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A/N: Thank you guys so much for 520 reads! I am very happy that you guys like this fanfiction as this was my very first EXO fanfic. If you enjoyed this fanfic you should go and check out my other EXO fics as well. And now happy reading!~ (P.S: Isn't that Gif of Junmyeon the cutest thing on earth?)

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Tears were dripping down Jimin's cheeks when she let go of her boyfriend and he accidently bashed the yellow lillies in her face. "Oops, I'm sorry." He laughed and handed Jimin the flowers. Jimin looked at the bouquet. "Do you know the meaning of yellow lillies, Junmyeon?" Jimin asked and Junmyeon blew up his cheeks and looked at his girlfriend with a confused face. "Aniyo?" He stutterted and watched Mrs. Choi leave the living room to join her husband in the kitchen.

"They mean puppy love." Jimin said and looked at the blossoms. "Jinja?" Junmyeon asked and gave her a bright smile. "I missed you." He said with a pout and hugged Jimin once more. "I came all the way to Ulsan because I missed you so much." He slowly let go off her. "And you owe me an explanation. Big time Choi Jimin." He growled and Jimin pouted walking in the kitchen and handing her mother the flowers to put them in a vase.

Jimin lead Junmyeon into her room and the couple sat down on Jimin's bed. "I knew this moment would come where I have to tell you everything. But I was just too afraid to confront you with this so I thought it would be better if I would leave you before I had to break your heart in exactly sixty-three days." Jimin started and Junmyeon looked at her. 

"I got a scholarship to study a year in New York City and I am leaving as soon as the summer is over."

Junmyeon looked at his hands. He felt a lump in his throat by his girlfriends words and felt his eye twitching. "Why does, whenever I fall in love, something happens that makes me the one with the broken heart?" He asked not looking at Jimin who gulped and felt her tears stream down her face. "I wanted to make things easier for you, Junmyeon." She stuttered but Junmyeon stood up. "Maybe you were right. It was a better idea to leave me before you had to break my heart after the summer ends. It was stupid of me to come here. After all, my heart broke."

Junmyeon rubbed his temples and looked down at the girl with the stains of tears on her cheek. "Don't go, Junmyeon. Stay with me a little longer." She whispered and grabbed his wrist pulling him back onto the bed. "Tomorrow you can hate me for hurting you so much. But please let me be with you just for tonight. Let's forget the world just for tonight. Chebal." Jimin whispered and Junmyeon sighed and nodded.

"Just for tonight."

After playing board games for a while, the couple got into their pyjamas and cuddled into Jimin's bed. Junmyeon held Jimin's hand and looked at the ceiling, feeling his heart breaking in his chest. "From tomorrow on", he said - not sure if Jimin was listening, "we aren't a couple anymore, Choi Jimin. No matter what you mean to me. It's better to cut off all the strings now than when it's to late." And then he closed his eyes to fall asleep with his love for the last time.

When Jimin woke up the next morning, Junmyeon wasn't lying next to her anymore. A note was plastered on the pillow telling Jimin about his departure and that they weren't a couple anymore. Jimin crumpled the note up in her hand before a wave of sobs washed over her, making it obvious how shattered her heart was.

The first man, that loved her back, had broken up with her, because she had to go and study overseas. 

"Life is unfair." Jongdae said, when Jimin called him, crying her eyes out. "It's not always that a handsome guy with jet black hair comes over and casually asks for your number." Jongdae continued, not realising what he was saying. "You're not comfortig me, Dae!" Jimin cried out and Jongdae coughed. "Sorry, got distracted." He said concentrating back on his friend.

"I told you from the beginning that it's not good to fall in love with such a neat and good guy. They can't handle break-ups." Jimin listened with interest before bawling her eyes out all over again.

When Chanyeol opened the door to a heartbroken Junmyeon, he knew what had happened and pressed a bottle of beer into the older boy's hands. Junmyeon told Chanyeol everything. About his arrival, Jimin's parents and about her departure at the end of the summer. "Sixty-two days and she dissapeares from my life completely." Junmyeon would cry before starting to sing I Will Always Love You, swaying with the beer bottle in his hand.

Chanyeol watched his friend falling into the heartbreak even more, while he was getting drunk and crying his eyes out. He sighed and took his phone, calling Baekhyun's number. "Chanyeol, what?!" The older male shouted and Chanyeol sighed. "Were you waiting from a call from your dark eyed prince?" Chanyeol teased and Baekhyun mocked him before asking what Chanyeol wanted.

"It's Junmyeon. He's heartbroken." Chanyeol only said, which alarmed Baekhyun. "Oh no." The older male sighed. "Choi Jimin broke up?" "No, Junmyeon broke up with her." Chanyeol said and Baekhyun widened his eyes. "Okay, I'll call Kyungsoo. We'll be with you guys in thirty minutes. Don't let Junmyeon do something stupid."

Chanyeol looked at Junmyeon who was still singing the ballad and nodded, even though Baekhyun - who already hung up - couldn't see.

When Baekhyun and Kyungsoo arrived, Junmyeon was sitting cross legged on the floor, and rocked his body from left to right while listening to U2's With Or Without You. "He's completely drunk." Chanyeol explained and the other boys sighed. "Let's just hope this heartbreak won't take as long to heal as the other ones." Kyungsoo said before kneeling down to Junmyeon and hugging him.

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