Chapter 9 - The Dead Fair

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Drip drop. Drip drop.
Do you hear the sound?
Drip drop. Drip drop.
Is it from the merry go round?
Drip drop. Drip drop.
Or is it from a body,
Far from found.

Wilford Warfstache. I couldn't wrap my mind around it. I had previously known this monster. A boy I had wanted to befriend. I had wanted to be his friend. The thought sent shivers down my spine. I can't dwell on this. How would I have known?

Look at the positives, I tell myself, try to look at the positives.

I know his name now. Maybe someone can put it in the systems and come up with something. But how could I tell anyone the slightest information I learned if every action I do is being monitored. It feels like I'm suffocating- locked in a torture room deep below the earths surface- yet fresh air is climbing into my lungs.

Why does this have to be the life I live?

It was still Saturday, judging that off of my phone. 5:00 pm. I feel at my bed sheets, still trying to acknowledge I was back in reality. The sun was still out. It's light reflected into my room, providing some type of security from darkness. I figured that even if that bright sun was setting, I doubt I would have fallen asleep. I would have been thinking of him.This man who sends shivers through my bones. He raises every hair on my body and worms his way into the back of my brain. The one who had already killed me in my dreams, pushing me further and further into anxiety-.

My phone buzzes.

I rush to my phone that was laying on my lap.

A text message under Nathan's name immediately drove my attention away from other thoughts.

Nathan: Sorry to bug you. But after last night I believe you agreed to a second date. If you want to go with me, I can pick you up later. If this is too early for a second date, we can reschedule.

I smile to the text. Something about him just makes me want to be happy.

(Y/N): Of course. Where would we go.

Nathan: Well I saw the fair was in town. We could get some cotton candy and just walk around for the while.

Getting to see Nathan two days in a row sounded amazing. If it is like last time, I could get my mind off of Insanity. I can't come to call him by his name. It no longer belonged to him. Wilford Warfstache was the name of a boy who would swing his legs because he was too short to touch the floor. A boy who would shyly walk up to receive his one hundred on a science test. A boy who was lost long ago, replaced by a monster. Wilford was dead.

My phone buzzes again, taking me out of my thoughts.

Nathan: I'll pick you up in an hour. Is that ok?
Y/N: Yes. I can't wait!

Insanity has already bothered me once today. There was no way he was going to bother me again.

I make my way to the closet and prepare for the date. A circus. What does one wear to a fair?

I pull out a plain white t-shirt and jeans, calling it good enough. I move to the bathroom, and once again, I cover my tired face with makeup. I straighten my hair and inspect the results in the mirror. I look into my own eyes for a moment. Immediately, shivers run down my spine. My eyes were dilating out of control. Quickly, I rub at them and look in the mirror again. They stopped.

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