6: Talking to Shamal

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Honey orbs blinked open only to shut immediately as soon as the harsh light of the room hit them.

'Too bright...'

A soft groan escaped from the brunette's mouth as he slowly opened his eyes this time.

"So you're awake"


Tsuna looked over to see Shamal, he realized that he was in the Vongola mansion's infirmary.

"How long have I been out?..."

Tsuna asked with a grimace as a surge of pain flashed through his body as he sat up.

The doctor noticed the grimace and sighed in exasperation at the brunette's stubbornness.

"You've been unconscious for about a day since Reborn retrieved you"

Tsuna nodded in understanding.

'So only a day has passed.... I guess that the bazooka effects aren't going to fade away any time soon...'

"Thanks Shamal"

The doctor scoffed at how Tsuna tried to stand up and failed.

"Don't push yourself idiot, your flame caused a lot of damage to your body"

Tsuna blinked in surprise as he looked down at his own body.

"Damage? But I don't see anything wrong..."

'Though my body does hurt like hell...'

The doctor massaged his temple and sighed as he lit a cigarette and took a long drag from it, Tsuna ignored the fact that he was smoking in an infirmary.

"Idiot, the damage was internal, a lot of the tissue inside of you had been torn, thankfully none of the tissue included any of your major organs"

Tsuna's mouth dropped at the explanation, he now understood why he felt so much pain.

"That bad?.... Does anyone know?"

'I hope not... Everyone would make a fuss when there's not much that they could do to help'

The doctor shook his head as he stubbed the sugar eye and stored it into his ashtray.

"Nope, they think that you were punched too hard in the stomach and got internal bleeding that way"

A grateful smile plastered itself upon the brunette's face.

"Thanks for not ratting me put Shamal"

"Don't thank me, if they found out, they would have found your little flame problem as well, and you've ordered me to keep that a secret"

Tsuna nodded in understanding.

"I barely used my flames at all....."

'I used it for less than a minute....'

Shamal' gaze turned towards the brunette with an uncharacteristic seriousness.

"I'd recommend that you do not use your flame anymore under any circumstances"

'But what if I need to protect someone?....'


"No buts, it's dangerous for you to do so, as you have already seen, without the help of Reborn's sun flames you would have died"

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