Never Again: Chapter 5 (BNior)

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"Jinyoung!" a voice called his name.

He stopped in his tracks as well as the kids. They looked around, trying to see who had called their mother's name.

JB's P.O.V.:

While we were doing our little fansign event, there was a familiar figure that was walking to the exit of the door. It couldn't be right. It can't be him. He was gone. JB couldn't contain his happiness as he knew that the person in his view was in fact Jinyoung.

"Jinyoung!" JB shouted and the person suddenly stopped.

End of P.O.V.:

Jr stood there, tears in his eyes as he knew exactly who that voice belonged too. He knew from that voice that it had to be him. Im Jaebum. He turned around to find that he was staring right at him, at his brown eyes, as they soon disappeared due to the other smiling.

"Let's go!" Mark demanded and began pushing the others out the door.

Jinyoung looked back and saw that it JB was trying to make his way to them, but had difficult time, due to the many fans.

"Jinyoungie! Markie! Jack-Jack! Jae! Bammie! Yugie! Wait!" JB called out.

While they were being pushed out the mall, Jinyoung's legs became weak, making him fall.

"Mom!" Nark said as he rushed back only to find Jb running towards them, telling them to wait.

Mark picked Jinyoung up and carried him to the car, putting on his seatbelt, and going to the driver's seat and driving off, only to hear banging from the window. They looked and saw that JB was telling them to wait. however, Mark rolled his eyes and drove away.

"Mom? Are you okay?" Yugyeom asked.

"It seemed like it was just yesterday when he said those names" Jinyoung said as he smiled to himself.


"Jagi. Yugyeom and BamBam are crying." JB said as he turned over on his side.

"It's your turn to get them," Jinyoung said tiredly "I did it the last three months"

"Can you do it this time. I'll be a good boy if you know what I mean," Jb said as he smirked at JR, giving him a wink.

"You suck babe!" Jinyoung said as he got out of bed.

"Love you too!" JB said.

Jinyoung went into BamBam and Yugyeom's room.

"Hello my babies, what's the big fuss?" he said in a cooing manner.

"Ma! Ma! Up!" they both said.

Jinyoung picked both of them up and began to shush them to be quiet.

"Momma! I had a nightmare" a voice came from the back.

Jinyoung turned around to reveal Youngjae.

"Do you wanna sleep with Mommy and Daddy?" Jinyoung asked as he looked at Youngjae rubbing his eyes.

"Yes please" he said.

Jinyoung then heard a faint cry and he walked to Jackson's room.

"Jackson baby what's wrong?" Jinyoung asked.

"I think I wet my bed," Jackson said.

"Is you paints wet?" Jinyoung asked as he went and sat on the bed with other two in his arms and a whiney Youngjae.

"No" Jackson said.

"Did you have a juice pack in here Jackson?" Jinyoung asked and Jackson smiled a smile that was 'You got me' and laughed.

"No more juice packs in here young man!" Jinyoung said as he flicked Jackson's head.

"Can I sleep with you guys too!" Jackson asked.

"Of course baby. Take BamBam, I'll go see if Mark wants to sleep with us as well. Youngjae, follow Jackson to go sleep with Daddy" Jinyoung ordered.

Jinyoung went and knocked on Mark's door.

"Come in" a quiet voice was heard.

"Mark baby, what on earth are you doing up at this hour?" Jinyoung looked worried.

"Reading" Mark said.

"You got that from me. You lucky that it's reading because I would ground you if it wasn't." Jinyoung laughed "What book is it anyways?"

"Maximum Ride series. I got these from your backpack" Mark said smiling "It's really interesting, especially the part where they are-mmmmm... Not normal. Hybrids? Humans with wings?"

"That was interesting, but why are you going through my stuff young man?"

"Technically it was on top of the bag" Mark said.

"Anyways, let's go. It's national sleep in you parents' bed day" Jinyoung said sarcastically.

"That's basically every single day for them." Mark said rolling his eyes and shaking his head "But I'll come anyways"

Jinyoung and Mark werr about to leave his room.

"Leave the book in here mister. You'll never get any sleep if you keep that with you" Jinyoung said.

"But Mom. It's getting to the good part" Mark whined and pouted.

"Now. In the room" Jinyoung said as he watched Mark slowly walk into his room putting the book down and running to Jinyoung.

They entered the room only to see that Jackson and BamBam were cuddled together,Youngjae lying on Jaebum's stomach as he protectively engulfed him in a hug. Mark hopped on the bed first and laid down, then Jinyoung who carried a sleeping Yugyeom.

"Good night my boys" Jinyoung said as he looked at each and every one of them with a smile.

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