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Out of all those that are in the room, just about how many of them will realize ? Shall I show them an illusion or a reality ? My, it's so amusing that it's bothersome. I will give you a start.

"Where do you want to begin ?" 

They all seem to shift around the room uncomfortably. They're all aware of who I am. I've only been here for a few minutes but their uneasiness is already showing. It's pathetic. I wonder how Shiori was able to support such weak people. She's saved them so many times. But now. I wonder how they'll be able to save themselves now that she is no longer here. Will they run away like they used to ? Or will they be able to stand on their own ?

The one known as Sara spoke first. For now, the rest of them listened. She spoke to me in such a cautious manner that it made me smirk. She was a Rank B demon, one who was almost at Rank A. "To begin with", she cautiously said as she watched me, "Who are you really ? It's easy to assume that perhaps you're that demon because of what we were told but... it's too soon to confirm such a thing." I titled my head to the side and leaned against the wall. Maybe they weren't as foolish as I thought. "I'm glad that you can reason", I replied with a slight smile, "It makes explanations much easier for me. Shall I begin with what happened to Shiori's Spirit Chain ? Surely, you all felt it shatter that night." They grimaced at the mention of it. As I glanced around the room, I realized that Shuichi wasn't there. I huffed. I guess that even someone like him needed time to breathe. Did it hurt him the most, I wonder.

"Considering how none of you were not present", I began to say as I stared at their blank expressions, "I will start with the events that occurred before her Spirit Chain shattered. As we all know, Shiori left for Makai on her own. She did it in order to search for the one known as Wakahisa, who was presumably at this time, bound to a Glass Box. If you aren't aware of what that is, it is a type of spirit chain. However, this one binds to a spirit without any will, no matter what you did to escape it. It was created by the Council of Makai nearly 7,000 years ago, long before that demon abandoned Makai. The only twist to this spirit chain is that the longer you trap a spirit or soul in it, the quicker that person will die. It's a bit more complex. Shiori, who knew of what would happen to Wakahisa if she didn't move, left because of that reason. The only way to free a person's soul from a Glass Box is to kill the one who originally placed them in it. If you were to break it, then that soul would be lost forever."

The one who sat near Sara, stared in awe. "How fragile..", she quietly mumbled.

"A short time after arriving to Makai, she encountered her mothers duplicate by chance. From there, she confirmed the usage of a Glass Box and fought to take it back. However it all became pointless when Luurè got in the way. Around that time, Oka arrived in Makai. Eion and Xeila arrived shortly after. Long story short, Luurè and that duplicate escaped before Shiori could do anything to stop them. The took the Glass Box with them."

"So then you fought with them ?", Oka was asked as they all looked at her. She was looking down at her hands with a blank, sympathetic smile. "Yes", she mumbled.

"Due to certain circumstances a while later, we discovered the location of where those two had gone", I continued to say after a brief moment of silence. "Luurè and her duplicate ended up returning to one of the main bases of the council. Oka and I ended up going there to find them. Afterwords, we went separate ways. Shiori ended up running into Sachi, who, just like the others, tried to kill her before she could find Luurè. Oka got in the way of that and Shiori was able to avoid any trouble with him." "But that was just the beginning", someone mumbled from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see Shuichi standing by the door. There was an empty, desolate expression on his face. 

"After Sachi, she ran into me", he said as he shut the door behind him, "We fought for a while and then.. she explained it all to me. The Glass Box. Wakahisa. She explained everything. However she did not mention what would happen to her afterwords. I did not know was what she was planning to do after she freed Wakahisa. If I had caught on, then maybe she would still be here." The atmosphere within the room drew dense. I turned to him and patted him on the head. "You are not to blame for what happened", I replied sternly. "None of you were. Even if you tried to, nothing would have changed." "What happened after you separated ?" I turned to the boy with silver colored hair. The one known as Tsukiya, I believe. "Shiori caught up to her mothers duplicate. She was there with Luurè, who was watching from afar with the Glass Box." Luurè's wretched smile appeared in my mind as I frowned. "Shiori and that duplicate fought. If you had been there, you would have doubted Shiori's success in killing her but.. they both found an opening and took a chance to move." I pointed at Shiori's chest, near her heart. The wound was still there, but it wasn't as fresh. It was slowly starting to heal. "Shiori hit that duplicate on the heart. That duplicate hit Shiori near the heart with a blade coated in poison. Once Shiori realized what happened, she grabbed the duplicate by the arm and held her down. At that moment, a white circle appeared underneath them both and grew."

"What exactly was that light ?", Ciel asked, her voice cold and unwelcoming. I smirked and sighed in dismay. "It was the seal that held us together", I mumbled, tightening her hands into fists. "The seal between Shiori and I broke, causing her Spirit Chain to become unstable. We were eventually engulfed by a white light." I paused. "And then ?", one of them asked. I looked up at the white ceiling that hung above us. "She asked me something." "Like ?"

"She said, 'Can you promise me something Kana ?'" From the corner of my eye, I could see Oka watching me. "And that promise ?", she asked, her voice soft yet completely bland. My head hung at the thought of that memory. "She said, 'Can you promise me that if anything were to happen to me after this, that you would watch over them in my place ? If I were to disappear, will you.. watch over them for me ?'" "Are you saying that Shiori knew about what was going to happen to her ?", the one known as Kaori said. I slowly nodded my head. "Yes", I mumbled. 

"We both did."

|| A Bouquet of Red and White Roses || [Yu Yu Hakusho Fan-fic] {Edits}Where stories live. Discover now