Once Upon a Time

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When everything still had a meaning, we followed that path. But when everything changed, we strayed.

Memories which played like an old black and white tape.

"Nakamura Shiori will now become the next rightful Heir to the clan", Grandfather had said. Everyone was clapping, however some were in oppose. Later that night, I heard people over talking loudly.

"This is an outrage ! Why has Grandfather selected Shiori as the heir when Sotaru is here ? Why has he selected the heir to be a female instead of a male !?"

You were able to feel the hate and anger in their voices. After that day, things changed. In the end, it was that change that ruined us all.

When Mother died, I cried. Ciel was there, Oka was there... even those who had caused it all to happen. I cried at the thought of being alone. But I wasn't, now was I ? Ciel and Oka were the only ones there for me. The next day, when she was being buried, I didn't cry at all. I watched as they put her in her last and final resting spot. The only thing I thought of was getting revenge on those who killed her. However, I already knew it wasn't easy. Because it was her.

For at least 5 more months afterwords, I stayed in that confined home. I thought about the life I had and what I really wanted. Did I really want to become an Heir ? Back then, the days without Mother were like a living hell. I was treated as if I didn't belong. I lost faith. So it finally happened.

Such things also happened to them. Ciel, who hated the rules and regulations within the clan. She was considered to be a rebel who went against everything. Oka, who hated the ideals of perfection that went though the clan. They said that her existence was useless if she didn't believe in the perfection of a person. So instead of accepting, we all went together. 

In the end I stained my hands and let go of my innocence. The world was no longer clean.

Years after I killed the henchmen who were under that order of killing my Mother, I saw her face. It turns out, that once I left the clan, she had sent orders to kill me as well. Wide eyed, and shocked. Drained of its color. Surrounding me, the splashes of a red hue. Lifeless bodies. An eerie silence. I had smiled towards her as if nothing was wrong. "Soon", I recall saying, as I turned my back to leave. I paused and peered over my shoulder. "I'll be coming for you."

I believe that it was also that day that she was born.


I felt something cold touch the side of my face. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to see Ciel looming over me. On my forehead, a damp towel. I was going to ask her what she was doing but then I realized there was a sharp throbbing pain in my head. Ciel must have realized, because she sighed. She had pulled up a chair beside the bed and stayed with me.

"Earlier, we were in Physical Ed", she said, "We were playing Volleyball. For the first 15 minutes, everything went well until we heard someone panicking." I rolled on my side and looked at her. "It turns out that the volleyball somehow managed to knock you out", she continued. "Afterwords, you were taken here." "By who ?" She gave me a look of disbelief and a faint grin. "You think I'd bring you all the way here ?", She said, somewhat chuckling, "It was too far, so I asked Shuichi to do it." I sighed and rolled back on my back. I put my arm over my eyes and closed them. I hesitated. "How long have I been in here then ?", I asked. "Ahhhhh....", Ciel mumbled, "Let's say that its already lunch period." I removed my arm and sat up, moving back so that my back could lean on the wall. "If it's lunch, then why are you in here ? Shouldn't you be eating ?" Ciel shrugged. "There's no point", she replied nonchalantly, "And besides, isn't your health much more important ?" I grinned and looked down on the blanket sheet that covered my body. "Thank you, Ciel", I mumbled. I felt her softly punch my shoulder as I looked up. "You're an idiot", she said, grinning. "You're such an idiot."


In the end, I failed to mention anything.


By the time we left the infirmary, it was still somewhat lunch period. We had at least 35 minutes left so we walked to the main market. Just us. Ciel and I. "That reminds me", Ciel was saying as she had her arms behind her head, "Ura said you've met each other. As well as Kuwabara." I looked up and stared at her. "Ah yeah", I mumbled. I watched her grin. "I heard that you guys first met with you jumping over Taichi", she laughed. I slightly pushed her to the side. "It was an accident !", I replied, trying to explain, "I was running after the guy who stole my bag when he suddenly appeared out of no where. Remember ? If I hadn't jump over him, then it would've been very troublesome." She still laughed. "I guess it's much more interesting that way", she said. "Besides", I mumbled, "Just how did you meet them anyways ?" "Urameshi and Kuwabara ?" Ciel crossed her arms and thought about it. "Ah well", she sighed. "How do I put this...." "A fight ?", I guessed. She nodded. "Somewhat", she replied. "Back then, he was really cocky." She grinned at the thought. 

"For some reason, we were both fighting together because of this gang leader who had a gun. We were automatically left with the choice of working together. He tried shooting us because he thought we were part of another opposing gang of theirs. He didn't get his way though. Urameshi almost killed him, so I had to knock him out. And before he woke up, I left him there." She laughed. "You can't imagine how amusing it was when we ran into each other a couple weeks later. It was around that time that we actually got acquainted with each other."

"And Kuwabara ?", I asked.

She sighed. "With Kuwabara, it wasn't as violent. I met him when he was being ganged up on. I think he was trying to protect a... cat ? I don't remember. Though I do remember getting in the way because it annoyed me to see him looking so pitiful." I watched her look up at the sky and take a deep breath. "He got angry, saying 'Why the hell did you get in my way !?', but I punched him and told him he was being stupid. Kuwabara was also just as cocky as Urameshi back then. But they've changed."

I stared at the ground. "You have too", I mumbled. She turned to me and grinned. "Haven't we all", she said with amusement. I laughed. "The time from back then and now are completely different", she mumbled. "But...." She turned to me. "I have a feeling that you want to say something about it ?" I grinned and averted my gaze. "You're just as sharp as ever", I replied. I felt her pat my head. "Of course", she said mellowly. "I've known you for too long." I tilted my head and looked up at the sky.

"Nee. Ciel."

"Nande ?"

"Why did we decide to go this way ?"

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