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Taylor's POV:

It's been a month since Nats party and Brad hasn't said one word to me, not even looked at me once! He asked for my number but hasn't phoned me or texted me once, I haven't even got his number so I can't call him, he  hasn't been alone at mine in ages.. I don't know what he's playing at.. He can't do this, he can't make me feel special and just drop me... I guess I should be use to it by now.

It was a Friday evening I've finished school for the week and was now currently laying on my bed in The 1975 band t shirt, revising for my English literate exam.

My mum and sister were working late tonight so I had the house to myself, which meant my music on full volume. I opened my window sitting on the ledge having a cigarette when I saw car lights outside my house faintly among the rain and dim street lights. They suddenly turned off and the car door opened, I quickly flicked my cigarette on the floor out of fear it was my mum and sister, but it wasn't.. It was someone with a black hoodie up. I couldn't see their face but my heart stopped when I suddenly heard the doorbell go.

I skipped downstairs and opened my front door and to my surprise it was Brad.. Standing infront of me rain dripping on his head which was covered by a black hoodie, he's eyes looked guilty but mine were just as bad.

"Brad" I breathed

"Can I come in" he croaked and I moved to one side allowing him in.

"Look be-" he started but I cut him off.

"Where have you been ? Again? You can't just kiss me like that and not speak to me for a week or a month! It's not fair on me Brad, so I hope your here to tell me this was all one big mistake and we can carry on with our lives like none of this happened? Cause to be honest I'm done with all these mind games Brad" I said holding my head walking into the living room and throwing myself on the sofa.

"I-I-i" he stuttered several times and at this moment I had lost my temper.


"YOU!" He shouted back.

The room fell silent for a moment and tears began to form in my eyes due to stress and confusion it was no lie that I had been struggling with this whole Brad situation since he first kissed me right here in my house.

"Brad.. You don't mean that. You love Jess, i heard you tell her" I said backing up away from him until my back hit a wall.

"I can't stay away from you Taylor, there's something about you that keeps drawing me in.. I'm so unbelievably attracted to you Taylor. The way you just don't care about anyone or anything, the way you bite your lip and turn your head when I catch you staring at me." He said pinning me to the wall by his waist.

"This is so wrong" I breathe whilst hanging my head in shame.

He laughs lightly. "Are you scared?" He mocks causing me to shoot my head up to see his cheeky smirk.

"Me scared... Never" I said and grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him closer smashing our lips together and of course soon after came the unknown feeling in my stomach.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as he held me up by my bum, squeezing it every so often.

"Upstairs?" He pulls away from the kiss and winks at me. I jump down and run upstairs when he chases after me making me run faster. Brad eventually catches me as we both make it to my room, he closes the door behind him and the laughing stops as we both releases how serious this has got.

"We don't have to do anything you don't wanna do Taylor" he said stroking my shoulder up and down.

"Shut up kiss me loser" I said pulling Brad closer to me till we eventually fell on the bed, Brad landing softly ontop of me.

His hands roamed freely until they found the hem of my t shirt and pulled it over my head leaving me exposed in my underwear. I watched as Brad sat up examining my body biting down on his lip making my stomach turn over.

I quickly fiddled with his belt buckle while he took his jumper off and slowly pulled his t shirt over his head. My hands fell to his abbs and he smirks down at me.

Brad nuzzled his head into my neck and started biting down on my sweet spot. A small but audible moan left my lips as Brad slowly pulled down my underwear with his lips still attached to my neck.

He sat up and examined his work on my neck by tilting my head to the side with his hands.

"Ha, that's gonna leave a mark, sorry" he laughed lightly trying to be cheeky and smug but all it done was turn me on even more.

His head traveled down my body leaving small little love bites all over it, till he reached my exposed centre and placing a soft kiss on top of it.

"Beautiful" he breathed sending chills up my spine.

He sat up and pulled down his black tight boxers allowing his growing member to spring out. He grabbed hold of my hands and wrapped them around it telling me to pump it a thew times and I did as I was told.

I watched Brads face change from cheeky to sheer pleasure, it made me smile.

After a thew minutes he tore my hands away and brought his body down closer to mine. His minty breath tickled my face and I could see small droplets of sweat resting on his forehead.

"Are you ready" he whispered and I nodded.

With one swift motion he entered me and suddenly I didn't think about how wrong this was I thought about how good it feels and the feeling of getting caught any minuet was adding to goodness.

He stopped for a moment to check I was okay which was cute , no guy I've been with has ever done that. Once I had adjusted to his size he started thrusting slowly and biting down my neck.

The pleasure was too much to handle, Brad was a sex wizard!

I took a sharp breath in as the thrusts started getting quicker and harder, Brad sat up abit and looked down at me and even though I must've looked like a sweaty mess he kept telling me over and over again how beautiful I was.

"Fuck Taylor" he shouted as he reached his high. His curls dripping in sweat flopped onto his forehead as is eyes shut tight.

"BRAD!" I breathed out in lust I reached my own high, my chest rising and falling heavily. Brad took one breath in and collapsed softly on top of me his head falling onto my shoulder next to mine, he slowly rolled over to lay next to me on his back. The room fell silent the only noise was our breathing.

"I don't regret that" he breathed out, staring at the  celling.

"Me either.. It felt.. Different.. Better" I said lifting up to looking at him.

"oh god, what am I gonna do" he said covering his face with his hands. "I can't stay away from you Taylor" he said through his hands.

I tore his hands away slowly. "Then don't" I said before placing a small kiss on his lips and resting my head on his chest.

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