Chapter 16 - The Truth

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L o s e   y o u r s e l f 
T r u s t  m e  y o u  w i l l  e m b r a c e  y o u r  n e w  l i f e .

It seemed like only a minute had passed when the door opened again. Yet from the back of my mind I knew this wasn't true. I had fallen asleep with tears in my eyes. I had awoken and must have stared at the ceiling for hours with a blank mind. I recall not blinking even once. 

"Your shot. It's today. Get up. Now."

His words were quick and subtle. I look to him as he stands to the door. He was wearing a laboratory suit yet with his own touch.  A pink bow tie. Of course. I slowly move myself to a sitting position as he looks over me.

"We do not have all day, Madame. I have very important business to attend to. Move it."

I haven't seen him this anxious before. He looked stressed. His hands were placed behind his back, his shoulders were tense, and he overall seemed stiff. 

I make it to my feet and walk to him, not giving a damn about how he feels. He watched my slow movement and seem to make a mental note to himself. With a shake of his head, he spoke.

"What a shame," he mumbled, silently.

He grabbed my arm and guided me down the hallways of mystery. It's funny really. I once despised having to place a cloth over my eyes every single time I moved to another room. Now I would prefer it. I hate seeing more of this hell than I needed. We passed several other lab men and women as we went but not once did they stop and look to us. I wasn't surprised.

He quickly seats me down once we get to the room and before I could count to ten he already had the shot in hand. It didn't look as scary as it did the first time I saw it. Yet that was probably because I was too tired to even fully recognize its power.

He saw my facial expression and put the shot down a moment. He hesitated before speaking.

"What has gotten into you?"

"All of this. It hurts too much. I'm numb."

He stares for a moment before grabbing a clipboard and noting something with his pen.

After, he goes to the side of me and I feel the cold needle enter my skin. I remember the deathly pain. I relive the horrors of being stabbed by thousands of knives and beaten with thousands of fists. I close my eyes tight in that moment. I embrace the moment for it allowed me to feel the physical pain of my mental state. No matter how many tears slipped from my eyes in that moment, I wanted him to inject even more into me. I wanted him to tear my veins open and pour the liquid of the shot onto the open wounds. I wanted to take as much of this moment as possible. Yet quickly it was over and I was disappointed that the moment couldn't last.

"The shot..." he said, pulling it away from me and placing it in a metal box on a nearby table,"The first dose had already changed you dramatically. I can only imagine what this one might do. Yes. I hate your attitude towards this all. I have had another test subject squirm up until the last shot. You only get so many...But you are taking this so well. So much better than him. I think I made the right choice the moment I first analyzed you."

Him? Who is him? And analyze?

I open my mouth to speak but he already knew the questions were coming.

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