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Taylor's POV:

It's been 3 months since Jamie caught me and Brad, 3 months of sneaking around, 3 months of spending weekends at brads when his parents were away, 3 months of lying to my mum and Jess, but these 3 months have been the best 3 months of my life.

I had finished all of my exams and was now on leave from school, I passed my theory test and now saving up for a car, my 18th is literally round the corner.. Everything in my life was looking up.

Brad and his band were getting more and more big, they were doing shows and concerts and even talking about a UK tour, it was nice seeing him living his dream , I was yet to meet the band I guess Brad doesn't know how to introduce me.

Not being at sixth form for a while has gave me the chance to get back into working out and going to the gym more often. As I get off the running machine I grab my towel and wipe the sweat on my forehead and look in the mirror when I see.. Tristan? No James.. One of Brads band mates I recognise them from Brads pictures on Instagram.

"Hi your James right?" I said awkwardly hoping that was his name.

"Hiya, nice to meet you" he smiles putting the weight down.

"Don't worry I'm not a crazed fan or anything, I'm actually Jessica's little sister? Brad girlfriends Jess I don't know if you've met her.. But I've heard a lot about yous so I thought I'd come and say hello" I rambled on. I was finally meeting one of brads band mates.

"Your Jess's little sister?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah? Why?" I laugh lightly.

"Nothing, I just meant that your a very attractive girl and you look a lot older" he said scratching the back of his neck.. Well this is awkward.

"Oh thank you" I laugh. "Well I'll let you get back to it" I said giving him a small hug goodbye.

Once I had finished in the gym I collected my things and walked outside to notice it was pouring down. I put my hood up and started to walk home when I heard a beep, I turned round to see James in a car.

"Get in!" He shouts, I don't hesitate and jump straight In the passenger seat and take my wet hood down.

"Thank you James!" I said.

"It's fine, I'm actually on my way to the studio now to meet the boys.. Why don't you come along and meet the rest of the boys and Jess might be there.. I doubt it though" he chuckles.

"Doesn't she watch yous rehearse much?" I ask and he shakes his head. The drive to the studio wasn't awkward at all, James asked about school and what I wanted to do once I left and how long I had been going gym for, till we reach the studio.

We start walking down the corridors of the studio till I heard the beautiful tons of Brads voice singing a song I didn't recognise, my belly was doing flips as I was getting closer and closer till James opened one of the doors and greeted the boys.  I took a deep breath in and walked in when James said 'look who I found'.

"Hiya" I said smiling at the boys, when brads eyes made contact with mine.

"Taylor" he jumps up and gives me friendly cuddle.

"What you doing here?" He asks.

"I met James at the gym and it started raining so he gave me a lift" I said smiling at everyone.

"Well this is Tristan the drummer" he said and I leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Call me animal" he winked and I just chuckled.

"This is Connor the bassist" he said.

"Hiya" I said kissing him on the cheek.

"Call me bad ass" he laugh with Tristan and Brad just rolled his eyes.

"This is Jess's little sister guys" Brad said.

"Hold up, your Jess's little sister?" Tristan said with a shocked look on his face.

"Yeah whys everyone been saying it like that" I laugh.

"No it's just you look" Tristan said eyeing me up, biting his lip.

"Older" Connor finished smiling at me.

"Okay once you dickheads have put your tongues back in your mouth.. Can we get on with this track" Brad said getting the ump with Connor and Tristan for drooling over me.

"I can go if yous want?" I said.

"No ofc not stay Taylor, you can tell us what you think of this song Brad wrote" James said and my eyes instantly flickered to brad who was leaning against the wall smirking at me. Could this be the dog for me.

I sat down on a leather sofa and waited for the boys to perform.

"Okay this ones called be with you" Brad muttered into the mic, winking at me before starting the song.

Once the song had finished my heart swell up, I had to know weather Brad wrote those words for me.. I gotta be with you.

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