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Annyeong! Author-nim here. I just wanted to say that I am very excited to post the first chapter of '93 Days of Summer'! This is the first fanfiction that I'll write completely in third person. I am very nervous how that will turn out since I never ever in my six years of fanfiction writing wrote in the third person. So bear with me.

Another note: The chapters will be called after the days of the Summer so there might be a chapter called (3) and it might be the second or fourth... I think you'll get the point.

And now, have fun reading!

Inês-author-nim. ♥

• • • ♥

The first time I saw you, my heart whispered "That's the one."

Kim Junmyeon sits on a wooden bench, a Coke can in his right hand, while his left hand moves through his hair. Around the bench is nice green grass and a tiny stream ripples next to the bench. It's a tiny park, but still well constructed; quiet paths, little streams that lead to a big flow which is covered with a bridge. Junmyeon, dark hair and brown eyes, is wearing a checkered shirt - it's first two buttons open - and dark blue jeans to elegant shoes. He smiles brightly at his friends who are telling him a story about the passed mock exams.

"I was really afraid that I mess them up." A tall boy with dyed pink hair and big brown eyes said, clenching his can of Coke in his hands, while chuckling. "The question's about the different types of Trot music was silly after all." He ended his rant and took a sip.

"At least you didn't have to write about the difference between Korean Dramas and Western Dramas, Chanyeol." Junmyeon smiled and nodded towards the other boy. "No one told you to study Acting, Junmyeon." Chanyeol laughed and Junmyeon just rolled his eyes.

The group of boys sighed and looked around the park. Junymeon treated Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo on Coke and Crisps, because all of them passed the Mock Exams and were ready for the summer. 

It was May 31st, a warm spring day and the sun was shining since the morning. Other students of the Korean National University of Arts were walking around in T-Shirts and Shorts. Park Chanyeol was no difference. He was wearing black Adidas Shorts and a white T-Shirt; looking like he was about to play Basketball any second. 

Junmyeon closed his eyes and let the sun shine on his pale face. "Finally we have the Mock Exams behind us. All that learning really drowned me out. Now I can look for a part time job." Kyungsoo smiled, while scratching his chin and holding his can tightly in his hand.

Junmyeon, with his eyes closed, listens to the conversation Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol were having about part time jobs, when he opens his eyes and nips on his Coke. In the distance he can see a girl walking over the path, holding a few books infront of her chest.

She has cropped black hair, that reaches to the middle of her neck and is wearing a black fedora. Junmyeon can't see her face from the distance but the way she walks; her floral knee-lenght dress and the dark denim jacket; makes it seem like she's feminine and pretty.

He watches her closely. His attention on the female who walks, almost skipping, happyily through the park, when she trips over her own foot, due to her open shoelaces and fall forewards. The noise from her books crashing onto the path and her body hitting the floor get's Junmyeon out of his trance and catches the attention of Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo as well.

The four boys look at the girl, who's hugging her knee before looking at her books and sighed. Crawling over to them she started picking them up. 

Kyungsoo, who stood up and walked over to her, started picking up her books. "Kamsahamnida!" The girl said and looked up. "Oh! Do Kyungsoo-ah!" She said recognising her classmate and bowed formally. "Choi Jimin-ah." He smiled. "Clumsy as ever." She blushed and fixed her hat, before taking her books and bowed again. "I didn't realised my shoelaces were open." Jimin spoke and smiled at her classmate.

Junmyeon's eyes are on his friend and the girl. They seem to know each other. "Baekhyun?" Junmyeon spoke. "Does Kyungsoo know her?" The words left his mouth before he could even think properly about them. "Yes. She's in his Drama course." Baekhyun answered and watched Junmyeon standing up and walking towards Kyungsoo and Jimin, who seem to be in a conversation about the mock exams.

"Yes! I am so happy I recited Shakespeare and not one of the newer Writers." Jimin spoke when she saw Kim Junymeon walking towards them. "Kyungsoo, you didn't told me that you know her." Junmyeon spoke and flashed the girl a pearly grin. She bowed formally.

"Annyeong." She said and Junmyeon looked at her. She had a feminine and petite face. Pretty enough to get away with anything she wanted, but Choi Jimin wasn't one to use her pretty face in order to get something. She didn't even know how attractive she was to the other gender.

Boys would call it the Choi Jimin Effect. Her petite face would attract their attention and then they would let their eyes wander over her petite figure and would be completely starstrucked by her. Sadly Choi Jimin never really experienced anything else than being looked at and getting compliments. Never in her 24 year long life did someone made an effort in getting to know her and fall in love with her

"A-Annyeong." Junmyeon gulped and bowed, still starstruck by her beauty. Jimin looked down at her watch and grabbed the last book Kyungsoo was holding. "We see us on Monday, Kyungsoo. Congratulations on passing." She smiled towards Kyungsoo and bowed in Junmyeon's direction. "I have to go know." She said, sad that the handsome boy opposite of her was frozen and didn't introduced himself. She smiled one last time and tightened the grip around her books before walking in the other direction and leaving Kyungsoo and Junmyeon behind her.

Junmyeon, still frozen, watched her leave until Kyungsoo dragged him back to the bench where Baekhyun and Chanyeol were still waiting. "You just embarassed yourself, hyung." Kyungsoo spoke and handed Junmyeon his can of Coke.

"What do you know about this girl?" Junmyeon said and looked sternly at Kyungsoo. He chuckled and hid his heart shaped smile behind his hand. "Choi Jimin?" He asked and smiled more, when he saw Junmyeon nodding his head like crazy. "Oh boy, she's a bitch from hell." Kyungsoo joked obviously but Junmyeon wasn't getting the hint. 

His head sunk down in dissapointment. "Really?" Kyungsoo put on his acting face - having fun messing with the older boy. "Yes, she's always mean and think's she's better than everyone else." Junmyeon sighed, sipping on his Coke. "Damn." Kyungsoo couldn't hold it back anymore and started laughing.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol rolled their eyes at Kyungsoo's silly joke but enjoyed the devastated face their Hyung made.

"I was messing with you, Hyung." Kyungsoo finally admitted and Junmyeon sighed. "She's lovely. She is always polite and helps everyone. She always get's good grades and I know she's pretty. My classmates and I call it the Choi Jimin Effect." Kyungsoo smiled and Junmyeon listened carefully.

"But she's not interested in relationships. So don't get your hopes up." Kyungsoo said and Junmyeon looked up and looked in the distance - but Choi Jimin wasn't there anymore.

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