Chapter 1 - The Strange Fellow

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He is a rotten one under the gentleman he says to be. He reminds me of a layered cake. The frosting is beautiful but when you cut it, there is sneakily placed poison inside. A sweet poison that when you taste it, you can't get enough of it until you end up on the floor, dead. Wilford Warfstache has that vibe to him. He has since the day I first laid my eyes on him.

I was new in the city of Los Angeles. I was 7 at the time, going into second grade that year. My parents moved here for business and I was really scared then. I had to leave my family and friends. It was very difficult for me to fit in. Especially in school. I always sat by myself and when the teacher told us to pick partners, I would always end up having her pick one for me. My parents asked if I was making friends and I lied to them, saying "yes." I didn't need them to worry. A good thing, I guess I can say, was that I was more intelligent than most of the other kids. The teacher said I was amazing at every subject. I didn't think so, but, I took in the compliments anyway. Of course, however, I was never the best. I was always under one kid. His name was Wilford. He had brown hair that was neatly combed. His eyes, mysterious. As if he was keeping a secret.

Being alone and not talking to anybody can give you a lot of time to observe people. In fact I learned more about everyone just by watching them. The person I observed the most was Wilford. No. It was not stalking. No. It was not because I particularly liked him. It is that Wilford was like me in a way. Smart, caring, and he just seemed like a good kid. There was many differences between us too that I couldn't name at the time. Like the way he didn't know how to greet others or what a handshake was. Even after learning multiple times, he seemed to forget daily socialization. He did have a friend, strangely enough. Mason I think his name was.

I will never forget one day when Mason was sick and Wilford was by himself. I kind of felt bad for him. But being socially awkward, myself, I couldn't talk to him. At lunch when I was eating at my own, lonely table, someone sat down on the right side of me. When I looked, it was Wilford. He was sitting next to me. The first time in the school year someone even bothered. Yes, I got a little excited because of it. I tried to talk to him by saying hi. He just ate and didn't say a word. Regretting even saying anything to him, I looked to my sandwich and started to eat. It was an uncomfortable silence even though the Cafeteria was loud. But after he got up and threw out his trash, he sat back down next to me and said a simple,"Hi." He had a strange accent to his voice that I thought was interesting. Before I could respond the bell rang and we went back to our classroom. Silly enough, hi was the only thing I said to him that school year. It's the only thing he said to me as well.

But one day, sometime in Spring, Mason stopped showing up to school and so did Wilford. No one told me why. Some say they moved. Others say that Wilford was "sick in the head" according to their parents. I asked my own parents about him and all they would ever say is,"Don't worry. You are safe from him now."
I didn't understand what they meant at the time.

Mason and Wilford never came back to school. In that time I stuck to myself and kept up my good grades. In high school I started to think of jobs. I decided I wanted to be a detective. After years of reaching what I wanted to do, here I am. One of the best and trusted detectives in LA according to my boss. So, I will take his word for it. I can always use compliments.

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