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The cafeteria is loud and crowded. The group he was sitting with is talking about a soccer game. Chanyeol and Baekhyun laugh about the way Kim Jongdae speaks, while Kyungsoo and Jimin are in an intense discussion about something they learnt in their class. Junmyeon watches her from the side. Her pretty smile burns right into his soul and he gulps, knowing how hard he already fell for her.

He wants her attention on him - and only him and takes the opportunity. He grabs his phone and plays a song. It's not too loud but loud enough for Jimin to hear. It's Magic by Super Junior. Junmyeon watches Jimin. But there's no reaction from her. He turns it up. Still no reaction from Jimin. Junmyeon turns it down, feeling defeated.

Baekhyun, who watched Junmyeon's lame attempt to catch Jimin's attention looks towards the girl and taps her arm. "Choi Jimin-ah?" He asks and the girl looks at him and smiles. She likes Byun Baekhyun; he's a fun guy and very easy to talk to. Different to Kim Junmyeon who makes her heart beat ten times faster and make her stutter and look silly. "Chanyeol is having a party on friday, do you want to come?" Baekhyun asked and Jimin smiles.

Junmyeon watched Baekhyun. He is jealous that he got her attention - but other than him, Baekhyun phisically got her attention. "I'd love to!" She smiles and looks at Jongdae. "Would you mind taking my shift?" She asks him and Jongdae eyed her carefully before looking at the boys. He knows that Jimin only said Yes, because there's a big chance Kim Junmyeon be at that party as well.

"Don't worry, I'll take your shift." He smiled and looked at Junmyeon with warning eyes. Junmyeon gulped, while watching Kim Jongdae's serious face. Was the other boy trying to tell him something due to his facial expression? 

"Great!" Baekhyun said and wrote something down on a sheet of paper before handing to to Jimin. "That's the adress. The party starts at seven, don't be too late." He winks and looks towards Junmyeon, who shot Baekhyun a thankful smile.

• • • ♥

Junmyeon sits in the university's library, reading a script they have to write an essay on. He has his headphones on and is trying to work. He's writing a sentence over and over again, when he saw Choi Jimin walking into the library. She is carrying a lot of books and looks around for a place to study. 

Junmyeon watches her taking a seat and reading her books. And now, that she's there - just a down the hall - he's having a hard time concentrating. He lets out a heavy sigh and gets Park Sodam's attention. She looks up from her books and smiles bittersweet.

"This friday. Karaoke with the classmates." She says smiling. Junmyeon looks at her. "No way, Sodam-ah. Absolutely not!" He crosses his arms in an X kinda way. "Come on! Geunikka nae mareun neoreul da algo sipeu!" She sang and Junmyeon shook his head. "They won't let us in after last time, Sodam-ah. Do you remember what Lee Minjae-ah did?" Junmyeon asked and looked at Sodam who pouted. 

He didn't even reacted to her voice, when she sang. "I wasn't that bad." She blew up her cheeks and Junmyeon rolled his eyes. He wanted to watch Jimin, but with Sodam right infront of him it was impossible.

"No, not at all." Junmyeon laughed. "You just threw up on the stage and wanted to fight the bartender." Junmyeon watched Sodam's face flinch. "Oh, you also threatend to burn the place down. Very quiet night for you." Junmyeon grinned putting his attention back on his book.

"At least I didn't hump the bartender like Minjae-ah did." Sodam answered. "We are not going back there. Period." Junmyeon said without looking up. "Come on! That's a class thing, Junmyeon." "I really can't!" He defended himself. "I have a very important ... ehm, appointment on Friday!" He said and grabbed his books.

Sodam watches him leave the library and sighs. It was very hard to catch Kim Junmyeon's attention in a flirty-kind of way.

• • • ♥

"Hyung?" Chanyeol watches Junmyeon climb in his car. "Yes?" Chanyeol walked over to him and smiles. "Baekhyun had a great idea for your and Choi Jimin-ah's date!" He grinned. "We're going to pretend to have a party and when she arrives you're going to act as her knight in shining armour and ask her to accompany to the cinema or something." Chanyeol grinned and looked at the older boy.

"So there is no party on Friday?" Junmyeon asked and Chanyeol nodded. "Kyungsoo is going to tell Jimin to doll herself up, so you have a good looking girl on your side." Junmyeon laughs. "Chanyeol, even if Jimin-ah would wear a potato bag, she would look beautiful." Junmyeon said and Chaneol widened his already big eyes.

"Wow, hyung. You are so deep in the Choi Jimin trap."

• • • ♥

"I'm back!" Jimin spoke, after carrying the groceries into the flat she was sharing with Jongdae and two other boys. Yixing just came out of the living room, smiling. "Wait, Jimin. I help." He took one of the bags and carried it into the kitchen. "Where are Minseok-oppa and Jongdae?" Jimin asked and Yixing shook his shoulders. "Minseok is at soccer practice but don't ask me where Jongdae is. He left an hour ago." Yixing explained and started unpacking the groceries.

Jimin watched him. "Ne, Yixing-oppa?" She asked and the chinese boy looked at her. "What is it?" "What should I wear for a party?" She asked. "One of Kyungsoo-ah's friends invited me over on Friday and there's-"

"Ah, is it the party of the friend of your crush?" Yixing asked and Jimin opened her mouth. "How do-"

He interrupted her again. "Jongdae told us, that you have yet another crush." Yixing explained putting the milk into the fridge. "Jongdae also said, that he's a nice guy. Not like the other dudes you dated." Jimin looked at her Oppa in shock. "That's what Jongdae thought?" Jimin asked.

"Yes, that's what I think." Jongdae's voice came from the kitchen door and Jimin turned around seeing Jongdae holding a beautiful auburn coloured dress.

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