(93 - Epilogue)

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"Hold the pose!" Junmyeon grinned and held the Canon to his nose, taking a picture of his girlfriend infront of the Times Square, like the good tourist he was. When he was satisfied with his shot, he asked Jimin to take a picture of him as well. Jimin grinned and took the Camera, taking a picture of Junmyeon. She smiled scrolling through the pictures they made.

It's been four hours since they arrived in New York City and they decided to take a stroll through the Big Apple to get to know their new home better. They were taking pictures here and there and held their hands, walking through Central Park.

Jimin was happy that Junmyeon and her had the chance to study abroad, and even more exciting: they lived together in a small flat close to their university. A present Jimin and Junmyeon's parents had prepared before the couple would fly to the States.

The last days before their departure were spent with packing their stuff, cuddling and doing couple-y stuff. The most interesting thing that happened in the last days were their double date with Jongdae and his boyfriend Byun Baekhyun.

Jimin would've never guessed that Jongdae was bisexual and would actually fall for the flirt that was Junmyeon's friend, but it seemed that Baekhyun stole Jongdae's heart from the get-go and it was the start of a wonderful and cute relationship.

Their parents shed tears at the airport when the couple left, but they were happy that Jimin and Junmyeon had each other. And even if their English wasn't that good, they had no troubles talking to the people of New York.

When they arrived back home after their long day out in the big city, they sat down on the couch and zapped through the channels of American television. Jimin was cuddled up next to her boyfriend and looked up at him.

"I really thought I had to break up with you." She started and Junmyeon grinned. "But look where we are now?" She continued and leaned in to kiss her lover. Junmyeon grinned. "I wouldn't have let you break up with me in the first place." Junmyeon said and turned the television off sending all his attention to his girlfriend. "This year will be the year of us, Choi Jimin." He said and kissed his girlfriend.

"If we could manage to survive the last ninety-three days we can survive everything." Jimin mumbled and snuggled into her boyfriend. "Kim Junmyeon?" Junmyeon noddd. "I love you."

"I love you too, Choi Jimin."


• • • ♥

A/N: AAAAAH! I'm done! This fanfiction was a wild ride to be honest but I am so proud of myself for finishing it. In the middle I was so close to just deleting this whole thing but I am happy that I didn't do it.

While I was writing I was listening to 'Artificial Love' and I swear I'm not alright after the vidos of the performance. Especially the Chanyeol focus got me. *cries*

But again, thank you for all your reads, votes and comments! Without you, this fanfiction would've never be finished in the first place.

I love you all!


Suho humping the cane. (I'm fine I swear. N̶o̶t̶)

- Inês, 2016

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- Inês, 2016.07.23

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