4: Reborn the pedophile?!?!

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Dun worry this chappy is safe despite the title!!

A pitiful cry echoing throughout the Vongola mansion made Hayato freeze in his tracks, he looked over towards the hitman who nodded in agreement.

"That pitiful cry can belong to nobody but dame-Tsuna"

Reborn smirked darkly as he lowered his fedora before heading towards the origin of the cry.


Hayato whispered in worry as he followed after the hitman.


"Noooo stop!"

Tsuna cried once more as he hid under a table, away from the leering gazes of the three maids.

'Somebody save me...'


'My saviour!'

Honey orbs brightened as his silver haired storm guardian came crashing through the door, startling the maids.

Tears welled up within the brunette's eyes as he ran towards his saviour.


'Im so happy to see you!'

The young Decimo whimpered as he hid behind the storm's leg. Said storm guardian's jaw dropped at the sight of his Juudaime hiding behind his leg while wearing a small mails outfit complimented with brown bunny ears and a fluffy tail.

"Dame Tsuna what the hell are you wearing?"

'He's going to use this against me in the future....'

The brunette looked over to the right to see Reborn and blushed lightly when he remembered what he was wearing.

"T-the m-maids....."

The hitman raised a curious brow at the stuttering before turning towards the maids.

"Ah Reborn knows Yoshi?"

Anna chirped, once her initial fear had subsided.

"Yes, I know.... Yoshi"

The hitman paused slightly at the name, as if criticizing it.

"Reborn is my papa's friend and is babysitting me"

Tsuna added, ignoring the pointed glare in his direction, most likely being called his good for nothing father's friend.

'At least your not actually related to that idiot like I am....'

"We need to take Juu—Yoshi to the park with us...."

Hayato added, wincing slightly at his near mess up.

The maids sighed in disappointment as the male trio left them.

"So dame-Yoshi, what happened?"

Reborn asked once they had left.

"They thought that I was cute and forcefully initiated a one person dress up party..."

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