t h i r t y - n i n e

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I heard the front door open and my eyes instantly met Jack's. "I'm home!" my dad called and Jack handed me his phone sadly, knowing I wouldn't talk by now.

Please talk to him for me, just don't let him come in.

Jack agreed and nodded sadly. He walked out of my room, being sure to shut the door. I was nervous to see what would happen, but I heard my dad yell and hid under the blankets.

"What the fuck!" my dad yelled. "And where were you?" he asked Jack. It sounded like they were just outside my door, which scared me.

"I w-went to get us some breakfast, it's probably cold by now."

"Let me in," my dad said angrily.

"Look, she's had a rough day. She won't even talk to me," he was trying to whisper. "She's been typing everything. Look," I assumed he was showing him. "She won't talk, I think the asshole said something that scared her."

"That's my daughter, dammit! I want to see her!" I got up and opened the door, Jack almost fell but I pushed him back up. I had tear-dried cheeks and more tears building up. "Honey, are you okay?" I stared at him and looked at Jack, trying to ask for help with my eyes. "Alexis, talk to me." I looked at the floor with my arms crossed over my chest. "Alexis!" he yelled.

"Sir, I know she's your daughter, but give her some space!" Jack almost yelled. I threw my arms around him and his in his chest. His arms came around me tightly and he rubbed my back soothingly. "Do you still want to leave today?" he asked me and I nodded into his chest.

"What? No, you just got back!" my father yelled at me. I glared at him, he couldn't tell me what to do. "You're not leaving! Especially after what's happened today!" I turned around, grabbed my picture of mom, grabbed my suitcase, and then Jack's hand. He quickly grabbed his suitcase and followed me. "You can't take her away from me!" he yelled at Jack.


We were now back in L.A., and riding a plane is hard without talking. But I did it. Because I didn't deserve to talk.

I sat on the couch with a blanket wrapped around me as Jack brought me a cup of coffee and a sandwich with some grapes. I picked at the grapes and stared at them. I ate one, and sat the plate on the coffee table.

Jack looked at me as he sipped his coffee. "Are you gonna talk to me?" he asked worriedly. "Ever?" I shrugged and stared at my drink. He stared at me and a smile slowly crept across his face. "Do you know what the last think you said to me was?" I shook my head and he smiled. "'Love you'," he told me and I smiled. "Do you still love me?" he asks. I nod and take his phone.

I love you more than you'll ever know

"I love you," he kisses my cheek. "I can't hear you perfect voice, because you won't talk, but what if I make you laugh?" He asks and I grin. He playfully kisses my face all over and I slightly laugh. "There it is! The lovely voice that I crave each and every day!" I smile at him. He was so perfect.

You are perfect, Jack Gilinsky.

"Baby, so are you," he smiles and kisses my nose but I shake my head. I wasn't.

You're not even close to perfect. You're a slutty, unpure, girl who deserves nothing but pain!

"Yes you are," he lifts my chin and plants a kiss right on my lips. "You're the only love I've ever known, you're what makes me happy." I giggle and he smiles. "Can you talk, for me?" he asks and looks at me.

"I-I, I- w-w-" I sigh, I was too nervous.

Don't talk, your dirty mouth should stay shut.

"You can do it, cmon," he smiles at me happily but I shake my head. "Okay, take your time." He looks at me, long and hard. "What made you stop talking? And start, well, stuttering?" I hide my face. I was too nervous to talk clearly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." He sighed. "I love you, though," he kissed my forehead.

"I love you."

"I LOVE YOU MORE, OH MY GOSH!" he hugs me.

"I-I k-keep stuttering," I sigh.

"You're just nervous, it's okay," he tucks my hair behind my hair. "You didn't stutter when you told me you loved me," he smiled, which made me smile.

"W-wh-what if I-I'm pregnant?" I asked as I stared at the floor.

"Do you want me to go buy one of those little test things?" he asks and I nod.

"B-but I-I don't w-want his kid," I say as my hands started shaking. "I-I-"

"Look, what you do with the baby is your decision, if you have a baby. If you were to keep him or her, I would stay by your side and help you, because as far as I'm concerned, that child will not be raised without a father figure. And as far as he or she will know, I'm their father. I'm the one that will help raise them. Blood or not." I couldn't help but smile at Jack. He smiled back at me and kissed my forehead. "Let's go get a pregnancy test."


probably won't be updating for a while

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