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Taylor's POV:

Brad had made us lasagne with salad, he grabbed half a bottle of red wine from the fridge and poured me a glass.

"I feel a little bit under dressed for dinner" I said looking down at just my big t shirt and flip flops.

"I think you look lovely" he said with a brummie tone.

"Hey.. This is kinda like a date ain't it?" He said again in a brummie tone causing me to smile.

"I guess.. Our first date?" I said instantly regretting it.

"Yeah I guess it is" he smiled.

"Does that mean we're dating? I mean I get that were not a thing cause of course your with my sister.. So does that mean this is an affair or am I the side chick.. OMG I'm rambling aren't I" I said grabbing the glass of wine and downing it. After downing it I tilted my head back down to face Brad and he was laughing.

"Oi what you laughing at!" I said

"It's funny seeing you so nervous" he said.

"And too answer you question... I don't know what the hell this is but whatever it is, I like it a lot and I don't want it to end" he smiled touching my hand on the table.

"Me either"

After dinner we put everything in the dishwasher and sat on the sofa watching Netflix, I went upstairs and got changed into my Victoria secret black yoga pants when I released I'd forgotten the top to the pants.. I wonder if Brad would mind if I borrowed one of his?

I looked out the door to check if he was there and then opened brads draw and flicked through his many t shirts, I grabbed an black arctic monkeys t shirt with white writing and put it over my head, I could smell brads aftershave still on it and with my outfit finally complete I went downstairs to Brad.

"Nice t shirt" he said.

"I didn't bring the matching one to these pants... Do you mind?" I said.

"Of course not Taylor, it looks 10 x better on you then it does on me" he said getting up and wrapping his arms around my body touching my bum slightly.

"What do you want to watch on Netflix?" He asks still holding me.

"I have a better idea.. Where's your speakers?" I ask and he points me in the direction. I plug my phone in and play some chilled arctic monkey songs not too Loud.

"What you doing?" He asks as I put all the pillows and blankets on the floor and grab the wine and case of beers.

"Where gonna get to know each other better.. You know like 21 questions, I mean if we're gonna do whatever this is.. I wanna do it properly and not just be another nameless fuck" I said. Brad holds my hand and I lead him to the circle I made with the pillows.

"So what kind of questions do we ask?" He said opening a can of beer.

"Okay I'll start so you get the just of things... What did you want to be when you were younger" I asked

"A singer" he smiled.

"I love listening to you sing" I blushed.

"Maybe I'll sing for you later" he winked and I blushed even more.

"Anyway! It's your turn" I said taking a swig from the left over bottle of wine.

"Okay.. How old was you when you lost your virginity?" He asks and I laughed throwing my head back.

"I was 16 and I kinda fell for the drummer.. Typical story. The guy with tattoos all over his skin 'couldn't commit' "I giggled. Brad didn't laugh instead he put his hand ontop of mine.

"Look Brad I'm not damaged goods and if that's the vibe you got from me believe me it ain't... I'm perfectly fine and if you see me as a project or a charity case-" I rambled.

"Why do you keep doubting me" he laughs.

"Cause it just seems too good to be true I don't know.. Maybe I'm just taking us for granted" I shake my head.

"Anyway it's my go" I said. Brad nodded and carried on drinking his beer till it was done and crunching it up in his hand and chucking it to the side. There was something so attractive about that sight.

"Do you love my sister?" The question burned as it came out like vomit. I don't know what it was that was making me feel so emotional and confident it was probably the alcohol.

"Taylor... I.. It's.. Complicated" he breathed slowly collapsing his head into his hands. He looked stressed and I didn't mean to stress him out I guess I just needed to know what was going on in their relationship seeing as our one is hitting it off.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to intrude It's just, I can tell why yous argue a lot.. I mean, she puts work before you all the time, she shouts and moans at you every time you try and be all cute and cuddly and it's just like why do you put up with that when you could do so much better.. You could have someone who really cared about you someone who take care of you just as much as you want to take care of them.. It's heartbreaking watching you settle for someone who just.. Just.. DOESN'T LOVE YOU LIKE I COULD" i paused as I realised what I said and wishing how much I could have kept it in my head and cursing at the wine for making me speak my mind. I glance over at Brad and watch as he licks his lips before pouncing on me.

I take a sharp breath in before I'm greeted with Brad soft lips and alcohol ridden breath. The kiss was so passionate it pushed me back cashing my back to lay down on the pillows id laid out, I felt Brads  hand roaming around my body. He reaches the hem of my yoga pants and pulls away.

"Taylor your the best thing in my life" he breathed before quickly re attaching his lips to mine and carried on roaming around my body.

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