18: Agony

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"I wonder if he'll scream during the process....."

The little sky tried to open his eyes, however it seemed to take too much effort.


"Mirai, we should have already started...."

'Started what?...'

Tsuna tried once more to open his eyes, this time however he succeeded.

The violet haired girl puffed out her cheeks into a childish pout as she crossed her arms in a huff.

"Ah Maro you're no fun!"

Mirai whined, honey orbs flittered towards the other figure in the room. The figure was a male with short and spiky ruby red hair and matching eyes, his left ear was pierced with a black stud.

'Great.... Now I have two people to worry about escaping from....'

Ruby orbs turned towards the brunette and a devious smirk crossed over his face as he turned towards Mirai.

"Oh seems like he's awake"

The purple haired girl clapped excitedly as she rushed over towards the little sky. Tsuna noted that he was laying horizontally, strapped towards a metal bed via metal bindings. Much to the brunette's dismay, he only had on a white gown.

'I'd really prefer to be wearing proper clothes....'

"I've heard many tales about you Vongola Decimo..."

Mirai stated as she ran her slender hand along the brunette's jaw, honey orbs narrowed in defiance.

"I'm sure you have"

The brunette grated as he tried to move his cheek away from her touch.

'I am the most influential person in the underground after all.....'

"I've heard about how pure your flame is, and also the power that it holds..."

Maro added as he took his place beside Mirai, Tsuna drew his lips into a thin line, not liking where the conversation was leading.

'It seems as if they are after my flame.... I wonder if they wish to harness its power...'

"If you're after my flame then I'll tell you now, I'm not able to use it right now"

The little sky stated, cringing inwardly at the dark emotions that flashed within both of their eyes.

"Don't worry we will just coax your flame out of you"

Mirai chirped as she patted the brunette on the cheek playfully, a cool shiver ran down his spine.

'They're going to coax my flame out of me?... That doesn't sound good... I'm pretty sure that that'll damage me greatly....'

Maro pulled out a weird piece of equipment formed from many tubes, and valves. He attached them onto the brunette's wrists and ankles.

"This machine will kindly allow your flame to gently collect and settle in this machine.

The red head replied with a smirk as he motioned towards a weird canister.

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