Unexplainable Matters

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So it turns out that after that day, I gained two more problematic people. And the sad thing is that they're about 10% much worse than Wakahisa. Actually scratch that, Wakahisa wasn't even that bad. I actually didn't even consider her as problematic. However, its a completely different story for those other two. A few days after that entire incident, I went to pay Izumi a visit. And luckily for me, it would be just her and I. I really should've brought Shuichi and Ciel with me, but I decided not to.

"So I've heard of your little incident with Sara and Azalin", Izumi said with a faint chuckle, "It looks like you've got another problematic situation on your hands." I sighed, looking down at the polished desk that I was sitting at. "Yeah", I mumbled in dismay. I was trying to look for any imperfections on the polished desk but all I could find was that finishing gleam from the cleaning spray or whatever it was called. "Nee, are you sad Shiori ?", Izumi asked me with a mischievous grin. "Are you sad that someone is finally trying to aim for your prince's heart ?" I looked up at her slowly and began to grin. "Am I supposed to be ?", I asked her in return. She shrugged and started spinning around in her chair. "In this case, yes", she replied as she spun around at a constant pace, "Because if not, that'll it'll also become problematic for me and this club." "How so ?" Her chair spinning began to slow down. "I'd prefer to keep it as it is. To where everyone just hates you out of their jealousy for Shuichi's love and attention. I know you're strong enough to handle it, so I don't think much of it. However, if the prince were to suddenly break up with you and start dating someone else, that'll will cause everything to change. It'll distort our system. I don't want to create another system." I looked at her with disbelief. "What a lazy person you are !", I said as if I had been surprised. I was being sarcastic. She smirked and did a graceful hair flip by pushing her hair back. "Naturally", she replied.

After a while, I decided to hang around in that clubroom with Izumi for lunch. I was supposed to go out with Shuichi, Ciel, and Wakahisa, but my excuse was that I had something to do. I doubt Shuichi and Ciel believed that lie of mine though. After all, they had classes with me. While staring at the clear flower vase that held the white Gardenias, I was reminded about the question that I was originally going to ask Izumi. But before I asked her, I went around to see if anything was out of place. Something in the room was bothering me now. I didn't notice it until about 10 minutes into my little hangout with Izumi. "What're you doing ?", I heard her ask when I stopped by one of the shelves. I looked back at her with a smile. By now, I've already been walking around the room for at least 3 minutes. "Nothing really", I replied softly, "I'm just checking to see if anything is.. you know, out of place ?" To my surprise, that question seemed to get to Izumi, because she suddenly stopped doing what she was doing and stood up. Though I didn't question her. I already knew why. So while she was walking towards me, I noticed how her left hand was closed, as if she were holding something in the palm of her hand. I just couldn't see it, but I knew something was there, in her hand. 

About halfway through, Izumi stopped walking towards me. She was looking at me with a smile. But in reality, I knew that she was looking past me. And how I knew was because she was standing at an angled position. Izumi titled her head, and then swiftly moved towards me. I on the other hand, didn't. Instead, I stood there and watched as something flew right by the side of my face. I took a step towards Izumi as she sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. I looked over my shoulder to see something pinned onto the wall. I grinned. "My, my", I said as I watched it struggling to break free from the item that was pinning it down. "What a familiar looking shadow this is..." Izumi moved past me and stood in front of it. "How strange", she said as she examined it with a slight interest in her voice, "I wonder how something like you managed to get into a seal area like this. Adding on the fact that you're also a low leveled demon... I wonder who you belong." The shadow continued to squirm around. Izumi sighed and shook her head in dismay. She snapped her hand, and in an instant, the shadow disappeared. The pin fell to the ground with a faint 'clink'.

"Speaking of demons", I mumbled, as she knelt down to pick the pin up. "Have you.. noticed any of them around here lately ?" I watched her nod her head. "Now that you mention it", she said faintly, "I have." Her voice slowly faded off into a whisper. When she turned to me, I could see nothing but a desolate and empty look in her eyes. "And believe me, that's the last thing I want to focus on." Izumi glanced down at the pin before tossing it over to me. "You mentioned how familiar that shadow looked", she said with a bit of interest. "So I'll give it to you. You seem more familiar with this situation so I'll leave everything in your hands." I looked at the pin that was in my hands. "But before I decide to accept that responsibility", I mumbled, "Tell me how this thing works." She smirked and waved her index finger in the air. "Ah, ah, ah. I would if I could", she said, "But that pin isn't mine. I took it from Azalin." I slightly narrowed my gaze. "What're you implying ?", I asked her. That smirk faded into a grin as she turned to face the window. "Let's just say that I have some.. speculations about those two." I grinned and walked over to her, the pin now in the pocket of my blazer. "Go on", I replied, trying to prevent her from dragging on, "What kind of speculations do you speak of ?" She must've noticed my impatience because she waved her finger at me again. 

"Not so fast darling", she said with sly smile on her face. "Before I decide to continue on, I have a little favor to ask of you. And depending on whether you want this information or not, I'll tell you now that it's a must do and that you won't be given any choices. Care to listen ?" I thought about it for a moment and then came to the unexplainable conclusion that I really didn't have a choice. For some reason, that pin was able to catch a shadow. A pin, which belongs to Azalin, and the shadow that's been taunting us for a while. 'Was there.. a connection ?', I asked myself. Though I knew that it was only a guess. I couldn't confirm anything.

I sighed and tilted my head. "That favor of yours", I said to Izumi. "What is it ?"

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