Chapter 3 - The Encounter

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Sometimes, when I look at him, a twinkle in his eye shows my future. It amazes me when I see it. But I never seem to notice the message. I am too overcome with such bliss that the evil lingering in his pupils show no bother to me. If only I knew then. If only I could see the depths of Hell in those pupils. Maybe I would have been better off in life.

A silent apartment with loneliness engulfing you could make you paranoid. If only I had someone to share this empty space with.
I remember when I was younger I would dream of the day I would meet the one. Yet as the days flew by, I haven't. High school and college came and went. Though I might have developed some exes in life, I never found my dream man.
It never seemed to bother me, however. Not until now. I couldn't take being left alone anymore. Insanity has been taking over my mind. I couldn't stand the thought of him capturing me and torturing me to death. How his simple touch could leave me dead on the streets. I can feel my skin crawl and a headache comes on as my eyes dash across the room. What if I die right now in this isolated apartment. All because I had been alone in my home with no one to help fend him off. I had to leave this place. I had to go out for the night and I needed people to surround me. It's funny. I wouldn't have wanted that a few weeks ago. Even a few days ago. Yet as I get in my car I can't help but become excited of the possibilities of going out. It dawned on me as I pulled out of the parking garage that if I was more social I could have met my future husband already. But that thought left as fast as it came.

Los Angeles has been my home for more than half my life at this point. As I drive passed familiar roads, I could see my childhood memories line up. That was where I celebrated my 13th birthday. That was where my family went to watch that amazing movie.
All of these buildings had a story hidden behind them. I'm proud that I could be apart of them.

I find myself parked at a small bar on the outskirts of the city. A few cars littered the parking lot and my fears seemed to be lifted away from me. As I get out, a warm breeze fly's by and I'm surrounded by beautiful sounds of birds. Those who sing their love songs to one another and perch in the surrounding trees. This bar was in a charming location, for colorful flowers covered the garden by the entrance and a peaceful aura filled the air. The sky was only beginning to darken and a spectacular purple-pink appeared across the sky. I should really get out more if simply standing here makes the weight on my shoulders seem to lighten. I make my way to the door and step into the place where people come together. Conversation and cheerful laughter filled the air and I can't help but smile. This is all I needed. I take a seat at a blue bar stool and order a drink. Soon enough a margarita was in my hand and I was relaxed. I barely drink and when I do I can only stand a glass or two. As I slowly sip away my pain I zone out into my own little world. Random, silly thoughts occupied my mind and the paranoia slipped away.

I haven't noticed a man has sat down on the right side of me. I wouldn't have noticed at all if he hadn't spoke.

"I'll have a Vodka Martini," his deep voice spoke.

It spooked me a little and I zone back into reality. I look to the man who wore a gray hood over his head and played with his pale hands ever so shakily. I couldn't see his face because he was looking towards the table. I tap the glass of my now empty margarita and stare passed the man. My eyes fall on two men that have been laughing ever since I came here. Friendship. Something I had missed recently. Those I had gotten close to either moved or have been too busy to visit. I wish I could have that back. It would be a miracle. My social anxiety has gotten the best of me all these years, however. I wonder what it would be like to have that again. Between finding love and friendship I come to the conclusion I am sad and alone. I smile a little at the thought for no apparent reason and shake my head, looking back to my empty glass.

"Would you like a refill?" the bartender's voice breaks me out of my own little world again.

"No thank you. I was planning to-"

"I'll pay," the deep voice booms again. What a strange heavy accent too. I couldn't tell where this man would be from.

Shocked, I take a moment to find my words,"O-Okay."

Okay? Why would I say that? Was it out of not wanting to deny a polite offer? Or was it that I was intimidated by this mans voice? Either way, I vowed I would leave after this glass. It is not safe to be getting drunk alone.

The bartender soon sets another glass in front of me and the man next to me offers him money.

"Thank you," I manage to say.

The man turns to me slightly so I only could look upon one of his eyes for a quick moment. He then continues to look towards his own glass.

"It's my pleasure," he responds.

Then silence falls over the ever so short conversation.

I hesitantly take my first sip of my second glass and begin to plan how I would get home after this. Maybe I will wait it out in the car and drive back then. Hopefully I could get home safely. I tap at my glass as I plan and I could see the man glancing at me occasionally. The two friends have left but they were replaced by a group of girls who sat at a booth in the corner. Though it was still fairly loud in here, an uncomfortable silence still filled me.

"It gets busier as the night goes on, ey?" I ask the bartender.

He grins,"Of course it does. Some nights get more hectic than others. You haven't seen anything yet."

We both give off a light laugh and that conversation dies out as fast as the last. Damn it.

I try to listen in on the girls conversation but the man next me was giving me a bad vibe. I leave the rest of the drink on the table and stand.

"You aren't going to drink the rest?" he asks suddenly.

My stomach begins to twist and I shrug, trying to keep myself from running out the door.

"I have to get home."

"Ah. I see."

I move to the door quickly, trying to avoid the conversation.


I freeze and slowly turn myself around.

"You dropped something."

I walk back to the man who still would not look to me face to face. He raises his hand with a twenty dollar bill in it. Did I drop that? It didn't matter at this point. I just wanted to get out of here and away from him. I take the twenty in my hand and shove it in my pocket.

"Thank you, sir."

He gives a simple nod and turns back to the bartender. I then make my way to the door, slipping through, and soon enough find myself sitting in my car. I take a deep breath, regrouping myself and start the engine. It was a short drive back but it felt like forever. At last I reach the parking garage and am at my apartment door.

That night, as I got ready for bed, my mind drifted to that booming voice again and again. I wish that I will never run into that man again. But I can't let him simply drag down my time outdoors. What are the chances of running into him again anyway in this big city?

I go through my pockets and find the twenty dollars he handed me. At least I got money out of this. I take it out and find it in a crumbled mess. I straighten the dollar and a piece of paper falls out. Immediately my whole body froze and my heart stops as I stare down to the pink note with that deadly, black ink staring up at me.

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