Chapter 4 - Caught Up in Paranoia

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His voice echoes over and over in my head. It has depths of Hell burning with the words he speaks. Yet it holds such an alluring tone. It soothes you as it sneaks its way into your heart and tears it out. Once you feel the sharp pain it's too late. The trance is over and he is walking away with your heart in his hand. Leaving your chest hollow of emotion.

How is this possible? My mind couldn't comprehend it all. How was that him? Why did he let me go? I was pacing my room, all of the lights in my apartment flicked on. The questions and assumptions were the only things occupying my delirious head. And that voice lingered in my ears, causing series of goosebumps to trail down my arms. No. No this can not be. Does he know that I am looking for him? Or was it a simple coincidence that I'm his next-...I couldn't say the word. If I did I would have broke down to cry. Yet my mind was thinking it and it didn't help my situation. Victim. There it was. Loud and clear in my thoughts. I will be his next victim. Just as I predicted, my eyes begin to swell of tears and soon I was on the floor crying. Why? Why me? Why out of everyone in Los Angeles? Out of everyone in California or even the world. I let out an ugly cry and curl up in a ball on the floor by the note. That's it. All that has to be done now is to move the note onto my lifeless body and it'll be over with.

But then I thought of afterwards.

The next man or women or child that would be after me. After the torture that I will go through. After the pain that I will suffer. I was not okay with that and I most definitely was not okay with the fact that I was not the one who could stop him when I had the chance. I slowly regroup myself and stand to my feet. I shame the ground where my past body had coward and I regain my strength. But how will I stop him? A man who had killed many and got away with it. Who hasn't been found by anyone and is still out there to this day.

I hold my breath a moment as I try to find a solution. Yet none come to mind and I begin to debate the thought of needing help. Yet who could possibly help me? I look to the note and notice ink on the back. Hesitant, I pick it up and turn it over.

Tell anyone and you're dead, plus those you speak to, die faster. You want to be a good girl, don't you Madame?

I shiver as my mind read it with the voice of him. I am alone on this. So very alone. Yet how would he know if I told someone? Was he watching me from afar? Possibly through a camera he had somehow placed in my home? Was the camera somehow in the note? That's impossible but I find myself flipping the note ten times over looking for the trace of technology. I find nothing, of course, and think myself silly for even checking. What if he was looking at me through a window? I immediately rush and close each curtain of mine and stop at the last, gripping the fabric. I was going mad. I was going mad and even the most sensible parts of my mind were disappearing. I finish my task of closing the last curtain and sit on my living room couch, sinking my body into its cushion. But I felt as if my body went passed the cushion and into Hell. I bet Insanity would be there waiting for me. A huge grin on that sinful face. I shiver and tell myself that I needed to stop this immediately. Maybe a movie would do. An innocent, simple movie with no fear or horror. With sound that could fill this silenced room with perhaps a happiness that could restore me.

I am soon on Netflix in the kids movies section. I don't even have the time to laugh at myself for as one of the movies begin, I find myself passed out on the couch from being sleep-deprived.


Come to me. Come and play old friend. Come and see the new toys I have gotten just for you. I promise I play fair. I promise that it will be fun. Join me (Y/N). And you will want to stay forever.

I find myself sitting in a chair. All I could see was white. Was I going blind? I look to my hands and they were visible before my eyes. Yet when I place them back on my lap it was only white again as far as the eye can see. I might not be blind but this room didn't solve my worries. It only piled onto them with discomfort. Shivers trail down my bones. Where was I?

Turn around.

The voice made me jump. I could tell it was his. I didn't want to turn around. I sit, looking into the white void in front of me and a sudden hand on my shoulder made me want to scream. I try and stand but am quickly pushed back down in the chair. Another hand lays on my other shoulder. They both grip me with a harsh strength.

Where do you think you are going?

His voice seemed to echo inside my head. It was such a strange feeling. As if someone put earbuds in my ears and made me listen to their voice. But there was no such device and I was only left with a voice in my mind. My chair slowly turned, making a loud screeching noise as the legs pressed against the ground, if there even was one. His face came into sight and it was more detailed then ever. Everything in me seemed to stop. My blood ran still and my racing mind paused. Those eyes. Those brown, mysterious eyes. They seemed so familiar but I couldn't place my finger on why. I wanted to get up and run far away from this being. I could not take his presence. He tilted his head before me and a crooked smile crept onto his face.

Why must you be afraid?

His mouth hadn't moved as he spoke the words. He only gave an uncomfortable stare into my eyes. I open my mouth to say the word I have been thinking this whole time. How? But the word never passed my lips and I stayed put in my seat.

Out of all the things you could say to me, "how" is your only choice?

How did he know what I was thinking?

Once again with the "how?" I'm sorry Madame but why must that be your only question for me?

Was he reading my thoughts?

Ah. That's a more likely question. I'm afraid you might already know the answer Madame.

My heart drops and I sit there, stupidly, staring blankly at his face. The sick smile still showed. It appeared he was entertained by my fear. I felt ill staring at him.

Madame. I thought you would be more happy to see me. You are looking for me, correct? You want to capture me and put me in my place. Right? Well here I am. Arrest me. Take me and put me in one of those prisons. I think it would be a fun trip. Perhaps you might even prefer a mental institution. I heard they can keep watch on you day and night. Isn't that fun? Being watched day and night. It must allow you to feel safe and you can sleep with the utmost comfort. Not only that but the scenery! Oh how spectacular to have four walls surround you! A metal door would be a nice touch to that don't you think?  One were you can conveniently stick food through a opening in that door. And one of the best parts is that they believe you do not know that they put your daily medicine in the mashed potatoes. Don't you love that feeling? Being fed and treated like an animal. It makes you feel so happy. So amazed.

I am shaking now and he notices.

Are you cold Madame? Do you need a sweater? Perhaps a blanket?  I don't wish to make my new friend uncomfortable.

His words. He spoke with such joy but an evil undertone lingered with his pauses and eeriness. His charisma soared and his eyes stayed on mine. His mouth had not moved even once. If I was def - in my mind - all i would see is his constant stare.

We are going to have a lot of fun you and I. I can't wait to see what will become of this friendship.

And with one final grin, everything goes black and I am left, alone, in the darkness.

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