16: sixteen

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The hitman carried the brunette towards his office, knowing that the paperwork was most likely piling up swiftly.


The little sky whimpered at the piles of paperwork that were atop his desk, he looked towards the hitman with watery eyes.

'Please do my paperwork!'

Reborn growled darkly at how the brunette's begging was actually affecting him.

"Dame-chibi, stop begging and get to work, the longer you wait, the more paperwork there will be when you're back to normal"

Honey orbs widened in horror as the small sky practically leaped towards the desk, grabbing a pen in the process.

'If this much paperwork exists because of a few days being missed, I do t want to see how much there would be if I missed a week or more....'

The hitman nodded in satisfaction as he watched the tiny sky scribble away on the documents, he figured that the boy wouldn't be leaving the office anytime soon and figured that he might as well check out the tech division to see if they fixed the bazooka or even found the spy.


A figure clapped in excitement as they watched the hitman leave the brunette alone by using their laptop.

"The hitman has left, strike now!"

They whispered into a phone.


Tsuna froze in the middle of signing a document as he felt his intuition spike painfully.

'Oh god....'

The brunette winced as he held his hand to his head in an attempt to soothe the pain.

'Somethings wrong.... Gotta contact Reborn!'

Tsuna fumbled for his phone and foaled the hitman's number, unaware of the shadow descending behind him.

"Dame-chibi what's wrong?"

"My intuition is act–"

The brunette's words were cut off when two hands grabbed him and covered his mouth with chloroform laced cloth.


"Oi Tsuna!"

Reborn called in slight worry, he wasn't used to the brunette randomly cutting himself off.

His unease rose when he received no response from the brunette.

He swiftly hung up with a soft curse as he stormed towards the Decimo's office, severely hoping that the tiny sky was just playing some kind of sick joke on him and that he'd just have to punish his ex student.


When the hitman arrived at the office he snarled and crushed the bouquet of white lilies that had been laid atop of the brunette's desk.

He pressed the panic button under the desk before pulling out his phone.

"Damn bastards, I'll make them wish that they had a free ticket to hell when I retrieve my idiotic student"

The little sky has a big flameWhere stories live. Discover now