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Taylor's POV:

It's been a week since I ended things with Brad and since I slept with Jamie.

In this week I've strangely become close with Connor, he's good looking and we have a lot in common but he isn't Brad.

"You coming to the pub tonight?" Connor said down the phone.

"Yeah sure, what time you coming to pick me up?" I ask being cheeky.

"Ah so what makes you think I'm gonna pick you up?" He laughs.

"Cause you love me"

"Yeah true, alright I'll be by at 8" he said.

"Okay see you then"

"Bye" he said and I ended the call.

Connor was the closest one to my age being 19 I think that's why we got on well.

I skipped downstairs and went into the kitchen when I saw Brad leaning against the island in the middle of the room. This isn't the first time I've seen him but it doesn't make it any less awkward, he keeps giving me these looks like why haven't you been answering my calls look, it's hard not to give in but I have to stay strong and stand by what I said.. I will not be the other girl.

"What you doing tonight Taylor?" My sister asks while she's sitting on her laptop typing away, I look over at Brad and his sitting there on his phone looking bored.

"I'm going out" I said.

"Where?" Brad said instantly.

"Pub with Connor" I said walking past Brad with a bottle of water and making my way back upstairs. As I get in my room I plug my phone into my speakers and start playing music when I hear a faint knock on the door.

"Taylor?" I hear brads voice from behind me.

"What are you doing up here?" I ask without turning around.

"What time are you going out with Connor?" He asks.

"Later" I said not bothered with talking to him.

"You and Connor have been getting pretty cost together" he said.

"Yeah, he's fit and he's a laugh... Just my type" I said smiling smugly at him.

"What are yous like together?!" He asks sternly clenching his jaw.

"No" I laugh. "Besides what should it matter to you.. I mean you have my lovely fire breathing sister downstairs.. Right?" I smile smugly at him again.

"Look Taylor I miss you, please stop giving me this cold shoulder" he said holding my face.

"This isn't a cold shoulder Bradley.. I'm just doing what any normal 17 year old girl would do with her sisters boyfriend" I said opening the door for him to leave.

"I'm sorry I didn't show you how much being with you meant to me" he said as he walked out my room. I slammed the door shut and fell to my bed balling my eyes out, why does he have this effect on me, I hate feeling like this I feel weak and exposed and I'm not use to it! Jesus I need a drink.

I quickly get changed into a pair of black high waisted jeans with burgundy heels and a burgundy lace bra let top finishing off my outfit by topping it off with my favourite leather jacket. I had to try and make myself look older otherwise I wouldn't get served, so I curled my hair into long ringlets and finished off my make up by spraying my Mac setting spray.

I grabbed my phone, clutch bag, keys and money and went to wait for Connor downstairs.

When I got downstairs it was like a ghost town like it normally was, I went into the living room where Jess was on the phone pacing the floor and Brad was siting on the sofa bored out of his head.

"Okay okay, yes that's fine I'll be there right away" Jess said down the phone.

"I'm sorry Brad I've gotta go to work, they need me and-" Jess was cut off by Brad.

"Wow Jess the 3rd Saturday in a row you ditched me and cancelled our plans for 'work' " he said with anger in his voice, I stood in the door way shocked as I've never seen Brad argue back to Jess even though she deserves it.

"It's not my fault I have an important job Brad, you'll understand one day when you quick your band and get a job" she said without thinking, I gasped at what she said while Jess just covered her face.

"Brad I didn't mean that" she said walking towards him but he just backed away from her.

"I'm done" he laughs picking up his jacket and slamming the front door shut. I looked back over at Jess she was quickly grabbing her things together while trying her hardest not to cry.

"Are you okay Jess?" I ask.

"No, do I fucking look okay Taylor!" She snaps back.

"I'm stressed to the max over this job, Brad hates me but it's all alright for you though isn't it.. Cause you get boys picking you up taking you to the pub buying you drinks while you act like a little slag!" She shouts in my face grabbing my wrist.

"Jess your hurting me!" I shout at her but she doesn't listen she just keeps saying horrible things and in that moment there was only one thing I could do. I raised my hand and slapped her till she let go of my wrist and snapped out of her rant.

"Taylor I'm-" she started but he sound of Connor horn stopped her, I quickly rushed out the door slamming it shut and hurried into Connors car buckling my seat belt.

"Cor someone's eager to see him" he winked at me. I looked in the car mirror and wiped the tear away.

"You know it babe" I winked back at Connor flirting to distract myself from what just happened, Connor bit his lip and turned his head to start driving.

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