Chapter 10 - The Lab?

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Pad me in. Put up a fight.
Hold me down with all your might.
I would make sure your door is closed tight.
For I could creep out and slit your throat, tonight.

My eyes slowly open. I move my head slightly and a wave of pain flows throughout my body. I wince and squeeze my teeth together. Everywhere I looked spots hazed my eyes. A rainbow colored flash seemed to strike my pupils with an imaginary knife. I couldn't see where I was.

My heart beat speeds up.

I couldn't see.

I whimper slightly and jolt upwards just find that I was locked down. I heard chains clacking and my bones rattle along with them. A small cry escapes me as I stupidly attempt to pull at the chains again, only hurting my wrists.

I still couldn't see.

A low buzzing sound was now gnawing at my mind and it was driving me crazy.

Distress fills my veins, pumping them up with an unknown strength. It came out of no where as I began to yank at the constraints. It goes on for what feels like hours. I pull and pull, a crimson red covering my vision the more I do it. I don't stop until I feel rash marks on my wrists and hot liquid beginning to run up my arms. I outdone myself. That surge was gone. I was weak and alone. I give up. With my heart still rapidly beating and my breath, shaking, I only hope to be rescued. 

My vision was only starting to come around and that was the only thing I was thankful for as of now. I can barely make out outlines of the room but it was a start. All I could tell is it was bright. But maybe that was my eyes trying to adjust.

I close my eyes, my head pounding. The buzz was still sounding. How long has this noise been ringing through my head? It felt like a bee was circling my ears. Not just one but a mass of them buzzing around, flying ever so close to my brain. I couldn't take it. I slam my head back into the hard surface behind me with no reason why. I just wanted it to stop. The results only made it worse. But yet again I slam my head harder, increasing the stabbing pain. I felt as if a sharp knife was gently scratching the surface of my brain as a burning hot laser swept through the insides of it. I never felt this in my life. I squeeze my eyes shut for what seemed like forever. I was tied down and there was nothing I could do.

I open my eyes to see that my vision has almost returned, fully. My heart drops as the room came into focus. I see what seemed to be a lab. The walls were white. The floors were white. Everything was white. And it was lit so bright that it blinded me.

I look down to my body to find a relief of color on my clothing. It kept my eyes from straining across the bright room. My shirt was the same from the night of the fair. Good god. When was that? How long was I here? Where did that bastard bring me?

Suddenly I hear the door crack open and I turn my head, preparing to see those murderous eyes. But it wasn't him.

It was a woman with black hair and a lab coat. She looks up to me and studies me a moment. There was no expression on her face. She looked as if she was dead. In her hand she raises up a clipboard and begins to jot things down. She doesn't say a word to me as I hear her heels click across the floor to a panel. She taps on the confusing technology in front of her until she finds what she needs. She takes note of more things on her paper and looks up to me again. Her spine was straight and her shoulders were tense. Her chin made a ninety degree angle with the floor and her clipboard was tightly clenched under her bony fingers. I thought if she squeezed any harder her fingers would pop off. She began to make me uncomfortable with her stare. Her eyes looked almost black and I couldn't look at her for more than a second.

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