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A/N: This Gif is just too cute~ Look at Oppa eating his chicken~

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Junmyeon's fist was hanging in the air between him and the door to Choi Jimin's flat. He took a deep breath but couldn't bring himself to knock. He had seen Choi Jimin on the University grounds. But she was always sticking to Jongdae and Junmyeon kind of understood why. He was her backbone after Junmyeon had coldly dumped her without even talking to her properly. All he did was talking to her sleeping form — as if he was too shy or afraid to say it when she was conscious.

"How long are you going to stare at the door?" A voice startled Junmyeon and he turned around to see Kim Minseok, holding up two bags of a nearby convenient store. Junymeon gulped and tried to find words, but a lump was in his throat and he couldn't speak. "Are you here to visit Jimin?" Minseok asked when Junmyeon stepped away from the door and let the older male enter his flat. Minseok nodded for Junmyeon to come inside.

Junmyeon closed the door behind him and slipped off his shoes before he entered the flat. He gulped seeing that the door to Jimin's room was closed and loud music blasted through the piece of wood that shielded her from the three males she lived with.

Junmyeon tilted his head and sighed. "I broke her heart." He whispered. "You broke her completely. I don't even know why I let you in this house in the first place. All she does is crying, Kim Junmyeon." Minseok spoke and folded his strong arms infront of his chest while looking at the wooden door. 

"I did a mistake." Junmyeon stuttered feeling insecure next to the boy who seemed not so keen of his presence. "A mistake? Are you really sure you can un-do your little mistake with coming here? Are you sure she wants to see you?"

What the two arguing boys didn't realise was how Jimin's door opened and the girl stepped out. She thought she heard Junmyeon's voice and she was right. She gasped and clasped her hand infront of her mouth at the sight of the boy infront of her.

Her heart hurted at his sight and she pressed a fist on her chest. Her breathing hitched and she started at Junmyeon who turned around and locked eyes with her. "J-Jimin." He sighed and Jimin gulped. "What are you doing here?" She asked, her voice breaking as the memory of him leaving her without a word, flashed infront of her face. "What are you doing here?" She yelled, tears starting to drip-drop down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry." Junmyeon whispered. "I should've never left you." He started rambling. "I never thought someone of us would be the first to leave. Especially you Kim Junmyeon." She said biting her lip. "After all the stories you told me of your past relationships, I never thought that it would be you who would leave me like that."

Junmyeon felt horrible. Jimin was crying infront of him and he couldn't bring out a proper sentence, whiel Minseok judged him with a shaking head. "Jimin, I wished I could tell you goodbye and leave you. But, but I can't un-love you!" Junmyeon finally said and Jimin's head perked up. "The last thirty-nine days were a nightmare for me. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat as the guilt was killing me from the inside. As soon as I left you I regretted it. I was just so angry that you never told me about the scholarship and then I made silly things and left you." He took a deep breath. "I love you way too much to leave you, Choi Jimin. And I would wait a thousand years for you to come back. I shouldn't be the one that holds you back."

Junmyeon went on his knees and bowed. He apologised on his knees. Jimin gasped when she watched the young man kneeling down. Jimin looked over to Minseok who seemed as surprised as her.

Jimin took a deep breath and kneeled down. Her hand moved automatically to his dark hair and he looked up. "I can't un-love you either, Junmyeon." She whispered. "I love you, after all you've done I still love you."

"I always love more." Junmyeon stated and wiped Jimin's tears. "That's my thing."

Jimin started laughing and hugged her boyfriend. "Then today must be your lucky day. 'Cause I'm just the same."

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After the couple made up, they sat down in Jimin's room. Jimin was looking at Junmyeon and Junmyeon was looking at her. "Let's never break up again, okay?" The short haired girl whispered and Junmyeon nodded. "I won't be able to get over you anyway." Junmyeon laughed before he realised why he came here in the first place. He took an envelope out of his jacket and handed it to his girlfriend.

"What's that?" She asked but Junmyeon didn't answer, he just nodded, wanting her to open it. With shaking fingers Jimin opened the envelope and took out the letter where the logo of their university was on top.

Dear Kim Junmyeon, the letter said. With this letter the Acting Department of the Korea National University of Arts want to congratulate you for winning the scholarship for the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, New York City. Jimin blinked twice when she read the name of her new school. She looked up and saw Junmyeon grinning like an idiot.

"I decided to try out for the scholarship." He laughed. "The head of the Drama department yelled at me that he already gave the scholarship to someone and that I should try out at the Acting Department and they chose me." He smiled. "I'm going to New York with you, Jimin." He smiled and was tackled by his girlfriend. Jimin pressed her lips hungrily on her boyfriend while his hands roamed around her body to find her waist, holding her close. 

He couldn't believe how happy he was. And Jimin couldn't believe that she didn't have to break up with Kim Junmyeon after twenty-three days.

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A/N: The end is near~ The next chapter will be an epilogue and then we'll wrap up "93 Days of Summer"! I want to thank you for 610 readers and all the support and we see us on the Epilogue! - Inês

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