Chapter 8 - Watch Yourself

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Paranoia. A word I am very familiar with now. Something that feels like a friend. A problematic friend, of course, that you never long to see. Yet as soon as Paranoia creeps into your mind you wonder how its life is going. So what do you do next? You check up on it. And what do you find? Problems. Heavy, dirty problems.

The morning has come but not fast enough. I have sat awake, inching closer and closer to the corner of the room. I wish I could just disappear into the wall and never be seen again. Oh how I would enjoy that. Being in the walls comfort and safety. It sounds tempting. I might not be comfortable inside those wooden walls but what is the point of a soft bed if my brain twists the bed into a sea of sharp rocks and barbed wire. What an interesting mental image. A rocky island with barbed wire lying around. I wonder of the story behind it. How someone must have shipwrecked, went crazy, and decorated the rocks with wire like it was Christmas. Yes. That sounds about right. As I pictured it, the hooded person hanging the decorations had those (Your eye color) eyes and (your hair color) hair. Why? No matter how many times I've tried to change the character it only pushed my image more clearly. I rub at my tired eyes and eventually push that thought out of my head. It is replaced by wondering how many seconds are left before something actually happens. Something where it doesn't only show it's sharpened teeth, but how they slash. When will Insanity give me the physical pain he keeps talking about? When will he show his face? A cruel man. He is constantly throwing me through hoops. Then he lets me calm after every storm just so he could attack again.

It was a Saturday. A day I have off of work. Perhaps I could catch up on sleep. Maybe try and relax by watching a tv show. Instead, I found myself sitting at my desk, researching this mysterious monster. Of course.

On February 16, 2011 a man was found, hanging from a tree. His body has been mauled, some body parts found scattered throughout the bushes below the tree. He was 37 with two children and a wife. His named was asked to not be revealed for the sake of  privacy. His wife has spoken out, devastated.
"He was the only one I could have ever wanted to be with," she has told us,"I would never expect something like this to happen. I am in complete shock. He has not been on bad terms with anyone and is a laid back man. My heart is broken. What will I say to my kids."
We asked the wife when was the last time she spoke to him.
"I called him earlier that day. He was coming home from work and decided to take a walk in town. Maybe to pick up food for us. But he never came home. And at 2 am I got a call from the police saying my husband has died...."
There has not been a trace on who did it. But at the crime scene, a pink sticky note has been placed on the chest of the man. Police have tested for finger prints and found no match. Police further have said to not walk alone down these streets of  Los Angeles. Especially if it is getting dark out.

I couldn't believe my eyes. This was absolute madness. It all sounds like it was straight from a horror movie. I found another article, reluctant to read through. But soon my eyes betray my mind and I am reading.

On August 8, 2016, yet another crime has been committed by the signature pink sticky note with a man now deemed as Insanity. Previously, 15 deaths in recent years have been claimed by this man. And yet another one has surfaced. 20 year old Riley Waterford has been walking her college campus when a man had approached and captured her. Waterford has been missing for two weeks before her body was found on a beach near the college. Her body has been intact, unusual of the victims of Insanity, but her skin had been peeled. The cause of death was bleeding out. Waterford had been on top of her class and many of her friends are devastated. More and more red flags are being thrown at this monster. With hopes of finding him, police have set up camp throughout the city recently. Yet this proved to be ineffective.

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