip___
Hours later, the others had gone to their own homes, and Haru was just then walking to his house.
When he got to the front, he sighed as he saw the lights were on.
As soon as he opened the front door, he was surprised to find both Makoto and Y/N waiting at the entrance step. Makoto was sitting up with his head resting against the wall, Haru's phone in his hands, while Y/N was curled up beside the gentle giant, her head resting on his lap, both were passed out.
Haru gently took his phone out of Makoto's hand, and saw he had a new message.
-Haru-Chan? Where are you right now?
-Please hurry home. We're all worried.
-I'm sorry, Haruka-Senpai! I signed everybody up for the medley relay!
-Don't take all the blame, Kou-chan, I'm the one who gave you the idea.
-Yeah, so let's swim together tomorrow, Haru-chan!
-I'll be fine! I'll have the theory memorized by tomorrow!
-Rei-chan, that's a sure sign that you'll fail.

Haru stared at the two, before sighing and gently shaking Makoto awake. "Makoto, Makoto."
"Haru?" Makoto murmured, sitting up and rubbing his eyes like a tired child. [A/N: KILL ME NOW HES TOO CUTE! TOO CUTE AND PURE MY TOL SMOL!!!]
"We have a relay to swim, right?" Haru asked, causing Makoto's eyes to widen in surprise.

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