11: dame-chibi

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I should have notified you guys on my self gives break from writing during March break.... Hehe aww well.... And sorry~~


The leaves rustled slightly, the skylark glared in the direction belonging to the bush that had quivered.


"Glad to see that you're protecting Tsuna Hibari"

Reborn stated as he stepped out of the bushes, he had alerted the skylark of his presence via rustling bush so as to prevent an annoying attack.

The cloud snorted silently as his steel grey gaze rested upon the sleeping brunette in his lap.

"The mini-omnivore needed his rest, I will demand payment when he becomes normal"

Kyoya replied darkly, the hitman smirked at the bloodlust radiating off of him.

"Really now? Then you better stop dame-Tsuna from using his flames while being a little runt. It would greatly delay his recovery...."

The hitman replied softly, knowing that he shouldn't tell the real consequences but he should at least bribe the skylark to help keep the sky from doing anything stupid. After all, he was the world's greatest hitman, however he couldn't be everywhere.

Steel grey orbs narrowed before the skylark nodded in response.

"Agreed, wouldn't want that"

Hibari stated.


Honey orbs fluttered open and the hitman and cloud glanced towards the little sky.


Tsuna hummed softly as he closed his eyes and unknowingly nuzzled into the skylark's chest. A low growl rumbled within said skylark's chest.


'I'm not an animal....'

Reborn smirked in amusement when the brunette muttered 'shut up' and nuzzles closer.



Honey orbs fluttered open and the brunette stiffened when he realized that he was snuggling into THE Hibari Kyoya's chest.

'Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm going to die! Hieeeeee!'

The brunette shrieked and scrambled out of the skylark's grasp, effectively kicking the cloud's face in the process.

Honey orbs flitted towards Reborn and he scrambled over to hide behind the hitman.

"I-I'm so sorry K-Kyoya....."

'I told him to shut up and snuggled into his chest!'

The brunette stuttered. The hitman gave the brunette a good whack, he measures his strength so as to not knock out the brunette.

"Dame-Tsuna, don't stutter, unless you're okay with repeating your training"

The sky's honey orbs widened in despair as he quickly shook his head, he did not want to repeat the hitman's spartan training all over again.

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