9: Hospital chat

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I suck at naming chapters....


"So how do you feel dame-Tsuna?"

The hitman inquired, honey orbs narrowed in thought before softening.

'Besides the obvious pain, I actually feel quite good'

"I feel much better than before, it doesn't feel like I'm going to burst anymore"

The hitman nodded in acceptance.

"That's because the flame drain rings were finished"

Reborn sighed at the recognition in the brunette's orbs.

'They're finished already? That's fast....'

"That's great! Now I won't explode!"

The brunette chirped happily, his energy renewed at the good news. Reborn raised a brow at this.

"So when were you going to tell me that you were having problems with your flames even before the accident?"

Reborn drawled darkly, causing the brunette to freeze momentarily before his gaze lowered towards the ground.

'Ah I forgot that he didn't know....'

"I didn't think that it was much of a problem.... I wasn't in any danger as long as I randomly released my flames at random intervals....."

The brunette muttered softly under his breath, feeling guilty for not telling the hitman.

'Maybe I should have told him myself... Then I wouldn't be having this conversation right now....'

"Dame-Tsuna, that's no good, it would make me look bad if the one I trained got hurt or was weakened"

Reborn muttered as he pointed a shifted Leon gun in the brunette's face. Honey orbs blinked before a small smile quirked upwards on the boy's lips.

"I understand Reborn, I'm sorry for not telling you"

'Thank you for caring about my safety'

The hitman nodded but still didn't lower his Leon gun.

"You know, you can't shoot at me because my body probably can't even handle a rubber bullet Reborn"

The hitman shot the brunette a glare but the gun shifted into a green chameleon and crawled up the hitman's arm so as to perch atop his fedora.

"We really need to get the reversal for your condition found....."

The little sky nodded in agreement, he was always a magnet for trouble, but he was usually able to handle the trouble himself, however he couldn't with his current body.

'I keep causing my family trouble, I'm the boss, I'm supposed to be fixing problems not causing them....'

"Yeah.... How long did Spanner and Shoichi say that it would take to fix the bazooka?"

The Decimo questioned softly, purposely not naming a certain screw up mechanic.

"No more than a week, thankfully the bazooka is repairable"

'Good, the sooner I'm normal, the better'

The hitman stated with a dark gleam in his onyx orbs.

"What about Giannini?"

'I hope his punishment wasn't too rough.... I know that his heart was in the right place, just not his skills...'

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