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Jimin had a countdown on her desk in the dorm. Currently she had seventy-three days left in Korea and she still hadn't managed to tell her boyfriend Junmyeon about that. She had talked to her Parents and they asked her to come over for a visit before she goes to the United States. She had told her Dormmates so they could look for someone to take her room. But she hadn't told Junmyeon about her departure to America and she wasn't sure how she was going to do it.

She knew Junmyeon would be very sad and heartbroken by the news. But she also knew that he would accept the decision the school made. It was for educational purpose after all. Jimin was currently sitting in the University's library, listening to music with her headphones and reading a script of a famous Korean writer. It was a script for a Drama that was never shot and Jimin should find out the perks and mistakes in the Script to know why the Drama got cancelled.

She was very concentrated and didn't see the short haired girl in the pink blouse leaning at one of the bookshelfs watching her in boiling jealousy. Park Sodam found out about Choi Jimin in the students data of the library. She read everything there was to know about her love rival. The girl that stole her Oppa from her.

Sodam knew everything about her. From her hometown, to her mothers name and even her blood group. The only thing she couldn't understand was why everyone loved Choi Jimin. She wasn't that pretty. She was average and the short hair didn't even look good on her. She scoffed and grabbed a random book and walked over to a table where she could observe the girl better.

Jimin was taking notes about the script, when her phone vibrated. She unlocked it and held it onto her ear. "Junmyeon." She smiled his name and Sodam's head perked up at the sound of her Oppa's name. "Ne, I am still in the library. Mianhe. I have to study today." She spoke and giggled. Sodam wondered what they were talking about. "Saranghae." Jimin spoke and Sodam felt a dagger rushing through her heart. Jimin put the phone down and concentrated on her script again.

Sodam couldn't stand it anymore and stood up and left the library. "I'm going to make you pay for hurting me." She growled to herself before dissapearing into the mass of students walking on the hallway.

• • • ♥

Junmyeon looked at his phone after Jimin had hung up and sighed. She was weird lately. Always studying. He knew that she had to read this script but he was missing her. He wanted to invite her to his home so his parents could get to know her, but she was very busy lately.

Junmyeon put his phone in his pocket and walked into the cafeteria. He saw Jongdae sitting alone eaiting his lunch and walked over to him. "Annyeong-haseyo, Jongdae-ah." Junmyeon greeted him and sat down. "Hello." Jongdae greeted. "Can I ask you something?" Junmyeon asked shoving a spoonful rice in his mouth. Jongdae nodded.

"Is it just me or is Jimin behaving weird lately? The last four days she had so much school work to do and cancelled every date I offered her." He said and Jongdae coughed. "She has a lot of homework lately and the work in the coffeeshop is stressful at the moment as it is summer now." Jongdae said scratching his neck. He knew that Junmyeon didn't knew about the scholarship yet. 

"Give her time, Hyung." He just said and Junmyeon nodded, feeling sad. 

• • • ♥

Jimin was waiting infront of Junmyeon's Mini. She felt bad for rejecting him so much that's why she decided to ask him out on a date. If he would come to the car. After waiting for five minutes she saw her boyfriend trotting to the car and his face lit up when he saw his girlfriend standing there waiting for him.

"Jimin, what are you doing here?" He asked and pecked Jimin's cheek. "I'm sorry for ignoring you so much, lately. I want to make it up. Let's go and get ice, should we?" She smiled and Junmyeons heart beated. "Yes, of course!"

They climbed in the car and drove to a cute ice cream shop in Gangnam. They sat down with their cones and started eating. Junmyeon was holding her hand and smiled brightly. "I love hanging out with you Jimin. And I love your hardworking spirit." He said. "But please don't overwork yourself, Jagiya." He said and Jimin nudged her forehead on his shoulder. "I won't." She bit her lip. How was she going to confess to him that she had to leave the country after the summer was over?

She opened her mouth to say something, when Junmyeon also started talking. "You go first, Junmyeon." She smiled. He grinned. "I want you to meet my parents." He said. "Please make time this weekend." He said and Jimin nodded. She should make every of his wishes true as long as they were together.

"I am very excited to meet your parents. Tell me about them!" She said and nudged Junmyeon's side. She was listening to him talking about is family, his older brother and what he did. Then he talked about his mother telling Jimin how worried she was when she found out that he had a girlfriend and how his father only shook his head.

"They don't seem to approve of you having a girlfriend." Jimin said with a chuckle and Junmyeon shook his head. "They hate the idea. But when I told them about you they seemed way too eager to meet you." They both started laughing and for once Jimin forgot that she had to leave Junmyeon after the summer.

She had to leave the first man who loved her back.

• • • ♥

Sodam had followed Junmyeon's car with a taxi and was watching the couple from afar. She gritted her teeth when she saw them nudging each other and feeding each other with ice cream. When they leaned in to share a cute kiss she clenched her blouse infront of her chest, trying to numb the pain that was taking over her body.

She had to do something. As soon as possible.

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