17: Guardians realize he's gone

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"Hehe nice to finally meet you in person"

'I know her...'

A lady's voice chimed, Tsuna narrowed his eyes at her. He recognized her as one of the people who he had been planning to take down; Mirai Zuku, the overly zealous scientist. She had entered his blacklist due to multiple human experimentations.

"The pleasure is all yours....."

'I'd rather not even associate with somebody like you....'

The little sky growled darkly as he sat up to glare at his captor. She had long violet hair wrung up into a ponytail and icy blue eyes that seemed void of any form of sympathy.

"Oh, what a bad child!"

Mirai chuckled softly as she pulled a long metal rod out of her sleeve, honey orbs followed her movements carefully.

"I'm not a child"

The brunette replied flatly, his voice not giving away any hint of his discomfort or the stinging sensation within his chest.

The violet haired girl smirked and slid the metal rod through the bars of the cage. The brunette recoiled, however she managed to force him against the back by prodding the bar into his neck. She held the bar there and hummed in amusement.

'I really wish that I could use my flames to melt that damn metal rod! Or even better, the bars!'

"It's a real shame.... I'd have thought that the little Decimo would put up more of a fight...."

A wry smile plastered itself upon the young sky's lips as he tilted his head to the side.

"Vongola will find me and rescue me"

'I believe in my family and friends, I have no doubt that they'll find me soon'

The brunette replied, with each word he could feel the pressure of the rod inch further against his neck.

"Aren't you curious as to why I've captured me?"

'Hmm a scientist known for human experimentation is asking what they'll do to me.... I wonder what they'll do....'

Mirai replied, ignoring the young sky's previous statement.

"You want to use me most likely"

Tsuna sighed, Mirai clicked her tongue and spun away from the brunette, crossing her arms in the process.

"Ehhh no fun! However......"

She suddenly spun back and struck the brunette in the side with the rod, her finger twitched over a button on it's hilt and a shock was sent jolting through his body.

"I'll make things fun again!"


'Normally a jolt like that wouldn't even faze me....'

A soft yet pained whine escaped from the little sky's lips as his eyelids began to feel heavy.

"You... Won't get away with.... This...."

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