Anger: Chapter 3 (MarkJae)

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Everybody sat there in silent. Nobody moving a muscle. Everybody was just staring at Mark and JB. Mark burned holes through JB's head and JB just stared at him as if he was a little lost puppy. Mark sighed.

"If we are just going to sit here and do nothing, I am leaving" Mark said as he got up and left.

The next day, Mark was waiting with the camera crew as they waited for the others, who were late again, to come and they can begin filming for REALGOT7. GOT7 finally arrived and they said their hellos as they made their way to the back to drop off all of their belongings and go to the front.

"Come and get it. GOT7" they all said.

They did their mission. And on of the missions were the trust falls. Mark and JB were paired. Mark fell first and he was caught by JB. The only thing that JB thought of was, at least he still trusts me since he did not hesitate to fall. JB was next to fall. He fell. However, he was still falling until he groaned in pain as he hit his back on the floor.

"Oops. Was I supposed to catch you?" Mark asked as he walked away, leaving the other members to help JB up.

"I miss the other Mark" Yugyeom asked.

"Well, I promise you that you will get to see the old Mark again pretty soon" JB said and they continued the filming.

The next mission was for a specific member to smash things on the other's faces. Mark was chosen, and he got to hit all of the other members with pans of whip cream. The last thing was a Q & A.

Q: Jackson can you speak french?

A: Oui. Bonjour je m'appelle Jackson Wang. Je suis tres sexy.

Q: BamBam can you sing please?


Q: Can you guys dab?

Then all of the members dabbed... Well, everybody except Mark.

Q: Mark, can you and Jackson have a conversation in English?

J: Hi Mark.

M: Hi.

J: How are you today?

M: Good.

J: What are you doing today?

M: Nothing.

J: Do you like me?

M: No.

J: Are you okay?

M: No.

J: Oh.

Q: BamBam, can you do all the ratchet dances?

A: BamBam whips, naenae, hits the quan, drops it low, mop the floor, vibrate, and dab.

Q: Can you guys say talofa lava. It's hi in Samoan.


Q: Mark? Are you okay? Please do not let anything hinder you to be your old self. We miss you Mark. Please tell us what happened.


Mark looked at the camera, smiled, and nodded his head.

"The reason behind me acting this way is because I was yelled at by someone I love dearly. I didn't know that I was too clingy and annoying for them, that when I was about to hug them. They blew up on me and I felt like I should avoid them to give them space. I felt so lonely the past few weeks, but I didn't want to go to them because I thought that I'll give them more space to breathe and ot have to deal with my clinginess" Mark cried.

"Baby. I didn't mean it to be that way" JB said as he stepped towards Mark.

"Than what did you mean JB?" Mark asked as he glared at JB as tears streamed down his face "Because I felt like every word that escaped your lips were meant from the heart" Mark said as he continued to cry.

"They aren't baby. I swear"JB said as he walked to Mark who backed away.

"I think that we should break-" Mark started.

"NO!" JB's voice boomed as he made everybody in the room flinch, even JYP and their manager.

"And why is that. You were mad that I kept hugging you. And you don't love me!" Mark was the one to yell this time.

"I do love you. And the reason for me being angry was because I was angry!" JB raised his voice now.

"ANGRY AT WHAT?!" Mark shouted.

"Angry at myself" JB said.

"Why were you angry at yourself. You are so full of bullshit!" Mark shouted.

"I was angry at myself!" JB shouted.


"No. For being scared to be rejected when I ask you to marry me. I was angry at myself for even doubting my love for you and me!" JB shouted and Mark's expression changed.

"You were going to ask me to marry me?"Mark asked.

"Who else was I going to ask? Casper the ghost?" JB asked resulting in both of them to giggle "As a matter of fact"

JB got one knee and smiled up to mark. He took a deep breath and smiled.

"Baby. First off, I would like to say sorry for being an ass to you. I just didn't know how to feel if you said no. I want to make you the happiest man in the world. I want to wake up with you by my side because the past few weeks were so lonely. I want to feel your hugs. I want you to be clingy with me and only me. i want to love you forever. Mark Yi En Tuan, will you do me the favor and accept my proposal and marry me?" JB asked as he watched as Mark was now in tears.

Mark wiped the tears that were falling and nodded his head. JB got up and picked up Mark, twirling him around in a circle as he kissed him.

"I love you" JB said.

"I love you too. But you have some serious anger issues" Mark said as he pecked JB's lips.

Mark than went and apologized to the other boys and they all group hugged with Mark in the middle.

"GET OFF OF HIM!" JB screamed angrily.

"Jesus babe. I told you, you have anger issues" Mark said and pecked JB's lips, resulting in him smiling.

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