5: Tsuna vs pedo

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Dun worry chappy is safe, though some pedo actions, nothing explicit~

Reborn scowled when he finally sent the police officer away, he couldn't kill him because they were in a public park, and he couldn't have ran away because Tsuna was nearby and he couldn't abandon the young sky even if he was greatly displeased with him.

However when the hitman looked around for the brunette, his blood ran cold when he didn't see any sign of him.

He frowned as he started looking around casually, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to his being, he had a really bad feeling.

He headed in the direction where he had last seen the brunette heading in and turned a corner.

Leon shifted into a green gun in his hands angrily when the hitman spotted faint traces of blood on the walls of the building.

"Dame-Tsuna where are you? Why do you always get yourself into trouble?"

The hitman hissed to himself as he stalked away from the scene, looking for clues. He paused when he noticed some fluff on the ground, it matched the fluff that made up the boy's bunny ears and tails.

He smirked darkly as he followed the trail.

"Dame-Tsuna, you're really going to get it when I find you..."


Honey orbs blinked open, there was a faint throbbing in Tsuna's head as he looked around.

'Where am I?'

He froze when he remembered what had happened before he had lost consciousness. He tried to open his mouth to call for help but he was stopped by the cloth covering it. He went to sit up but his arms jerked painfully.

His gaze flickered up and narrowed at the restraints that were holding his arms together and tied to a bed frame.

'Well.... This isn't good....'

Tsuna shifted his body and was relieved when he didn't feel any pain outside of his throbbing head and stinging arms.

'Nothing happened to me beside being bound while I was unconscious it seems....'

Tsuna wasn't too worried, his captor wasn't around to do anything and he had the world's greatest hitman tracking him, it was only a matter of time until he was found, he only had to hope that his captor didn't return before Reborn came.

So Tsuna laid there in the bed, bored with noting to do, though he felt a faint simmering sensation within his chest.

Honey orbs snapped towards the door as soon as the young sky heard it creak, his stomach churned uneasily when he saw the face of his captor.

"Well well, looks like sleeping beauty is already awake"

Tsuna rolled his eyes at the comment, it was horribly cliché and overused.

'Any time now Reborn.....'

"Did you sleep well?"

The man asked as he sat down beside Tsuna, gently trailing a hand over the brunette's cheekbone.

A sharp glare was the only response that he got but he shrugged it off as he licked his lips in anticipation.

"You're a cute girl, the outfit is an added bonus"

Tsuna winced at that, his pride still hadn't mended fully from the fiasco with the maids.

"Aww you're scared, don't worry, I'll be gentle"

He purred as he removed the gag from the brunette's mouth, the brunette shifted his jaw to accompany the loss of the gag.

"Let me go mr. pedo"

The brunette replied darkly, however his glare that would normally scare a mafioso was useless when being used in the body of a five year old.

"First let's have some fun"

He chuckled as he leaned down and forced his chapped lips against the brunette's. Tsuna turned his head away but a swift grasp on his chin courtesy of the man forced him to face his captor.


Tsuna clenched his eyes closed, utterly disgusted with the man, he had never been fond of pedophiles, he was pretty sure that he would have been more scared if he wasn't an adult in a child's body.

Tsuna stiffened when his captor shifted his weight so that he was crouched over the brunette, with one leg on either side of him.

'Don't you dare....'

When a tongue prodded his mouth he opened it, the happy chuckle from the man quickly morphed into a scream of pain when Tsuna clenched his teeth down on the offending appendage.

'That's what you get for being a creepy pedophile!'

Tsuna smirked as his captor's blood flowed into his mouth and at how the taller began hitting him in the head to get him to release his tongue.

He only let go when he began to choke on the other's blood, the man pulled away and glared darkly at the brunette.

"You little brat!"

Honey orbs widened in shock when a gun was pointed in his face.

A cruel smirk covered the man's face at the sight of the brunette's shock, he tilted the gun to the side playfully.

"That's right, don't fight back anymore"

The man chuckled creepily as one of his hands headed towards the brunette's frilly skirt.

Tsuna's face went blank as an orange hue enveloped his eyes and a orange flame flickered dangerously atop his head.

He felt a jolt of pain as his flame flared on his hands, hot enough to incinerate his restraints, Tsuna's head was beginning to spin after a few seconds and he was forced to release his flame.

'Damn... Shamal was right... My body can't handle my flame....'

Faint trails of blood bubbled from the brunette's mouth, it could easily be mistaken as his captor's blood however.

Orange orbs shifted into honey before sliding closed, the last thing the brunette saw was a flash of black and yellow.



Reborn shot the man square in the head as soon as he saw the brunette's flame falter, he was worried as to why it had done so.

The man's body fell limply to the floor behind him as he carefully scooped up the brunette, blood was flowing from the boy's mouth, he doubted that it all belonged to the dead man.

"You did well dame-Tsuna..."

Me: nothing 18+ will happen in this story so no worries~ hehe had so much fun writing this~ hope ya people enjoyed~

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